Unleash an Economic Miracle for the American Worker.
As a teenager James emigrated to a new promised land called America. He had no money, connections, friends, family, no college degree, and English was not his mother’s tongue. From the ages of 18 to 28, James lived in a sub-standard studio apartment with no health insurance and for five years drove a $1,500 car with over 120,000 miles.
During these humbling years, while other candidates established credit in the walls of Washington, cooks would give James food so he would not go to sleep hungry.
Yet against these tough odds, with no local investors, loans, partners, domestic connections a 580 credit-score, a $1,000-limit credit card, and working from library for 4 years, he became the American Dream in action. At 29 it all changed. James was an author, TedX Speaker, and a multi-millionaire businessman.
As the President and sole owner of his companies, he is responsible for balancing budgets, conducting international trade, expanding cash-flows, keeping abreast of business legislation and following the ethical codes of the privately held enterprise.
James wants Americans to experience The Miracle of The American Dream
- Striking the proper balance between an economy that desires to move at the speed of light, with a government that was initially designed to move really slow.
- James Tarantin believes that a government should do for the people what they may not be able to do for themselves. A government that ushers a new economic era where more Americans working and paying minimal taxes. A prosperity that would reduce the debt of our country.
- The specifics of the economy are important, but not as important as the understanding that a viable economy may often require some tender loving-kindness.
- Economists from the left and the right agree that’s its pretty easy to just print money and artificially boost the economy. A viable economy requires an Organic Growth, a full employment in the private sector. That is what James Tarantin will tirelessly fight for!
- THE COVID-19 outbreak had shattered … lives and businesses; from real-estate foreclosures, UNPAID ESSENTIAL WORKERS, loss of insurance and much more. Therefore, James Tarantin will champion and fight tirelessly to pass The Tarantin Plan for The American Dream Economy.
An Economy that will turn Maryland into a greater Powerhouse, alleviate poverty and lift U.S. middle-class families to wealth.
SOLUTION 1 – Big TAX CUTS for the People
a. Tax cuts
Tax cuts for companies based solely upon how many U.S. Jobs they created for the American People. For corporations that create many quality jobs in the U.S. would see their corporate tax as low as 15% and would be able to deduct all their business expenses, rather than a set, flat percentage. LOWER TAXES!
b. New Manufacturing – Made in the USA:
James Tarantin believes in Made in the USA products
By USA and Buy USA. Best Tax Cuts anywhere in the world for U.S. factories. Full tax-deductions for whatever the factory purchased in one specific year. As an example; quality steel, aluminum, to be made in the U.S.A and be exported around the world. Bringing manufacturing back to the USA is a huge multiplier of jobs. Emerging manufacturing technologies are critical to our future competitiveness. Incentivize Factories to come Back to Maryland and America
c. Simplify the Tax Code and make it Fair for the Middle-Class
- The goal – full employment and an economy that works at a full steam
- 95% of working families in Maryland and across the U.S. must be able to file taxes on their own. This will save them money and time.
- Pro-equality. Pro-growth. Pro-security tax policies for All Americans
- Eliminate some Tax deductions for the ultra-rich; like mortgage deductions on second and third homes. This policy favors the rich and not the middle-class.
- Eliminate the lower taxes the rich make off Capital-gains. This policy rewards risky speculations and not hard work.
- The Tax code must be simplified. No more loopholes such as giving companies tax-deductions for moving their factories overseas. Cut the red tape.
d. More Tax Credits per child:
James Tarantin became a parent in 2018. James believes that we must allow parents in Maryland and in the United States to have more access to capital.
It’s expensive to raise kids. If a business can get tax write-off, why can’t American parents get a full tax deduction when they invest in their children … in America’s future?Many studies show that more and more families are choosing to have fewer children due to the cost. Two to three decades from now this can create an older population in America and the youth population will shrink.
- For Our Children: Parents making less than $250,000 a year can fully deduct the basic costs of their children till the age of 15.
- For Our Children: Parents who create a designated saving account for their children’s college education, whatever monies put there, would be a 100% tax deduction.
- For Our Children: If a parent is a student on campus raising a child making less than $70,000 a year, this parent would receive $10,000 tax credit for as long he or she studies.
e. Cut Taxes now for 95% of working families:
Increase taxes on the personal income of those making $1 million and more. We want the richest to keep their profits in the company for community growth, hiring and research and not spend their income on luxury shoes they don’t need and are made offshore. In 2016, the top 3% of the richest Americans had half of the nation’s wealth.
- A Tax Increase on those who make more $1 Million a year or more and limit the number of tax-free gifts they can give a year. A 5% increase on the top 1% can raise $1 trillion of additional revenue over the next 10 years.
- Capital Gains: Capital Gains income overwhelmingly favor the wealthy. Change the Tax-Code that the income from such gains will be enjoyed after 3 years and not after one. This will create more wealth for America as a whole as the investments linger for a longer time.
- Parents with one child or more making less than $150,00 would receive an additional $10,000 standard deduction. For families earning between $150,00 and $300,000, increase standard deductions by 5%.
- Increase the itemized deductions for single filers and married couples filing jointly making less than $250,000 a year.
Summary > Cut Taxes. LOWER Taxes. Cut Taxes! Thomas Paine said in the book Rights of Man: “High taxes not only lessen the property of the individuals, but they lessen the money-capital of a nation.” Cut taxes for 95% of Americans.
a. A Dignified Retirement and 401 (k):
- Create a new simple, no-fee way for the people who don’t have access to employer-based plans, to save for retirement.
- James believes that we should allow more ways for people to use their retirement savings that will produce a life-time income, immediately.
- James believes that we should use current technologies, enhance security, including Chip-and-PIN tech, to help reduce fraud and better protect Americans’ personal information.
- Eliminate any regulations for the elderly to receive hearing aids. Over 30 million Americans suffer from hearing loss
b. Jobs. Jobs. Jobs! > James Tarantin believes that we should Focus on full employment. Low unemployment numbers do not reflect the fact that many citizens just stopped looking for employment, because they lost hope. The time is now to lower unemployment rates among minorities, African America, Asian and Latinos. The best form of welfare is a quality, high-paying job.
SOLUTION 2 – More Tax Cuts! – More Cash for the American Working Families
- a. Payroll Tax Cuts: As agreed by many economists, payroll tax relief is one of the most effective tax cuts you can do to spur economic growth and lower the unemployment rate.
- b. Cut the Death Tax: Ensure that no child will ever pay taxes on inherited money in Maryland and in the U.S.A. Moreover, small and closely held businesses, farms, homes, personal properties and heirlooms must be protected and meet no tax upon inheritance.
- c. Cut taxes for companies hiring veterans and additional tax-cuts for hiring a veteran with a disability.
- d. Real-Estate Tax Cuts: James believes that we should create a major tax-deduction for married couples on the down-payment of their first home. That is the right thing to do.
- e. Get Cash Back! Force airlines to pay a fee to customers for delayed baggage. Moreover, force all companies to email to customers the data they shared with them over the phone. Thus, James believes that everything will be in writing and the people will have written proof to get a refund or a clear understanding on where they stand. There have been tens of thousands of cases where companies promise or say one thing to a customer over the phone and then a week later this customer will get a bill of which he or she never agreed on! How is this a moral capitalism?
- f. Renters’ Tax Credit: People whose rent is over 30% of their income and make less than $70k a year will get a tax credit. The place you live is so important for your health, your child’s education, and its proximity to your work.
SOLUTION 3 – A Smarter Government
Restore Fiscal Responsibility:
a. CUT AND CUT REGULATIONS: James Tarantin believes that for every new regulation eliminate 10 old ones that do not work! Eliminate programs that do not work and cost a fortune to the American Taxpayer. Create an economy free from government’s grip and bathed by the sunlight of human freedom. President Obama said: “I believe in Less regulations”. James believes that the private sector and American innovation will always do a better Job than the Government.
b. CUT Government Excessive Spending: In 1913, the 16th amendment gave Congress the power to tax income, but it didn’t LIMIT the ability to borrow against this stream of future revenue. Just as Maryland families are responsible for their spending, James Tarantin believes that the Government must be responsible for its spending; have a debt ceiling that forces restraint when the debt reaches the ceiling. The answer to curing inflation, according to former FED Chairman Alan Greenspan, is to eliminate wasteful administrative spending AND to operate with a balanced budget. When budget deficits happen then inflation occurs. How do you balance the budget?Its just like protecting your virtues, Embrace the Power of Saying “No”.
c. Bring Cash Back Home: A one-time, tax-fee on trillions of dollars U.S. corporations are holding off-shore. The purpose is to release capital that can create U.S. jobs now. James Tarantin believes that It’s not fair to tax corporations on money they make offshore as long as they bring back their cash reserves to the USA and invest in the United States.
d. Uplift Young Entrepreneurs: How can they forge the industries of tomorrow in Maryland and across the United States, if they have no cash? James Tarantin remembers the days where no investor was willing to invest money in his enterprises and how tough it was to spark a company to life.
