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Key-Valueに関するエントリは33件あります。 databaseDBgithub などが関連タグです。 人気エントリには 『RonDB - World's fastest Key-Value Store』などがあります。
  • RonDB - World's fastest Key-Value Store

    Powering the world's most advanced and fastest feature store; Hopsworks RonDB as a managed version provides advanced technology with a user friendly interface. You can launch a cluster in less than a minute. Scales to hundreds of million of operations per second. There are no other existing managed databases available today that can do this.

      RonDB - World's fastest Key-Value Store
    • Keyv is a simple key-value storage with multi-backend support

      It supports MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQLite, Redis, Mongo, DynamoDB, Firestore, Memcached, and more

        Keyv is a simple key-value storage with multi-backend support
      • GitHub - paypal/junodb: JunoDB is PayPal's home-grown secure, consistent and highly available key-value store providing low, single digit millisecond, latency at any scale.

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          GitHub - paypal/junodb: JunoDB is PayPal's home-grown secure, consistent and highly available key-value store providing low, single digit millisecond, latency at any scale.
        • GitHub - knrt10/gRPC-cache: In memory Key/Value store in go using gRPC.

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            GitHub - knrt10/gRPC-cache: In memory Key/Value store in go using gRPC.
          • GitHub - valkey-io/valkey: A flexible distributed key-value datastore that is optimized for caching and other realtime workloads.

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              GitHub - valkey-io/valkey: A flexible distributed key-value datastore that is optimized for caching and other realtime workloads.
            • Unlocking the Power of JunoDB: PayPal’s Key-Value Store Goes Open-Source

              Today we are delighted to share JunoDB as an open-source project on Github, allowing others to benefit from our efforts to have an extremely scalable, secure and highly available NoSQL infrastructure. JunoDB is a distributed key-value store that plays a critical role in powering PayPal’s diverse range of applications. Virtually every core back-end service at PayPal relies on JunoDB, from login to

                Unlocking the Power of JunoDB: PayPal’s Key-Value Store Goes Open-Source
              • GitHub - vmware/splinterdb: High Performance Embedded Key-Value Store

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                  GitHub - vmware/splinterdb: High Performance Embedded Key-Value Store
                • GitHub - inlinedio/ikv-store: High-performance key-value store for ML inference. 100x faster than Redis.

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                    GitHub - inlinedio/ikv-store: High-performance key-value store for ML inference. 100x faster than Redis.
                  • GitHub - jakekgrog/GhostDB: GhostDB is a distributed, in-memory, general purpose key-value data store that delivers microsecond performance at any scale.

                    GhostDB stemmed from a University project. Due to the nature of these projects (time constraints etc.), we feel some corners were cut. For example, we opted for the memcached model of distribution to save on time as it was easier to implement. However, this wasn't the original vision of GhostDB. Myself and Connor also started new jobs and these took up a good chunk of our time. This combined with

                      GitHub - jakekgrog/GhostDB: GhostDB is a distributed, in-memory, general purpose key-value data store that delivers microsecond performance at any scale.
                    • GitHub - maxmunzel/kvass: a personal key-value store

                      # simple usage $ kvass set hello world $ kvass get hello world # enumerate keys $ kvass ls hello # store arbitrary files $ kvass set logo < kvass.jpg $ kvass get logo > kvass.jpg # Its trivial to set up and operate kvass across multiple devices $ ssh [email protected] kvass config show Encryption Key: 5abf59f5f1a2f3c998a4f592ce081a23e14a68fd8a792259c6ec0fc1e8fb1246 # <- copy this for the next ste

                        GitHub - maxmunzel/kvass: a personal key-value store
                      • GitHub - upstash/semantic-cache: A fuzzy key value store based on semantic similarity rather lexical equality.

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                          GitHub - upstash/semantic-cache: A fuzzy key value store based on semantic similarity rather lexical equality.
                        • GitHub - azu/kvs: Lightweight key-value storage library for Browser, Node.js, and In-Memory.

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                            GitHub - azu/kvs: Lightweight key-value storage library for Browser, Node.js, and In-Memory.
                          • GitHub - codenotary/immudb: immudb - immutable database based on zero trust, SQL/Key-Value/Document model, tamperproof, data change history

                            Don't forget to ⭐ this repo if you like immudb! 🎉 27M pulls from docker hub! Detailed documentation can be found at https://docs.immudb.io/ immudb is a database with built-in cryptographic proof and verification. It tracks changes in sensitive data and the integrity of the history will be protected by the clients, without the need to trust the database. It can operate as a key-value store, as a d

                              GitHub - codenotary/immudb: immudb - immutable database based on zero trust, SQL/Key-Value/Document model, tamperproof, data change history
                            • GitHub - armink/FlashDB: An ultra-lightweight database that supports key-value and time series data | 一款支持 KV 数据和时序数据的超轻量级数据库

