Solutions for Airport Operations

Achieve optimal turnaround planning and execution with our modular, scalable solutions for airport operations.


Make every decision count with the latest airport operations software at your fingertips

Amadeus Airport Operations suite has been designed from the ground up, leveraging the power and capabilities of cloud technology to bring flexibility and agility to your airport operations. 

Built by industry experts

Technology designed and developed by airport experts, for the airport industry ‑ we understand your needs and business goals.

True cloud hosting

Cloud‑based solutions give airports the flexibility to be responsive and agile, adjusting operations to meet changing demands. 

Integrated management systems

Multi‑system integration enables airports to manage operations with confidence – from gate allocations to take‑off calculations.

Informed decision‑making

A constant exchange of data on flights, passengers, baggage and resources provides airports with a single, 360° view of operations. 

Superior turnaround performance

Optimizing how airport resources are allocated leads to faster, efficient turnarounds – from catering and crew, to cargo loading.

Enhanced passenger journeys

Providing passengers with essential, flight‑related information helps manage expectations and facilitate seamless journeys. 

Sustainability initiatives

Airports can address their environmental impact with solutions that help reduce fuel waste and re‑locate data servers to the cloud.