Each of these pieces was created in SuperCollider using only 140 characters of code
akkun_choi のブックマーク 2011/04/11 16:57
sc140 » SuperCollider[programming][music]Each of these pieces was created in SuperCollider using only 140 characters of code2011/04/11 16:57
このブックマークにはスターがありません。 最初のスターをつけてみよう!
sc140 In conjunction with The Wire magazine, a unique collection: 22 pieces by artists from around the world, each piece created with just 140 characters of code. You can download and stream the tr...
33 人がブックマーク・4 件のコメント
\ コメントが サクサク読める アプリです /
Each of these pieces was created in SuperCollider using only 140 characters of code