- Entrepreneurs are the crucial engine of Jobs and wealth creation in Maryland and in the United States of America.
- Create a policy where private venture funds receive tax incentives should they invest money in entrepreneurs from a minority background and propose to hire a min of ten- full time, U.S. jobs for a certain set amount of time.
- Furthermore, cut regulations so the entrepreneurs of the future can open and close companies quickly.
- Tax-Deductions for tech manufacturers who are making tech products in the USA and in MARYLAND!
- Look ahead to future industries in Maryland and across the U.S.
e. Invest in Science and Innovation:
- Wisely and conservatively invest in American Ingenuity from information technology to biotechnology and more.
- ARPANET, the predecessor to today’s modern internet, was created with an initial $2.2 million investment made by the Federal Government in 1968. NASA was established by the Government and the American interstate highway system was built during the Eisenhower administration. Wise and conservative federal investments can produce useful things for the people.
- Congress should establish a cabinet level Department of Technology headed by a Secretary of Technology. This person can turbo charge the American economy. Bill Gates concurs: “What I think our political leadership should do is accelerate innovation. Invest in Government R&D.’” James Tarantin believes that these kinds of wise investments along with a fiscally conservative budget can create the next chapter of global innovation that will benefit Maryland and the United States.
- The nation should define areas where it wishes to do better. Then offer good cash prizes to private companies of all kinds if they succeed in developing a product that is in the national interest of the People.
SOLUTION 4 – Bigger-than-Life Infrastructure:
Maryland and The United States have some of the oldest roads, airports, railways, and bridges in the modern world. According to Bloomberg, U.S. airports rank 76th in the world in terms of efficiency and modernity. According to the World Economic Forum: Germany has the first hydrogen powered train. China has a giant floating solar-powered power plant and Maryland is behind! James Tarantin will fight for the most ambitious infrastructure projects in the history of America.
An unprecedented investment in American infrastructure includes transit, roads, bridges, tunnels, seaports, water treatment, media communications, air ports and much more …
Let’s make sure that whatever the current government spends now on infrastructure actually goes to infrastructure and not other “things”.
a. Financing new infrastructure projects puts people to work, generates more productivity and raises the Status of America on the international stage. We need to see a forest of cranes in every city rebuilding the country’s crumbling and inadequate infrastructure (air, rail, ports, inland waterways and public road transportation) and giving people millions of new quality jobs.
b. For New Airports – It’s a fact: the country’s air traffic control primarily relies on the 1960s radar system, rather than more modern satellite technology. This limits the ability of airplanes to arrive and depart, on time, to and from airports.
TRUE > New infrastructure investment pays dividends in a number of ways. New high-speed trains will reduce carbon emissions and improve life for millions. Well planned transit projects attract investments and support commerce. Upgraded infrastructure is also essential for emergency responses – whether a natural disaster or a totally unpredictable event, better roads, bridges, airports, and communications will improve disaster response.
SOLUTION 5 – Helping Small Businesses in Maryland now
James Tarantin passionately believes that we must liberate the spirit of enterprise in the most distressed areas of Maryland and across the land. From this act, new opportunities will rise.
a. More SBA Loans for Small Businesses:
- cut regulations on all small American businesses who need immediate access to capital. America is a small business country. Most jobs come from small businesses. Ask any businessman/businesswoman and they would say: “40 years ago, it was so much easier to make money.”
- To further assist, on all fronts, certain groups of people who own small businesses; Asian Americans, Black Americans, Hispanic Americans, and Sub-Continent Asian Americans.
b. Protecting Jobs:
- The nation must encourage entrepreneurs to create and prosper. Some deliberately want to create disruptive technologies that will eliminate jobs of millions of working men and women that have no means of defense. Machines should not replace the middle-class!
- Hard working men and women should not just find it easy to secure a job, but to be able to have a fair say in the workplace. They should not feel intimidated by employers who threaten to replace them with independent contractors.
c. Better, more Community Banks:
- According to Bill Clinton, Dec/2010: “If community banks loan money conservatively, they can loan $10 for every dollar that they have in the bank.”
- It’s very well known by now that the finance industry has shifted away from its essential, original function of allocating capital to productive uses, and moved towards short-term, often predatory money gambles and loans. Banks with cash-reserves must start to invest NOW and lend to small businesses!
d. Bank Notes to help the Blind:
- Some countries have braille on the bank notes so the blind can identify them. Sometimes doing good deeds that have no political interest can bring good karma.
e. More Money for Small Business:
- Any American small business with a total gross revenue of less than $3M per year will not need to pay tax projections/estimates for the following year. This specific practice drains the ability of any small business to invest and grow.
f. South Korea is a Friend of Ours:
- South Korea has an immense economy. Maybe it will be wise to explore the South Korean idea of creating an alternative stock market tailored to the needs of small businesses so it will be easier for these small businesses to raise capital in a fast and legitimate way
SOLUTION 6 – Reduce the National Debt of America
- There is a difference between debt and deficit. Think about it; a nation’s debt is the total deficit (amount of money) that it owes. In a given year, If a government spends more than it takes in, then the government has deficit and it borrows money to pay this deficit. Comparing current debt levels to those of 1950 is not accurate way to measure debt levels. One should compare debt as a ratio to GDP for an accurate comparison.
- The U.S. has over $26 trillion debt and counting!! With OVER $26 trillion national debt (2019) and $60 trillion in unfunded mandatory obligations for programs such as Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid, the U.S. government has a growing obligation of over $79.1 trillion which is 4 times the GDP. James Tarantin believes based on deep research, that the current debt is a real TIME BOMB that will ultimately result in the loss of the purchasing power of the U.S. dollar and even a total meltdown of our financial system.
- The 2008 recession was not a traditional cyclical recession. Interest rates were zero but one of the main causes was a debt crisis. It was the level of debt that cannot be cured by simple tools of economics. Markets fear that the USA will not be able to return this debt. This effects investments. The 2008 recession was a collapse of the financial system that was governed by officials with self-centered interests. This is an honest statement.
- America cannot spend more than it takes in, just like any American family. The private sector suffers the penalties when the public sector pays too much to borrow money.
- SOLUTION > Cut the Deficit: Cutting the deficit is essential to keep mortgage rates low for middle class families, and for the nation to experience a more robust and competitive economy. James Tarantin believes that a great way to reduce the deficit is to create new levels of wealth and jobs by eliminating inefficiencies. 1.5% GDP growth per year is not historically high according to Bloomberg.
SOLUTION 7 – The Minimum wage:
For it:
- “No one loses anything by raising wages as soon as he is able. It has always helped us.” Henry Ford. In 1934, 20 years after doubling workers’ pay – a move that help cut employee absenteeism from 10% to 1% and boosted sales 63% in one year.
- “Raising the minimum wage won’t make much difference in macroeconomic terms.” Time Magazine March/9th/2015 – It constitutes such a small piece of the economic pie.
- Some studies suggest that a 10% increase in the minimum wage would reduce poverty by 2.4%
Against it:
- According to Time Magazine on March/9th/2015 – labor’s share of the economic pie has been decreasing since 1970s. A big reason is the outsourcing of Jobs to low-wage countries and Wal-Street bosse’ who punish companies that raise the minimum wage.
- The Congressional Budget office in 2014 noted: “consumers would face higher prices of products as a result of minimum-wage increase.”
- Companies may fire employees due to higher salaries.
There are hundreds of articles that support the minimum wage and hundreds of articles that don’t. It’s a question of how many jobs will be eliminated vs. how many working families will be paid a living wage. The Minimum wage should be up to the States with a $-an-hour federal floor agreed by both parties. James Tarantin believes that America needs to pass fair bills with the support of both parties.
We need to give workers a wage that reflects the rising inflation and general, annual increase of costs of living.
SOLUTION 8 – Economic Education– New 21st Century Skills:
- The Educated Citizen: People invest in companies without knowing the mindset of the CEO of the company they are investing in. Many CEOs think in terms of quarter-to-quarter profits and not the benefit of society. The honest truth is that CEOs make decisions to please their largest shareholders and NOT what is best for society. Ultimately, people invest in high-yield bonds and junk bonds, without really knowing their true nature.