                              FlashDB is an ultra-lightweight embedded database that focuses on providing data storage solutions for embedded products. Different from traditional database based on file system, FlashDB combines the features of Flash and has strong performance and reliability. And under the premise of ensuring extremely low resource occupation, the service life of Flash should be extended as much as possible. Fl

                                GitHub - armink/FlashDB: An ultra-lightweight database that supports key-value and time series data | 一款支持 KV 数据和时序数据的超轻量级数据库
                              • GitHub - cockroachdb/pebble: RocksDB/LevelDB inspired key-value database in Go

                                Pebble is a LevelDB/RocksDB inspired key-value store focused on performance and internal usage by CockroachDB. Pebble inherits the RocksDB file formats and a few extensions such as range deletion tombstones, table-level bloom filters, and updates to the MANIFEST format. Pebble intentionally does not aspire to include every feature in RocksDB and specifically targets the use case and feature set ne

                                  GitHub - cockroachdb/pebble: RocksDB/LevelDB inspired key-value database in Go
                                • GitHub - geohot/minikeyvalue: A distributed key value store in under 1000 lines. Used in production at comma.ai

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                                    GitHub - geohot/minikeyvalue: A distributed key value store in under 1000 lines. Used in production at comma.ai
                                  • FoundationDB: A Distributed Key-Value Store – Communications of the ACM

                                    FoundationDB is an open-source transactional key-value store created more than 10 years ago. It is one of the first systems to combine the flexibility and scalability of NoSQL architectures with the power of ACID transactions. FoundationDB adopts an unbundled architecture that decouples an in-memory transaction management system, a distributed storage system, and a built-in distributed configurati

                                    • RWKV(Receptance Weighted Key Value)をつかってみた - Platinum Data Blog by BrainPad ブレインパッド

                                      本記事は、当社オウンドメディア「Doors」に移転しました。 約5秒後に自動的にリダイレクトします。 このたびブレインパッドは、LLM/Generative AIに関する研究プロジェクトを立ち上げ、この「Platinum Data Blog」を通じてLLM/Generative AIに関するさまざまな情報を発信をしています。 この記事では、Google Colaboratory を使って、チャットAI「ChatRWKV」の利用方法、ファインチューニング手法を紹介する他、ファインチューニング済みモデルとベースモデルの挙動の比較結果もご紹介します。 はじめに ChatRWKVの活用手順 RWKVのファインチューニング ファインチューニング済みのモデルの実行 終わりに 参考文献 はじめに こんにちは。ブレインパッドの丸山です。 最近、GPTなどのTransformerベースの生成系AIが注目を集

                                        RWKV(Receptance Weighted Key Value)をつかってみた - Platinum Data Blog by BrainPad ブレインパッド
                                      • Introducing Pebble: A RocksDB-inspired key-value store written in Go

                                        Introducing Pebble: A RocksDB-inspired key-value store written in Go Reader’s Note: This post references CockroachDB Serverless and/or CockroachDB Dedicated which, as of September 26 2024, have been renamed and incorporated within the new CockroachDB Cloud platform, which you can read more about here. Since its inception, CockroachDB has relied on RocksDB as its key-value storage engine. The choic

                                          Introducing Pebble: A RocksDB-inspired key-value store written in Go
                                        • GitHub - losfair/RefineDB: A strongly-typed document database that runs on any transactional key-value store.

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                                            GitHub - losfair/RefineDB: A strongly-typed document database that runs on any transactional key-value store.
                                          • GitHub - apache/kvrocks: Apache Kvrocks is a distributed key value NoSQL database that uses RocksDB as storage engine and is compatible with Redis protocol.

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                                              GitHub - apache/kvrocks: Apache Kvrocks is a distributed key value NoSQL database that uses RocksDB as storage engine and is compatible with Redis protocol.
                                            • key-value storeを設計するにあたって,リカバリのためにwalを設計するとします。walを可変長にしたい場合,各wal recordにrecord長を表すheaderをつけるような実装が素直な実装の一つとしてあると思うのですが,wal recordを格納しているファイルが破損し,あるwal recordのheader部分が信頼できなくなった場合,各recordの長さがわからなくなってしまうため当該wal record以降のすべてのwal recordが信頼できなくなるような弱点があるように思え

                                              key-value storeを設計するにあたって,リカバリのためにwalを設計するとします。walを可変長にしたい場合,各wal recordにrecord長を表すheaderをつけるような実装が素直な実装の一つとしてあると思うのですが,wal recordを格納しているファイルが破損し,あるwal recordのheader部分が信頼できなくなった場合,各recordの長さがわからなくなってしまうため当該wal record以降のすべてのwal recordが信頼できなくなるような弱点があるように思えるのですが,この問題はうまく回避できるのでしょうか 前提として世の中にあるデータベースは基本的にログファイルが破損する事を想定していません。ログは信頼できるストレージに複製込で保存されており、化けたり消えたりする事はないという前提を置いています。想定する一番大きな障害でもMedia Fai

