Protocol Approval
Principal Investigators and course directors MUST obtain approval from the University of Michigan’s Institutional Animal Care & Use Committee BEFORE initiating any research, testing, or instructional project(s) involving the use of vertebrate animals or cephalopods.
In order to ensure that the highest animal welfare standards are maintained along with the conduct of accurate, valid scientific research at the University of Michigan, Principal Investigators and course directors MUST obtain approval from the Institutional Animal Care & Use Committee (IACUC) BEFORE initiating any research, testing, or instructional project(s) involving the use of vertebrate animals or cephalopods.
For more information on projects that may be exempt from standard IACUC review processes, please visit our Protocol Review Waiver page. Visit the Protocol Review page for information on how the IACUC reviews protocols and for details on additional documentation that may be required prior to submission for projects with special circumstances.
New PI Onboarding Request Form
All Principal Investigators (PIs) who are new to the University of Michigan should complete the New PI Onboarding Request Form. Completing this form will help us better understand your unique research needs and will also initiate the process of granting access to eRAM, U-M’s system for managing all animal use protocols.
Withholding Protocol Approval
The IACUC may withhold approval of an activity/protocol under the following conditions:
- Review of the matter at a convened meeting of a quorum of the IACUC, and
- With consent of a majority of the quorum present.
If the IACUC decides to withhold approval of an activity/protocol, it will:
- Provide a written notification with a statement of the reasons for its decisions, and
- Give the Principal Investigator (PI) an opportunity to respond in person or in writing.
Please note that the IACUC may reconsider its decision based on additional information provided by the PI.
Related A-Z Documents
If you have additional questions, or are unsure about whether or not your project is subject to standard IACUC review processes, please contact the Animal Care & Use Office at (734) 763-8028 or [email protected].