- The Educated Citizen: The U.S. retirement market holds about $25 trillion in assets. The problem is that financial brokers and advisors act more like cunning salespeople by recommending to innocent citizens in Maryland to buy inferior products. James Tarantin believes that we need to strengthen rules so that financial advisors put the interests of their clients first in handling retirement accounts. Strengthening means creating a “only healthy food menu” – whatever you choose is healthy.
- Promotion of Good Laws: We might assume that if a law passes that everyone would know about it. Often the media takes the facts of the policy and presents them in a selected type of way. Large corporations have the staff and resources to study new laws, while small businesses do not and thus cannot progress.
- Training Centers: Give tax credits to small and large businesses who create training centers that educate the unemployed on skills that he or she will need to land a job in the 21st century workplace.
SOLUTION 9 – A Fair Financial Sector:
The wealthy inject unlimited money into elections which persuade the people to vote for candidates the can give them more money through laws. The Result? The cards are stacked against the people of Maryland, and this unfair system dissolves opportunity for all Americans. Virtually all governments have an immense safety net for the rich and Wall Street, while love and assistance for The People is virtually nil, zero. James Tarantin will fight with all his might to stop subsidies for the ultra-rich and as seen throughout his detailed and compassionate plan, he will introduce real and innovative legislation, that will quickly lift lives of working-class men and women
- James Tarantin believes that the financial sector needs to be more responsible and understand that its actions can harm individuals in Maryland and society at large as we saw in the financial meltdown of 2008. Financial speculations, predatory products, lack of transparency and skyrocketing salaries, all hamper the effort to attain a better middle-class life.
- While average CEO pay remained relatively constant at around $1 million adjusting for inflation from the mid-1930s to the mid-1970s, by 2012 the average compensation for the 500 highest paid CEO’s had skyrocketed to $30.3 million. Only 6.3% was salaries and bonuses. I can’t believe there is anybody who thinks that when a CEO takes $20 Million as a salary package, that that won’t be seen as being taken directly from the wallets of the American worker. Most cannot take comfort in this kind of system.
- Financial markets are inherently unstable and there is no global body that regulates the financial markets as a cohesive unit. Each country has its own rules – central banks or FEC. The proof that a governing board is needed becomes obvious each time financial derivatives hit the market and cause financial chaos worldwide.
James Tarantin believes that we must assure fair play where the middle-class gets a fair shot:
- Solution: The SEC should require private equity and hedge funds to further disclose holdings, returns and fee structures. This will increase fair competition in the market.
- Solution: Enforce the rules. When a financial firm is investigated and admits to no wrongdoing but found guilty, the result is usually imposition of a minor fine. Sadly enough, very often that fine is paid from the taxpayer’s money. No individual is held accountable, no penalties for the board of directors. Many of the current regulations in the Financial sector are enforced by the Federal Reserve and the leadership there is heavily influenced by the largest private sector financial firms.
- Solution: There is a concern that the federal reserve reflects the interests of the financial markets, with their focus on inflation, rather than the economy as a whole and the American workers who care more about unemployment. They should disclose all potential conflicts of interests and any individual with any conflict of interest should not be able to serve in the Federal Reserve
- Solution: James Tarantin thinks it’s fair that every public company must be required to have a Living Will. Let’s say that tomorrow the company dies and it can’t meet its financial obligations. There should be a detailed accounting explanation of how these funds / obligations to all taxpayers will be met.
- Solution: Corporations must disclose in a simple, easy way to understand form, the pay given to the top management. Moreover, improvements should be made to fee disclosure forms that banks give to consumers. Let us eliminate deceptive marketing in the financial system.
- Solution: James Tarantin believes that businesses must re-commit themselves to the success of the nation. It is about expanding the total pool of economic and social value – Energy Use, Water Use, Employee Health, Worker Safety, Employer Skills, Environmental Impact.
- Solution: We should all work together to prohibit banks from risky trading that are NOT related to core of the banking business. America must make sure that if the banks fail again, as they did in 2008, the Maryland citizen and the American Taxpayer will not bail them out again.
- Solution > Protect Earned Income: Banks and hedge-fund managers must be better regulated on how they can spend the monies the people trust with them. Financial speculation with other people’s money must be kept to a low minimum and consumers warned of its potential deadly outcome ahead of time. Think about it … they manage trillions of dollars worth of monies made by working-class families in Maryland and across this great nation.
- Solution > Protect People from Credit-Card Schemes: credit-card company schemes and abusive credit-card rate hikes directly affect the savings of honest working-class families. James Tarantin believes we have to change it.
- Solution: President FDR signed legislation that sought to end Wall-Street speculation with other people’s money. James Tarantin believes we should tax the profits made from these speculations. Since when did it become humane to profit billions by speculating with the money of hard-working people and then pay almost no tax?
- Solution: Regarding the Federal Reserve:
- On the right, many argue for a rule-based system – monetarism, under the influence of Milton Friedman, called for the supply to increase at a fixed rate.
- On the Left, there is a concern that the federal reserve reflects only the interests of the financial markets, with their focus on inflation. Little attention is given to the economy as a whole or for workers who care more about unemployment.
- Federal Reserve Board Members should disclose potential conflicts of interests, and any that are found to have any conflicts, would not be able to serve in the Federal Reserve.
SOLUTION 10 – Reduce Credit card Fees for the Poor and Middle-Class:
a. James Tarantin believes that when people pay very high credit and debit card transactions fees, this is one clear example of abuse of power.
b. Modern technology should allow the transfer of money from the individual’s bank account to another, for a fraction of the current price.
c. This market must act competitively and not be subject to an unrestrained monopoly power.
James Tarantin believes that we must eliminate fraud and reduce excessive credit-card debts for the poor and the American working, middle-class families, Now.
James Tarantin believes that people in Maryland and across the United States must have health care coverage! It cannot be that a family who has worked hard all their lives, only to have their savings suddenly taken away due to an accident or a health issue!
As a teenager James immigrated to a new promised land called America with no money, connections, friends, family, or a college degree and English was not his mother’s tongue. From the ages of 18 to 28, James lived in a poor studio apartment with no health insurance and for 5 years drove a $1,500 car which had over 120,000 miles.
During these humbling years, while other candidates established credit in the walls of Washington, cooks would give James food so he would not go to sleep hungry and when once an ambulance came to his apartment after a food poisoning, James had to send them back because he could not afford the $700 charge they requested.
On Aug/17th/2009 – Fortune Magazine wrote – “how did $138 billion of projected cash go missing in one year?” – many say it will go bankrupt by 2036 and that if you ran social security as a company you would be in jail.
- Problem– The costs of drugs in the USA are exceedingly high.
- Problem –People who go to the hospital end-up paying bills for years after.
- Problem – Women are considered to be patients of Pre-Existing conditions because they carry a baby. Bad!
- Problem – There are many Health insurance scams which include trickery clauses and unexpected fees. Moreover, the private insurance companies maximize profits when they pay out as little as possible. So honest people have to always be on the lookout. Why?
- Problem – Patients experience long waits for a surgery or a treatment.
- Problem – In 2009 according to the Rolling Stone (August/20th/2009) – 60 people die a day in this country because they don’t have health insurance.
- Problem – Is it fair to Stop Monopolies? > Many scholars say that the healthcare industry is loaded with them. From hospitals to insurance companies, and pharmaceutical companies, when they are allowed to consolidate, it reduces competition and raises prices. Through time and a massive investment in the campaign of politicians, they gained political influence and thus rig the system for their profit. As an example, one pharmaceutical company had increased the price of the anti-parasitic drug Daraprim by 5,000% in one month, from $13.50 per pill to $750.
- The Status Quo cannot stay! Healthcare is too expensive and doesn’t protect the vulnerable.
- COVID-19 had worsened the situation for hundreds of thousands of hard-working Marylanders!
- James Tarantin believes that all people want and wish to have health coverage.
- The Tarantin Plan here plan solves 2 core issues – affordability and access for every citizen in Maryland.
- Your insurance will be your choice!
Maryland deserves a U.S. Senator who will really transform healthcare for the middle-class!
James believes that urgency does matter! Working People in Maryland and across the United States need healthcare right now!
