This page explains how the value of the stats of creatures is calculated.
Variables involved[]
Each species has 6 variables for each stat that affect the final stat-value:
- Base-value: B
- increase per wild-level as % of B: Iw
- increase per domesticated level as % of Vpt (value post-tamed): Id
- additive taming-bonus: Ta
- multiplicative taming-bonus: Tm
- taming effectiveness: TE (when tamed)
- imprinting bonus: IB (when bred)
In 256.0 a new multiplier, the TamedBaseHealthMultiplier (TBHM) was introduced, that lowers the health of a few dinos right after taming, before the tamingAdd is applied.
The Tm and TmM (see below) are only affected by the TE if Tm > 0, i.e. a malus won't get less bad if the TE is lower. The Tm is negative for aberrant-variants (-0.04).
The imprinting bonus IB only affects bred creatures, and all stat-values except of stamina and oxygen (it does affect the torpor-value).
The game has further global variables for each stat, which affect the variables above:
- increase per wild level modifier: IwM
- increase per domesticated level modifier: IdM
- additive taming-bonus modifier: TaM
- multiplicative taming-bonus modifier: TmM
Currently these modifiers for health are:
- TaM = 0.14
- TmM = 0.44
- IdM = 0.2
The modifiers for melee damage are:
- TaM = 0.14
- TmM = 0.44
- IdM = 0.17
- IwM is always 1 for official servers
Three of the four modifiers can be found in the TestGameMode.uasset file located in Game/PrimalEarth/CoreBlueprints/
- TaM as property PerLevelStatsMultiplier_DinoTamed_Add
- TmM as property PerLevelStatsMultiplier_DinoTamed_Affinity
- IdM as property PerLevelStatsMultiplier_DinoTamed
The imprinting bonus is scaled by the global variable:
- BabyImprintingStatScaleMultiplier: IBM (default: 1)
Stat formula[]
Assume that a creature has upleveled a certain stat in the wild Lw times, was upleveled a stat by a player Ld times and was tamed with a taming effectiveness of TE. Then the final value V of that stat (as you see it ingame) is:
V = (B × (1 + Lw × Iw × IwM) × TBHM × (1 + IB × 0.2 × IBM) + Ta × TaM) × (1 + TE × Tm × TmM) × (1 + Ld × Id × IdM)
Explanation of the parts[]
The value you can see before taming Vw (Value wild) is the first part of that equation without the additive taming-bonus:
Vw = B × (1 + Lw × Iw × IwM)
After taming, dependant on the taming effectiveness (TE), the creature gets bonus levels, changing the value of Lw (the levels when wild). After these are applied, the additive taming bonus is added, then the multiplicative taming-bonus is applied, making the value post-tamed (Vpt):
Vpt = (Vw × TBHM + Ta × TaM) × (1 + TE × Tm × TmM)
For bred creatures there is the possibility to add an imprinting-bonus by caring for the creature during its maturation. The stat-values can then be increased according to:
Vpt = (Vw × TBHM × (1 + IB × 0.2 × IBM) + Ta × TaM) × (1 + TE × Tm × TmM)
Then, every time you level the creature up increases that stat again, making the final value (V, which you can see on the creature):
V = Vpt × (1 + Ld × Id × IdM)
To find out how many levels a creature has spend in wild levels (or in domesticated levels, if you forgot this), you can use this tool to extract them and see what values their offspring can inherit. The tool also has a file that contains all the values discussed above for most of the creatures (the newest may be missing).
Note on bonuses[]
Ta and Tm are 0 in most cases. For health Ta is mostly 0.5 (exceptions are for example the Giganotosaurus with -63000 and the Griffin with -1000), for Damage in most cases Ta = 0.5 and Tm = 0.4 (that gives the creature a +50pp (percentage point) bonus, and after this the value is multiplied by (1 + 0.4 * TmM * TE), so it get's another 40% * 0.45 = 18% of the current value, dependent on the taming effectiveness).
The TBHM (Tamed Base Health Multiplier) is 1 for most species, i.e. doesn't change anything. Exceptions are for example the Brontosaurus, Doedicurus, Carbonemys, Pteranodon which each have a value of 0.9, and the Quetzal having 0.85. Most of the species from Aberration seem to have a multiplier of 0.96, so tamed dinos have slightly less health than wild ones.
A Rex has the following values for health:
- B = 1000
- Iw = 20% = 0.2
- Id = 27% = 0.27
- Ta = 0.5
- Tm = 0
Assuming the Rex has 5 levels on health in the wild (Lw = 5), was leveled up 12 times after taming in health (Ld = 12) and was tamed with a taming effectiveness of 82% (TE = 0.82), the value you can see now is:
V = (B * (1 + Lw * Iw * IwM) + Ta * TaM) * (1 + TE * Tm * TmM) * (1 + Ld * Id * IdM) V = (1000 * ( 1 + 5 * 0.2 * 1) + 0.5 * 0.14) * (1 + 0.82 * 0 * 0.44) * (1 + 12 * 0.27 * 0.2) V = 3296.1
Another example with the melee damage of a Rex:
- B = 100%
- Iw = 5% = 0.05
- Id = 10% = 0.1
- Ta = 0.5
- Tm = 0.4
Assuming the Rex has 5 levels on melee damage in the wild (Lw = 5), was leveled up 12 times after taming in melee damage (Ld = 12) and was tamed with a taming effectiveness of 82% (TE = 0.82), the value you can see now is:
V = (B * (1 + Lw * Iw * IwM) + Ta * TaM) * (1 + TE * Tm * TmM) * (1 + Ld * Id * IdM) V = (100% * (1 + 5 * 0.05 * 1) + 0.5 * 0.14) * (1 + 0.82 * 0.4 * 0.44) * (1 + 12 * 0.1 * 0.17) V = 181.9%