                                                key-value storeを設計するにあたって,リカバリのためにwalを設計するとします。walを可変長にしたい場合,各wal recordにrecord長を表すheaderをつけるような実装が素直な実装の一つとしてあると思うのですが,wal recordを格納しているファイルが破損し,あるwal recordのheader部分が信頼できなくなった場合,各recordの長さがわからなくなってしまうため当該wal record以降のすべてのwal recordが信頼できなくなるような弱点があるように思え
                                              • immudb - immutable database based on zero trust, SQL and Key-Value

                                                OPEN SOURCE IMMUTABLE DATABASE High performance and easy to integrate Supports both Key/Value & SQL Cryptographical client-verification, tamper-resistant, and auditable Versioned and temporal queries subject to cryptographic verification

                                                  immudb - immutable database based on zero trust, SQL and Key-Value
                                                • A minimal distributed key-value database with Hashicorp's Raft library | notes.eatonphil.com

                                                  A minimal distributed key-value database with Hashicorp's Raft library When I wrote the "build a distributed PostgreSQL proof of concept" post I first had to figure out how to use Hashicorp's Raft implementation. There weren't any examples I could find in the Hashicorp repo itself. And the only example I could find was Philip O'Toole's hraftd. It's great! However, I have a hard time following mult

                                                  • JunoDB: PayPal Open Sources Key-Value Store Powering 350 Billion Daily Requests

                                                    InfoQ Software Architects' Newsletter A monthly overview of things you need to know as an architect or aspiring architect. View an example

                                                      JunoDB: PayPal Open Sources Key-Value Store Powering 350 Billion Daily Requests
                                                    • How to Design a Transactional Key-value Store in Go

                                                      By Bhupesh Varshney If you want to design an interactive shell that allows access to a transactional in-memory key/value store, then you're in the right place. Let's Go together and design one now. Backstory System design questions have always interested me because they let you be creative. Recently I read Uduak's blog where he shared his experience doing a 30-day interview marathon, which was pre

                                                        How to Design a Transactional Key-value Store in Go
                                                      • How we built a general purpose key value store for Facebook with ZippyDB

                                                        How we built a general purpose key value store for Facebook with ZippyDB ZippyDB is the largest strongly consistent, geographically distributed key-value store at Facebook. Since we first deployed ZippyDB in 2013, this key-value store has expanded rapidly, and today, ZippyDB serves a number of use cases, ranging from metadata for a distributed filesystem, counting events for both internal and exte

                                                          How we built a general purpose key value store for Facebook with ZippyDB
                                                        • GitHub - lucaong/cubdb: Elixir embedded key/value database

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                                                            GitHub - lucaong/cubdb: Elixir embedded key/value database
                                                          • GitHub - microlinkhq/keyvhq: Simple key-value storage with support for multiple backends.

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                                                              GitHub - microlinkhq/keyvhq: Simple key-value storage with support for multiple backends.
                                                            • Bulldozer: Batch Data Moving from Data Warehouse to Online Key-Value Stores

                                                              By Tianlong Chen and Ioannis Papapanagiotou Netflix has more than 195 million subscribers that generate petabytes of data everyday. Data scientists and engineers collect this data from our subscribers and videos, and implement data analytics models to discover customer behaviour with the goal of maximizing user joy. Usually Data scientists and engineers write Extract-Transform-Load (ETL) jobs and

                                                                Bulldozer: Batch Data Moving from Data Warehouse to Online Key-Value Stores
                                                              • GitHub - unjs/unstorage: 💾 Unstorage provides an async Key-Value storage API with conventional features like multi driver mounting, watching and working with metadata, dozens of built-in drivers and a tiny core.

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                                                                  GitHub - unjs/unstorage: 💾 Unstorage provides an async Key-Value storage API with conventional features like multi driver mounting, watching and working with metadata, dozens of built-in drivers and a tiny core.
                                                                • ZippyDB:Facebookの強力な一貫性のあるKey-Valueストアのアーキテクチャ

                                                                  Spring BootによるAPIバックエンド構築実践ガイド 第2版 何千人もの開発者が、InfoQのミニブック「Practical Guide to Building an API Back End with Spring Boot」から、Spring Bootを使ったREST API構築の基礎を学んだ。この本では、出版時に新しくリリースされたバージョンである Spring Boot 2 を使用している。しかし、Spring Boot3が最近リリースされ、重要な変...

                                                                  • Using lightweight formal methods to validate a key-value storage node in Amazon S3

                                                                    This paper reports our experience applying lightweight formal methods to validate the correctness of ShardStore, a new key-value storage node implementation for the Amazon S3 cloud object storage service. By “lightweight formal methods" we mean a pragmatic approach to verifying the correctness of a production storage node that is under ongoing feature development by a full-time engineering team. W

                                                                      Using lightweight formal methods to validate a key-value storage node in Amazon S3