Create an environment where health insurance prices and prescription drug costs drop sharply as a result of market competition and tax incentives. Access to health-insurance doesn’t mean much. People have access to buy a fancy car, but they can’t afford it. The Congressional Budget Office during the Obama administration estimated that universal health coverage for all would balloon the federal spending by $240 billion annually.
a. A Catastrophic Health Care Coverage: James Tarantin believes in providing Catastrophic Coverage for every American citizen earning less than $70,000 a year. The plan would provide basic coverage that is easy to access. It would be there in the event of an unpredictable health catastrophe or massive health issue such as a surgery, serious dental work and mental health. The program will not be administered by for-profit companies, would allow every American to auto-enroll and premiums would be fair and affordable. Private options would still be available, so competition in the marketplace would remain.
b. Expand Medicaid: Every American who makes less than $250,000 a year will see his or her benefits go up. This can create up to 50,000 new jobs, boost GDP of Maryland by over $5 Billion annually and protect rural hospitals from shutting down. James Tarantin promises in good faith that he will not cut Medicaid. Period
c. Education: Create a financially conservative program to educate people how not to get sick. To Prevent. Oprah Winfrey once said: “95% of all health-care dollars are spent on treating diseases and less than 5% on preventing it. This paradigm needs to change.”
d. Big Tax incentives: a) to all restaurants and food supply chains that serve healthy food, b) employers who give their employees quality health-care, c) people who prove they lead a healthy-life style, and d) doctors who willing to serve in a poor neighborhood.
e. REDUCE TAXES FOR NURSES AND DOCTORS: any nurse or doctor who are willing to work at any part of the Rural areas of Maryland and or the U.S.A., full-time, for 3 years straight, will pay a flat federal tax of no more than 10% during this time. This incentive will unlock the shortage of nurses and doctors at the most needy parts of the country and begin to break the line between health and wealth.
f. Cuts regulations with the guidance of doctors and hospitals, so that patients can get faster care. Add regulations on addicting products such as tobacco, which has been proven to be a leading cause of death.
g. Break the state lines by allowing local insurance companies to compete across state lines and for local drug prices to drop. Moreover, allow private sector companies from our allied nations to compete in the health insurance marketplace. Finally, review the practice of PRICE GOUGING, and add string and human regulation where necessary, most notably in the prescription drug industry. This will help millions of people in Maryland and across the United States.
h. Allow pre-existing conditions to be covered: Completely forbid health-insurance companies from denying coverage to people with pre-existing conditions. James Tarantin will work tirelessly to allow every Marylander and American with a pre-existing condition to access health insurance coverage with a 100% protection!
i. For Kids and babies: Extend health-insurance coverage for middle-class kids and protect babies from foods that are full of dangerous, processed chemicals.
j. MORE For Kids and babies: Hundreds of thousands of babies are born with neurological issues that affect their motor skills. Young parents must be educated what to do. CT scans DO NOT always detect the issue and physical therapy (which fundamentally helps) is not covered by most health insurance companies.
k. For Veterans: They should be able to see a doctor right away without waiting in line and have the best healthcare available to them and their families, for free. No questions asked.
l. Fiscally sound Investments on research to cure cancer, diabetes, etc…
m. Tax credits to companies that provide health insurance to their employees.
n. Good Karma and Justice: Countries as Portugal don’t treat addiction as a crime but as a disease.
o. Standing with Women: educate young women on the process of healthy pregnancies. This will make their return to the workplace, if they choose, a much smoother one. They can take the full advantage of the economic opportunities waiting for them. Moreover, many good mothers across the country do not have the proper education on how to raise their precious newborn babies. Mothers barely sleep due to late night feedings and that fact takes a huge toll on their health and vitality. THEREFORE, Let’s support our mothers on neonatal and postnatal care right now! – SEE BELOW!
p. Mothers Care NOW: Every mother making less than $100k a year must get a 4 month fully paid maternity leave and the safety that her job will be waiting for her when she returns. Often a Mother cannot depend on friends or family, who themselves are busy working. No mother should have to choose between caring for her child or losing a job. It is critical we foster a solution that will have a positive impact in the mental health of mothers and not bankrupt companies at the same time. Their state of mind directly impacts our children’s cognitive, linguistic and social-emotional development. It is the right, moral thing to do.
q. Women Rights are Human Rights: James Tarantin will fight with all his might that no woman in America will ever be denied coverage just because she is a woman. With the innovative ideas presented by James Tarantin, even the hardest-hit communities across the USA will slowly start to have adequate OB-GYN care for women, as well as other compassionate healthcare programs. All women deserve Equal Rights, Equal Pay, a full access to healthcare, a paid maternity leave. “I am my sister’s keeper.”
r. For Holistic Health: Allow holistic health medicine as prescribed by certified officials to be tax-deductible for the people of Maryland and across the United States
s. Import Medicine: one of the best ways to reduce the costs of medicine is by allowing Americans to import drugs from abroad so long as they meet the FDA requirements.
t. A Fairer Patent Process: Medical patents should offer the promise of a healthier, happier life. But far too often, they give pharmaceutical companies monopolistic power in the marketplace.
u. Outlawed Opioid drugs that are clinically proven to be addictive and deadly.
v. Caring for Mental Health: Many people, young and old and all ages in-between, suffer from stress, anxiety and other mental disorders. In general, when someone is grieving, we want to help, when someone is distressed, we tend to shun away. Nearly one in two people will suffer from depression or from other form of mental disorder in their lives. This is not just a moral issue but an economic one as well. This is why we need health insurance companies to cover mental health issues, as well as helping schools to address this issue. Loving-kindness is the key.
w. 100% Strengthen Consumer Protection! – This is a moral duty of those in public office
x. Build new 21st century hospitals in Rural Areas: Let us give entrepreneurs and companies strong tax credits to build the hospitals of tomorrow in rural, underserved New hospitals are the DELIVERY mechanism to access care. James Tarantin will work tirelessly to get this done, also by channeling available federal funds for this humane cause.
y. More competition. More bidding. For example: by bargaining with drug companies for bulk prices, the U.S. department of Veterans Affairs pays 40% lower prices for prescription drugs than the standard market prices.
z. More cures for diseases. More Cures.
On Socialist Programs:
- The Democratic strategist David Gergen once said on August 20, 2009 – “What we do know from the Clinton effort, and what we’ve seen it in the past, is that you can get a lot of support early for health care reform, but when you start looking at particulars, the support erodes.: Therefore:
- Universal Healthcare is a wonderful, humane idea, but economists from the left and the right point out that the USA is not like Sweden, which has a smaller population and can afford, at this moment in time, providing Universal Healthcare. Right now, due to corrupt and incompetent politicians, we, the people have a debt as of over $27 trillion. As a result, from a dollars and cents standpoint, we may not be able to afford it. The nation could go bankrupt!
Extreme Socialism may not be the answer. Margaret Thatcher once said: “The problem with socialism is that at some point someone’s money will run out.”
- Opium addiction is a national epidemic. Since 1999, overdose deaths have quadrupled. The majority of prescription opioids that are being misused are coming from not from people buying them off the street, but from legally written prescriptions.
- People who get caught using the drug once, maybe twice will end up with a civil record, and as a result, have a tough time getting a job. This should change.
- Education: We need to make sure that everyone understands the danger of opioids.
- Diplomacy: We must diplomatically pressure targeted countries such as Mexico, to stop the flow of illegal drugs to the USA.
- Best Tech: America must establish the best technology to stop these drugs at the border.
- Safety: Allow law enforcement to confiscate drugs with false labels and prescriptions.
- Quality Database: We should establish a national database website where our citizens can have access into checking on fake actors and distributors of these drugs across state lines.
- Provide FREE of CHARGE 24/7 hotline counseling for those who need help.
- Let’s make sure that our brave first responders have the necessary medications to prevent overdose deaths.
Parents DO HAVE A SAY in their children’s Education.
James Tarantin
It’s true that many successful entrepreneurs do not have a college education. Though James Tarantin, like tens of millions of good Americans, did not have the money and the opportunity to go to college, he believes that the strength of the American economy and the economy of Maryland is directly linked to the strength of America’s education system.
Thomas Jefferson once observed, “talent and virtue, needed in a free society, should be educated regardless of wealth, birth or other accidental condition.”
Our young men and women are the intellectual infrastructure of the future. We know that in this new world, today, 12 years of education is not enough.
- PROBLEM – Many nations’ educational system is more advanced than the USA.
- PROBLEM –Politicians need to understand that the best anti-poverty program is a world class education.
- PROBLEM – The National Council of Education Opportunity Associations states: “that the proportion of students earning college degrees by age of 24 from families in the richest quarter of the population (in 1994, those with incomes above $60,000) has jumped sharply, to 79% in 1994 from 31% in 1979. But the rate among students from families in the poorest population (with 1994 incomes below $22,000) stayed flat over the same years, at about 8%.”
- PROBLEM –Today, students face around $1 Trillion of student loan debt. There’s very little relief in sight as the average college tuition costs continue to rise.
- PROBLEM – Pressure from society on both parents and children, that if the children will do not go to a good college they will fail in life. The system is broken and is rigged.
- An Army of Teachers and Giving them Benefits:
- James Tarantin believes in recruiting a new army of quality teachers by offering great tax credits on their personal income should they stay teaching for a certain amount of time.
