Despite in an age of the internet that has connected people of all over the world, Japanese engineers have been left behind latest trends of discussions or services due to the crucial firewall - English. Consequently, they have only been stuck with their quirky ecosystems such as Hatena, Qiita, and niconico. When it comes to their cultures, for example, "Japanese cuisine" or "Japanese Pop Culture", they sometimes give birth to some valuable products, although in technology domain, it's just a damn to be quirky living in isolation from global standard or reinventing the wheel, and they don't produce any value for the world. In fact, despite the population size of Japan, there are the extremely small amount of technologies or services acknowledged in the world those are originated in Japan.
Despite of the fact which Internet has connected people in the world, due to the crucial firewall - English, Japanese Engineers couldn't join advanced technology discussion and catch up latest services. Instead of that,they have just kept maintaini...
Despite in an age of the internet that has connected people of all over the world, Japanese engineers have been left behind latest trends of discussions or services due to the crucial firewall - English. Consequently, they have only been stuck with t...
ほんこれ いい指摘なんだけど正論すぎてブクマつかねーなw
(1) 英語ができない インターネットによって世界が1つにつながっているにもかかわらず、英語という最大のファイアウォールのために、最先端の議論やサービスから取り残され、日本人...
すげぇ。まったくその通りです。 翻訳しました、みたいなサイトが多すぎて萎える。
英語を勉強しようという気になれた(するとは言っていない) ありがとう
英語を勉強しようという気になれた(するとは言っていない) ありがとう