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—  Burg  —

Land  Geānedu Rīcu America Geānedu Rīcu America
Gestaðelod 26 Hreðmonað 1915
Brego Steven Meiner
• gerim

39.414777 km², 39.297171 km²
Hiehþu 1 m
• buend

82,890 buenda
Tidgyrdel Eastern Time Zone
Sprecungrim 305, 786
Webstede Webstede
Logo Wikimedia Commons Miamigstrand Commons
Þis cyþþubox hæfþ Wikidata wihta

Miamigstrand is miclu burg on þæm brimecge in Floridan suðdæle. Ðeos burg is getimbrod andlang manigum iegum þa sind clustor betwuh þæm garsecge and Biscaynebihte. Hwilcwene iega sind gecyndelice and hwilcwene mangedelft.

Ofer þæm biht stent Mīamig seo ceaster.

Iohannes S Collins bohte þes land for his tunland þæt he beeode for wæstmum. Æfterweard he timbrode niwu burg her, seo weax and weard Miamigstrandburg.