- These tax-breaks would shift the dynamic of education in every community in America.
- Parents save money Now: James Tarantin believes that parents in Maryland and across the United States who create a designated saving account for their Children’s college education, whatever monies put there, would qualify for a 100% tax deduction. The accumulative cash in the account can only be used for the Children’s’ college education. Bottom line, no school can replace a loving parent who inspires and enlighten his/her child on a daily basis.
- Better Students: Provide designated places in schools where kids can relax and do meditative exercises such as Yoga and positive thinking, which increase focus. These stress-relief places will be inspirational places that inspire equality and success. This must be done in such a way as to not violate the First Amendment. For example, beginning in 1965, Transcendent Meditation Technique has been incorporated in certain schools, universities, corporations and prison programs in the USA, Latin America, Europe. In 1985, the U.S. military effectively used these methods with veterans who were suffering with Post Traumatic Disorder. Later, the Department of Defense issued a $2.4 million grant to further investigate how meditation could benefit veterans. Using ideas learned from this experience, schools can build better programs that inspire the students to actually love studying and not just to memorize data by route and pass a test.
- Stop Bullying and Sexual Assaults NOW: James believes that bullying in K-12 and the abuse of women on college campuses must stop immediately.
- Love to Learn: It’s not about an education system that is focused on absolute scores and advertises success over failure. It’s about instilling the love of learning in our young kids.
- Reduce and Eliminate Students’ Debt: Offer to eliminate the debt of students if they serve their country or go to teach in schools for 10 years. In 2015, the total debt of U.S. students was close to $1.2 trillion. Moreover, allow students to refinance their college loans just like a mortgage or a car-loan. I want to consider a similar model used in Australia, where students who finish their degree, and are not earning enough to cover their student loan payments, instead receive tax credits. A bi-partisan committee would work to determine how will these tax credits be initiated.
- Better Community Colleges: Create a bi-partisan committee composed of both Republicans and Democrats to research how community colleges can become free of charge for poor and working class-families in Maryland and across the United States.
- Cooperating with the Private Sector to Help Students: Provide tax-incentives to any U.S. company that financially supports community colleges and/or creates programs which will train verified, unemployed Americans in the jobs of the 21st Century. Additionally, wealthy investors may agree to pay for student’s college education in exchange for a set percentage of their future income. If the student ends up with a great job the investment will be paid back early. If not, investment will be returned over a longer period. This idea is no different from what in theory, happens now. Under the Department of Education’s income-based repayment program, students borrow a certain amount from the federal government, with a guarantee that they can cap their future loan payments at 10% of their discretionary income for 20 years. At this point, the balance is forgiven. Here, students who borrow from wealthy people will not pay any interest at all.
- Defined Goals: Raise standards and restore discipline. Data shows that students who go to school with a specific goal in mind, later make up to 3 times more than those who have no plan. Give incentives to students who desire to LEARNand get great grades and participate in extra-curricular activities. When students cheat on exams, it’s clear that they only value grades; not learning. BUT it’s not totally their fault. The school system promotes it, while technology promotes the absorption of information through captions, tweets, posts, and short videos. This creates an impatience to sit down for long hours and read quality books. Finally, CREATE national programs that inspire young kids to think big on ideas that can change the world in everything from science to the arts and from Technology to Clean Energy.
- Grants: Boost federal grants for kids from poor areas in Maryland and across the United States who perform very well at school and want to attend college.
- Reduce Costs for Students: Create a discounted online marketplace where students of all incomes can buy books and other necessary school items for a reduced price. In many cases, these costs can be as high as 25% of the total cost of school.
- Fun Perks: Free parking passes for students for as long as they are in college and have a student loan. James believes that these small things can often make a difference.
- Healthy Students: Some nations as Scotland provide free sanitary products to their students on campus. Should we explore this?
- Technology: Make technological tools affordable for schools and equip the schools with the best technology so kids can access the internet, research data and organize information in a more effective way.
- Give incentives to community colleges that promote degrees in middle-class jobs that will always be needed, instead of focusing mainly on theoretical subjects that may not find a real need in the U.S. jobs market.
James Tarantin believes in EQUALITY AND EMPOWERMENT of Women, NOW and ALWAYS!
- Often Women face systemic discrimination which promotes inequality
- Women deserve THE same rights at work as men; Equal pay, Human Rights, and more!
- Study after study show that that Latina women, Black women, Indigenous women and other female-class women, make less than men for the same job. What if corporations posted how much they pay women vs. their pay scale for men? If there’s a difference, they would be subject to penalties. This would put all corporations on notice that women deserve equal pay for an equal day’s work. Women are often the hardest hit by unequal pay, and unfair labor practices and this must end now!
- James Tarantin believes that Governments around the world need to empower an environment where women have more opportunities without artificial barriers.
- James Tarantin will FIGHT TIRELESSLY TO End all discrimination against women in Corporate America, college campuses, and everywhere.
- Women who wish to raise their kids are respected, and women who choose to be in the business world are respected. We need to erase stereotypes involving women.
- As of 2021, any woman or man, most of the times, can fly out of a U.S. state with any infant without proving that this child is hers or his. This practice is not safe, and a legitimate identification must be put in place so to make sure that only the real parent or legitimate guardian can fly out with his or her child.
Human trafficking steals our women. Aside from the fact that it costs us billions of dollars, most importantly, human trafficking de-humanizes the female gender, and is an almost guaranteed cycle of crime, drugs, the break-up of families, and orphaned children. James Tarantin believes that We must win the war on Human Trafficking.
Maternity Leave – Loving Moms:
- Problem: Only when one has a child does one understand the physical and mental burden a mother has to go through. Nearly two-thirds of mothers in Maryland and in the U.S. with children under the age of 6, work. Additionally, in over 30 states, according to Time Magazine Oct/24/2016, it costs more to put an infant in day care than it does to pay in state college tuition and fees at a four-year public school. The typical costs of a full-time daycare tops $28,000, which for minimum-wage workers is 188% of income according to Care.com. Mothers all across this country cannot afford a nanny or a night-nurse and therefore are sleep deprived for months as most babies wake up every 3-4 hours on average. The United States is one of the very few nations that doesn’t provide a quality, solid maternity leave. The purpose is NOT to let companies have debt, but to find a way how to help mothers in need who cannot afford a nanny.
- Solution: Mothers Care NOW: Every mother making less than $100k a year must get a 4 month fully paid maternity leave and the safety that her job will be waiting for her when she returns. Often a Mother cannot depend on friends or family, who themselves are busy working. No mother should have to choose between caring for her child or losing a job. It is critical we foster a solution that will have a positive impact in the mental health of mothers. Their state of mind directly impacts our children’s cognitive, linguistic and social-emotional development. It is the right, moral thing to do.
- A Married Couple making less $200k a year will receive a double child tax credit.
- A Married Couple making less $200k a year will pay no taxes on a home down payment.
- Parents putting aside money for their college child’s education should be tax free.
- Mothers’ treasures are her kids. We must provide a complete safety across Maryland!
- Standing with Women: educate young women on the process of healthy pregnancies. This will make their return to the workplace so later, if they choose, a much smoother one. They can take the full advantage of the economic opportunities waiting for them. Moreover, many good mothers across the country are helpless with the proper education on how to raise their precious newborn baby in the first few months of his/her life. Mothers barely sleep due to late night feedings and that fact takes a huge toll on their health and vitality. THEREFORE, Let’s support our mothers on neonatal and postnatal care right now!
- Women Rights are Human Rights: James Tarantin will fight with all his might that no woman in America will ever be denied of coverage just because she is a woman. With the innovative ideas presented by James Tarantin, even the hardest-hit communities across the USA will slowly start to have adequate OB-GYN care for women, as well as other compassionate healthcare programs. All women deserve Equal Rights, Equal Pay, a full access to healthcare, a paid maternity leave. “I am my sister’s keeper.”
- When James grew up, his father constantly told him: “please do not cast me (the elders) away when my beard turns white.” This lesson was learned early by James. In his youth he would truly drop everything to help the elders carry their grocery bags up the stairs to their apartments. James Tarantin fiercely believes that now is the time to honor our seniors. They are the pillars of our society.
- Now is the time to lift the lives of seniors to the sunlight of dignity after the horrors our seniors went through during COVID-19.
- James Tarantin fiercely believes that now is the time to make sure that we honor all the social benefits our seniors need to get.
- Now is the time to give major tax-credits for real estate entrepreneurs who build affordable housing for the elders.
- Now is the time to reduce the costs of prescription drugs and give families tax credits if they take care of their elderly parents as they get closer to meet our common creator.
- Protect the dignity of the elders! Allow the elderly to retire in honor and in good health.
- Older people in Maryland and across the USA cannot afford the high taxes and the transportation costs, while there aren’t enough 55-and-up older communities.
Violent crime rate is raging and it is due to politics. As a father and husband, James understands the importance of keeping people safe. He will not jeopardize our safety to score political points. James will support our police and give them the tools they need to do their jobs.
“I strongly believe that we need to treat all people –from every creed and color living in Maryland—fairly while holding those who break our laws uniformly accountable. My goal as your Senator, will be to fight with all my might to pass the innovative policies so your voice is heard in Washington. Together we can make our streets safe once again.”
James Tarantin
As our next Senator, James will:
- Support increased funding for our first responders
- Support placing police in our schools to keep our children safe
- Make prevention a priority by providing social services such as counseling and substance rehab
- Improve the cell-phone text alert system
- Strengthen the Purple Line Transportation project so it protects the Hiker Biker trail and all the communities along the route.
- Data System: Create an effective data-system technology to detect potential crime-spots or/and a terrorist who leaves a suspicious bag on the street and walks away.
- America’s law enforcement officers are our frontline defense against criminals. Every day the brave men and women in blue put on their uniforms not knowing if they will return home alive at the end of their shift. Now some people want to defund the police. Even worse, some believe victims of crime should pay their perpetrators. James stand squarely with law enforcement and oppose any effort to defund the police. He will also stand with victims of crime and not with the criminals.
James Tarantin’s mother grew up as an orphan on a farm. She woke up each morning at 4am to milk the cows. Moreover, for over a decade, James himself has also experienced poverty. He had no choice but begging farmers and chefs of every creed and color to give him the leftovers they had from the daily produce, so he will not go to sleep hungry that day.
As a result, James Tarantin can deeply relate to the pain of people who have no food to put on the table. He will fight with all his might TO HELP parents, so that they will see the smile on the faces of their kids, when they serve them with warm meals.
- There are about 2 million farm acres in Maryland.
- Agriculture is a vital industry in our beloved Maryland.
- Maryland’s farmland has played a pivotal role in the U.S.A. since 1634.
- Maryland’s farming industry is one of the largest industries in Maryland. From crops to dairy and from vineyards, poultry, wineries to honey and livestock, all and more types of MD farming such as horticulture add roughly $8.2 billion to our economy and employ more than 300,000 people in 2019.
- Much of the farming industry is controlled by monopolies who enjoy the Lion’s Share of the government subsidies, and thus the profits.
- Many farmers suffer from saltwater intrusion due to sea-level rising.
- Many Children in Maryland go to sleep hungry. This is unacceptable. This is America!
- There are many communities that live in food deserts; areas without access to quality and affordable food due to low-income or far distance to the nearby market.
Solutions – becoming farmers’ best good-faith agent!
- Sign better trade deals with foreign countries to buy U.S. Farmers’ goods. We must open international markers for Maryland’s agricultural exports.
- The Farmers’ Commonwealth: the Federal government must open a national website that is smart and simple, where each official farm can have its own page and the total collective farmers can share ideas, resources and raise money for their projects legally. From the Eastern Shore to the mountains in the west, farmers must have access to capital for:
- a. Development & Infrastructure
- b. Energy
- c. Broadband communications
- Investments in Farms: Any business or individual that invests more than $100k in small-size privately-owned farms, should pay only 10% federal tax on the profit and a 30% of the original investment should be tax-deductible.
- Increase farmland preservation by as much as 30% and pass a bi-partisan plan to categorize another 500,000 acres as agricultural, wooded and open space.
- Encourage and support organic farming such as dairy, fruits, vegetables, grains and more.
- Give farmers incentives to protect waterways and create summits which would highlight innovative strategies used elsewhere in the ways that we use, conserve, protect and think about CLEAN WATER in Maryland for years to come.
- Create partnerships with taxi companies and residents who live in food deserts. If they provide free rides to the nearest market, they will get major tax credits.
There are over 2.5 million Veterans in America!
- NO TAX EVER > I fundamentally believe that those families who lost their loved ones during any military or rescue operation must not EVER pay any Federal or State tax, or at least their tax must not exceed a flat rate of 10% for the rest of their lives. This is the Right thing to do!
- A national lottery where the proceeds go to fund healthcare and other humanitarian benefits for Veterans. For example, in Britain, filmmakers receive proceeds from the national lottery. Why not doing something even better for Veterans in Maryland and across America?
- Extend affordable housing and provide an interest-free loan in any house a veteran wishes to buy.
- Cut taxes for companies hiring veterans and additional tax-cuts for hiring a veteran with a disability.
- The Never Forget Act: like other countries such as Israel, every year on Veteran’s Day, a siren is sounded across the land and the people will stand for one minute in honor and memory of the men and women in uniform who died in battle. Remembering the Fallen
- Those who had served in Combat will receive a lifetime of free mental health services should these brave and women in uniform wish for it.
- Rather than spending more money on government programs that do not work and serve mainly the rich, let’s follow the path of some wise, ancient leaders who built bronze statues of their fallen heroes so that their names will be forever memorialized!
- A government website offers 5x the going rate on all machine guns, if and only if, people want to sell it and not buy another one. Whatever profit is left, will go to support families of the U.S. military veterans.
James Tarantin believes that America is the architect and moderator of peace among the nations of the world. Living in, and visiting other countries across the globe, has given James at a young age a world view that other candidates may lack.
- The debate between George W. Bush and Al Gore summed up the difference between the Republican party and the Democratic party. The USA has a sacred duty to be the leader of the free world, to support free trade and be an empire of liberty to Mankind. This does NOT mean the USA needs to be the world’s Policeman. We need to empower people at home and use our military wisely while acting jointly with other nations on global issues.
- Foreign policy is about a universe of different situations and dynamics that constantly shift. Hence, leaders must have a great sense of understanding; they must feel the hearts of all people. True statesmanship requires something more than a skill, but a vision: a grasp of present and future possibilities. Peace and union rests on the recognition of the inalienable rights of Man to be truly free to achieve his/hers dreams.
James had experienced firsthand the dangers of terrorism and understands a 9/11 must never happen again. Terrorism must be found and eradicated. Yet, we must ensure that America is never caught in a forever war. At the same time, we must above all else ensure that terror attacks can never be launched against the United States and its citizens.
The war against terrorism is not a political issue. It is an American issue, and it must be won.
The withdrawal in Afghanistan shows what happens when the war on terrorism is used for political points by career politicians with bad intentions. It was mishandled and has weakened the United State.
- To lead the world, you must first have your own house in order. America’s constant state of war, the “Forever War”, is not good for our economy at home, puts an unbearable strain on military families, and ultimately delegitimizes our genuine mission to become Liberators. BUT!
- We learn from history that leaving a country too soon during or after a military conflict, will leave a vacuum in this country, which all too often will be filled and give rise to a terrorist group. Better planning and military withdrawals must be implemented to reduce additional fundamentalist groups from seizing control.
- The President and his Senators created one of the worst foreign-affairs policy since the Bay of Pigs. As CNN said: “if this is not a failure, how does a failure look like, exactly?”
- There is a bi-partisan support to leave Afghanistan. But the execution was not good.
- We left billions of dollars’ worth of equipment for terrorists and Iran to take over. We left many Americans and friends behind enemy lines. We created a situation where refugees will mass migrate to our European allies and where some could be terrorists in disguise. And unfortunately, we increased the chances of a terrorist attack on American soil, like Sep/11.
- Professionals say that Afghanistan is sitting on $1 TRILLION worth of minerals of which China now may have better chances in getting.
- Muslim nations must stand firmly against terrorism and Jihad!
- According to many diplomats, Islamic extremists often prefer not to use violence but just to spread their power silently within the countries of the West. Building educational systems which turn the citizens of the West to their violent cause. Though one cannot lump all Muslims in one category and pinpoint, Islamic extremism is a political ideology. Many young Muslims are drawn to this extremism as a question of identity. James Tarantin believes that We need to offer a vision of our society where they will feel a part of our country!
- PREVENTING NEW TERRORIST ZONES: Moral clarity comes before a political will. From history we learn the importance of having The Courage to ACT before a problem is at its height. When the allies see mounting evidence that a new zone on the world’s map is becoming a hub for terrorism:
- Stop terrorists from entering or leaving this zone
- Prosecute lone-wolf individuals in the West who support them
- Collaborate with nations surrounding this zone to offer data, finances and support of all kinds.
- Sanctions
- Stop groups such as ISIS in part by preventing them from raising capital. Block their attempts to sell oil, prevent them from stealing and selling art and antiques, as well as other schemes to raise money.
Support The Cuban People
- Communism is a failed system.
- Let us give the Cuban people a quality internet access so they can spread the message of liberty in a more effective way.
- The North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) was Est. in 1948 to promote stability in the North Atlantic area. It relies on member states for contributions. Relies on Article 5 – “An attack on one member is an attack on all NATO allies.” Article 5 was mainly created to protect the West from the Soviet Union.
- James Tarantin believes that the USA needs to be the most powerful member State of NATO and contribute money accordingly while the other members contribute their fair share and do their duties. America can’t keep spending money persistent global policing while the citizens of America can’t get by. It’s not fair to U.S. citizens nor would this approach actually cure the human heart to better behave.
- Learning from History, America needs to be the peacemaker and PRIME LEADER of the world all the time and sometimes intervene militarily. Sacrificing the nations’ resources and men and women in uniform on policing every single war-front is not always wise or prudent.
- America needs to bring its best minds and programmers to protect the homeland.
- Collection of intelligence is the second oldest profession in the world. American foreign affairs and military operations need to receive distilled accurate reports of pure, raw data.
- PROBLEM – In 2014, almost 300 data breaches were reported by the U.S. based Privacy Rights Clearinghouse, involving more than 68 million records according to Fortune.
- Pass fair Federal Acts that oblige tech companies to provide proof on how they protect American interests online.
- Stop International Hackers: a) Publicly name and blame the hostile nation b) impose economic sanctions c) File criminal charges d) file a proper diplomatic response at the UN, e) Retaliation at the Cyber-Space level
- As much as we believe in reliable, correct public information for most things, we must remain unpredictable in regard to military operations. The Element of Surprise. No need to declare publicly what we are about to do.
- History proves that the USA needs to careful when supporting militia rebel groups. Though the USA sprouted to life from a revolution and believes in the power of the people, in the past, where a revolution was happening against a ruthless regime, the rebels were not the voice of the people in that country, but rather guerilla soldiers backed by foreign agencies.
- Release U.S. hostages anywhere around the world.
- America has real enemies in the world. These enemies must be found and defeated. We will never hesitate to protect the security of every American through force. However, we will never send our brave men and women in uniform into harm’s way except as a last resort. James Tarantin believes that the torch of Lady Liberty can sometimes do more to protect Maryland and America than the strongest tank.
- Stop the spread of nuclear weapons and reduce warheads, particularly by enforcing treaties and agreements which prohibit nuclear testing. James Tarantin believes that It’s imperative that nuclear materials do not fall into the wrong hands.
- America is a Pacific power. Relations with Australia and Japan are vital. As of 2016 Japan is the 4th largest trading partner with the United States. The U.S. has 50,000 troops stationed there and Japan is dependent on the military power of America.
- James Tarantin believes that America must have the best military technology and equipment. It must not be allowed to decay, particularly, as other nations invest billions on expansion.
- The nature of warfare has changed. Cutting edge technology is key to all aspects of maintaining the strongest military in the world.
- Protect the Homeland. Peace through Strength. In the words of our Nation’s first president, George Washington: “To be prepared for war is one of the most effectual means of preserving peace.”
- James believes that America was founded on the eternal ideals of equality and justice for all!
- More times than not, a good interrogator can extract information more effectively by talking than torturing.
- However, if the American intelligence community assures that one individual is a grave threat, then the interrogator should speak to the terrorist in a language he understands.
ON IRAN & North Korea
- Iran cannot own nuclear weapons and shift the power in the Middle East.
- Iran has been funding terrorist networks for many decades.
- According to many, the Iranian Government mainly respects Strength and not genuine diplomacy.
- Against enemies, not too much tough talk … just silent and fierce action, after reasonable research and cooperation with key allies. Sanctions and military operations are all on the table.
- James Tarantin believes that North Korea must be denuclearized and face greater sanctions that ever before so that our fellow friends in South Korea and around the world have a greater hope for a world of peace than a nuclear Armageddon.
- Create a single innovative website offering internships for college students at American businesses that exist in cities around the world when there is an American embassy. The purpose of this is to find “unfound” talent that aids both the company and America. These internships have no cost, so the incentive is there for the companies to take part. The Israeli embassy in D.C. uses this approach.
- America needs Ambassadors who have sound temperament, supreme organization and are capable of making good decisions. The four key responsibilities of an Ambassador.
- Coordination of U.S. foreign policies in a specific country
- Security for the people who work for the Ambassador
- Promotion of U.S. businesses under the law
- Protection of U.S. citizens who reside in the Ambassador’s post/country.
- As of 2019, the USA has 14 territories as insular areas: American Samoa, Guam, Northern Mariana Islands, Puerto Rico, U.S. Virgin Islands, Bajo Nuevo Bank, Baker Island, Howland Island, Jarvis Island, Johnston Atoll, Kingman Reef, Midway Islands, Navassa Island and Palmyra Atoll.
- Countries around the world need to recognize these territories as U.S. territories.
THE 51ST State
- Russia expands its territory. China garners immense control over Africa according to the N.Y. times January/13th /2019 edition. Hence, to continue to ensure democratic influence, America should, through a benevolent process only, expand its territory and maybe create its 51st State. Not that long ago the United States did purchase Alaska from the Russian Empire. Thomas Jefferson purchased Louisiana from Napoleon.
Final Thoughts on Foreign Affairs and the Military
- Reagan explains Foreign Policy through the words of Gandhi: “I am not conscious of a single experience throughout my 3 months in England and Europe that made me feel after all, that East is East and West is West. On the contrary, I had been convinced more than ever, that human nature is much the same, no matter under what climate it flourishes, and if you approach people with Trust and Affection, you would have ten-fold trust and thousand fold affection, return to you.”
- The Universal Declaration of Human Rights is not for some citizens for some of the time.
- The lives of people are surrounded by poverty, manacles of war and inner quicksands of despair; yet, we don’t recognize it until these pains flitter with a tragedy. They long for a fresh start and though we will never meet them, it’s our moral duty to lift them up from the pit of darkness to the beaming sunlight of human dignity and happiness, promised to all of God’s Children
- Face to face meetings and frank talks are the best way to air tensions and avoid mere treaties to paper over fundamental differences.
- Build the military to meet future threats and concurrently restore a more pragmatic diplomacy to obstruct cruel regimes from obtaining nuclear war heads and fund terrorist networks.
- Terrorist networks are obsessed on casting the world into the abyss of a new dark age made more sinister by perverted ideology. When we have won the battle for ideals, the war on terrorism will be over. Upon this battle depends the survival of our collective humanity.
Reciprocal and Fair Trade with Other Countries
Since the age of 28 James Tarantin has been mastering the business of international trade. Many products that his company has been purchasing were and are made in the USA. Some products, which were legal and safe, were imported to the USA from different parts of the world. James Tarantin’s trading company serves thousands of clients and grosses millions of dollars each year in the United States and Maryland. This entrepreneurial practice allows James Tarantin to understand the industry of international trade; from tariffs to import papers and from CIF shipping to Customs’ regulations. James Tarantin believes in a free, fair, efficient, and respectfully competitive American marketplace. One with minimal government intervention, few regulations and low taxes, as well as fewer monopolies in each industry.
James Tarantin believes that TRADE and a Fair Tariffs exchange is a very important part of the American Economy. Exports played an indispensable role in America’s resurgence from the Great Recession. It’s true that the trade deficit occurs in part because America has a valuable dollar. However, …
- Some American industries and companies cannot export goods to other countries, while their global competitors find it is very easy to ship their products to the USA. This cannot continue nor is it FAIR.
- We need to reduce dependencies on bad Chinese goods and power up all production lines in the USA with the biggest tax credits in U.S. history
- Some policies have outlived their core purpose. For example, countries such as Japan and Germany, after losing to the USA in WW2, were given financial help in the form of lower tariffs for products exported to the United States. Unfortunately, there was no time-limit on this deal and many decades after these countries have recovered, and even grown rich, the low tariffs remain. How is it fair when so many middle-class Americans still struggle to get by? America cannot finance other countries in the expense of the American People. does it make sense?
- Develop fair, free and reciprocal trade-deals where customs duty and entry regulations are leveled. It’s not fair when an American company wants to sell its goods abroad, that they are taxed at a rate of 25%, but in many cases when companies from those same foreign countries, want to sell their goods in the U.S., they are taxed at a much lower rate.
- Eliminate taxes on thousands of products Made in the USA. Help American products to be easily exported to foreign countries along with the help of the Import/Export Bank. Germany has a great economy in part because exporting is a large part of their GDP, with a focus on small businesses.
- For the safety of our Children > Stop the entry of dangerous products. These include toxic mercury and those manufactured with child labor.
- Tough negotiations with foreign countries regarding Copyright infringements and data theft.
- Sign better trade deals with countries. This will rekindle demand for American businesses and generate more jobs.
- James Tarantin will fight with all his might to expose and eliminate unethical trade, labor and environmental practices by foreign companies impact opportunities for the American worker.
- U.S. companies are paying excessive customs’ port fees when they bring goods from different countries around the world. This reduces profitability for these import companies and blocks the further full expansion of global trade.
- American companies are often subject to unfair practices done by U.S. Customs. Customs may randomly decide that a certain container needs to go to a further inspection and charge the small importer a $1,000 fee, even though the product contains no dangerous elements whatsoever and no law was broken.
Holding public office should be a public service. Our founding fathers saw public service as just that. Starting with George Washington, they believed that limiting the time served in office beset served the public interest. Sadly today, our elected officials do not share that same sense of duty. Today, members of the Senate and House often serve 30 to 50 years. James wants to stop that. He will support a term limits amendment that limits members of the House to 3 terms and members of the Senate to two terms.
The Battle for the Soul of the American Dream:
Tarantin Positive Reform Plan to End the Genocide of Dreams
James Tarantin called Washington broken and released his plan to end politics as usual. James believes that the biggest danger to America is life-serving politicians.
“Career politicians are sitting in Washington DC and are serving the Elite rather than the men and women of this nation,” said James Tarantin. “This fact, and the fact that politicians are busy running campaigns rather than uniting us, have led many tens of millions of Americans to experience their dreams die in front of their eyes. Greed replaced ethics and the people want authentic, citizen representatives so their voice can come alive.”
“I will work to implement reforms that ensure Washington works for us not against us,” said Tarantin. “We can start healing our nation by passing these fair and bipartisan major reforms.”
Tarantin’s reforms include the following:
- Term limit for Congress.
- Require Senators to put their personal finances in a blind trust.
- End insider trading on legislation.
- No pay raises for Congressional members until the budget is balanced.
- Post all legislation for five days before a vote so public has time to comment. Even more important, Congressional members must read the bills before voting.
- No more special perks. Congressional members would be required to be on the same health plans as any American worker.
- Require Senators to join the same pension system as all other federal employees.
- Prohibit immediate family members from being paid federal lobbyists and serving on foreign corporate boards.
“It is unfortunate and tragic, but 90% of people do not trust the leaders in Washington, D. C.
By ending the era of career politicians with term limits, we can provide hope to tens of millions of people and allow them restore trust in our laws.” said Tarantin. “By prohibiting any potential Machiavellian tactic to enrich oneself off of legislation, we can return to the true meaning of honest and genuine public service.”
Tarantin, a New Age Republican, who emigrated to the United States embodies the America Dream, rising up from a struggling teen who was fed leftovers from restaurant owners to establishing and running a multimillion-dollar company, Flag & Symbol is running because he believes Maryland is tired of career politicians. He is a Modern Republican with common-sense, forward-looking solutions that will serve African Americans, Hispanics, Asians, women, and people from all creeds and colors. He has pledged to be a Senator for all the citizens of Maryland. He represents a fresh and new generation of leadership
Tarantin believes that the United States must do better to stay competitive and strong in the 21st century as we face an array of challenges. Tarantin advocates:
- A 21st Century education that will allow our children to compete globally
- Tax cuts for small businesses that are the engine of the American economy
- Support for our brave men and women in blue and will oppose any attempt to defund the police
- Term limits for Congress
- Preventing Iran from acquiring nuclear weapons
- Supporting our veterans and assisting them with the challenges they face
- Defending the privacy and data of citizens online
- Cutting the tax burden on working families
- Implementing the Farmer’s Commonwealth
With each sunrise, James is reminded that millions of our citizens have yet to experience the abundance of Americas’ prosperity. The American Dream no longer works for most Americans. James Tarantin believes that The American Dream is becoming the American Illusion for millions of Americans from all walks of life living in poverty.
Since the dawn of civilization, the biggest threat to mankind is politicians with corrupt intents.
When money buys politicians, then the laws favor the rich and people cannot make their voice come alive and cannot accomplish their sacred dreams.
- At home – Loss of trust in the system: corruption is the biggest threat to our democracy. Politicians make it so hard for the common man to vote. Additionally, just 158 wealthy families (who support these politicians) contributed nearly half of the early funding for the Presidential race of 2016. The wealthy infuse unlimited money into elections which persuade the people to vote as they wish so then specific laws will be passed that will benefit them. This stacks the cards against the people of Maryland and dissolves opportunity for all Americans. Every government has an immense safety net for the rich and Wall Street while real love and assistance for the people is virtually none. James Tarantin believes that Corruption in politics has led many Americans to completely lose faith in our Democracy and lose the opportunity to achieve their sacred dreams. Greed replaced ethics in the rigged system and voters want authentic representatives.
- At home – Personal indignity: All over Maryland there are entrenched forms of poverty. Many of our fellow men and women live in poor neighborhoods that are riddled with drugs; many of those citizens fear the streets where all too often the threat of violence lurks, and; industries have cast countless men and women into unemployment, human misery and personal indignity. The job losses make it impossible to pay mortgages thus facing foreclosures, not to mention other rising costs of living such as utilities, clothing and food. Often, these middle-class workers are forced to tell their loved ones, “I am sorry. We can’t pay our bills today” yet they still extend their arm to their friends of need. James Tarantin is convinced that by catering to elite, career-long politicians has left many Americans with below average incomes; wages that have been stagnant for decades. But they may be the lucky ones. Many still face unemployment as their jobs are replaced by machines. Poor neighborhoods rife with drugs and violence cast people into personal indignity, while the wealthy take the home the lion’s share of the economic gains in forms of skyrocketing salaries and stock bonuses which all too often are paid by the tax-payer.
- At home – Broken families: James Tarantin believes that the problems are right in front of us: innocent children growing up in harsh conditions, high divorce rates, the breakdown of the family, and later on they face huge college expenses … all prevent them from making their voice come alive and keep America from reaching its full potential.
- At home – Greed: Stockholders are focused on short-term prices and profits. It’s all about quarter-to-quarter short term profits. Long-term benefits/investments in the company and its workers cannot on corporate America balance sheet. James knows that this fosters ruthless competition and abandons trust which is essential for a vital economy. As a result, young entrepreneurs and small businesses all over America, face inequality for capital access. James sadly believes that this decreases the chance for new enterprises / small businesses in Maryland and America to emerge and grow.
- At home – Leadership Gap: James says: “Just look at the facts.” More than 40 years of no immigration reform, more than 40 years of addiction foreign to oil, more 40 years of steady decline in productivity and a roller coaster of inflation and interest rates. 40 years of a tax-code that rewards financial speculations with tax-payers money. 40 years, According to Time Magazine on March 9, 2015, labor’s share of the economic pie has been decreasing since 1970’s, due to corporations shipping jobs overseas, factories shutting down in the heartland, and pressure from Wall-Streets bosses to reduce costs. Our citizens demand business and political practices to be based on the founding stone of Genuine Giving.
- At home – America is Behind: James Tarantin believes while Maryland and America have crumbling infrastructure, China and Dubai are building state-of-the-art airports, futuristic bridges, speedy trains and mega-attractions that cover thousands of acres.
- Abroad – Confusion breeds misery: the world on one hand is shrinking as the Internet connects our global village and makes life efficient. Yet, the influx of inaccurate information from the internet, bashing opinions becoming facts by the media and the violence induced by movies, all leaving many citizens unable to make good decisions and to seek instant gratifying short-cuts. James Tarantin believes in clarity and honesty.
- Abroad – Robots Vs. the Dignity of Mankind: At home and abroad, as the use of robots and artificial intelligence increases, many jobs become obsolete: software and machines do the manufacturing work of a few good men. Technology increases our ways of communication … not our genuine union. James Tarantin believes that the personal happiness of people come first.
- Abroad – Terror & Endless War: Our fellow humans are crippled by the cruelties of war and terrorism. Lack of human rights impacts all, but especially women and children. Human trafficking impacts these groups even further. Jets in Spain and industrial factories in Japan are melting the icecaps in the Arctic, shrinking coastlines in the Atlantic and bringing drought to farms from Texas to Tuscany. Deep mistrust among nations, fraying alliances, results in little international cooperation on global challenges. James Tarantin believes that its finally time to foster the infrastructure of genuine peace and Light among the nations of the world.
Our humanity often sighs in sadness and says that these challenges with the destructive force of egotism, obstruct the path towards self-realization, a brighter tomorrow and the pursuit towards a career one really loves.
Heal America by spreading Light & Unity![2]