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can you raed tihs? olny smoe poelpe can. it deosn't mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are, the olny iprmoatnt tihng is taht the frist and lsat ltteer be in the rghit pclae. the rset can be a taotl mses and you can sitll raed it wouthit a porbelm. if you can raed tihs, cpoy and ptsae tihs itno yuor pofirle.

A friend, Samuel Ponder, Soliloquy has written a poem relative to the Inquirer article above in a beautiful tribute to my husband and me for which we are both very grateful and honored.

Thank you, Sam ... Warmly, Mel

When Gary met Carmela

We met in Gods holy cathedral

hands clasped in Sunday mass

worshiping our father
in heaven above
and Christ knows
that his love
flows within our souls

brought together
we shared a few smiles

all the while
forging new beginnings
through happy tears

wondering where God
will lead us
and where do we go
from here?

Inspired by a news article I read about a couple highlighted in the newspaper. ?

For you and Gary Mel. ❤️

- Phrase Contest - "Where do we go from here?" by Patterson-Mooney


Ask questions, listen, learn, digest

set attainable goals in your quest

strive to achieve them with zest.

© Carmela M. Patterson



St. Michael, the archangel, defend us in battle, be our protection against the wickedness and snares of the devil. May God rebuke him, we humbly pray, and do thou, O prince of the heavenly hosts, by the power of God, cast into hell satan and all the evil spirits who prowl about the world seeking the ruin of souls.



If you plant good seeds, cultivate, water, watch ...

they will bloom where planted.

Ancestral roots and wings into the future

in a long line of ethnic backgrounds

a melting pot of family ties

a kaleidoscope of color

simply and truly beautiful to behold by loving eyes.

left to right:

son-in-law, Lablu, late hubby, Barry, yours truly, daughter, Tracy, on the occasion of celebrating their marriage


A penny for your thoughts

if you or I care to share

Rocky and Yours Truly


Should any one wish prayer, you have it, unconditionally. I offer your intentions, whatever they are, to God for you and yours.

Thank you for visiting.


October 30, 2015 was my 4th year AP Anniversary.

Here presented is a poem penned by a very good AP friend who honored yours truly with a lovely and much appreciated poem. Thank you, friend, very much.

Whatever your pleasure, whatever your joy,

be it of great measure in all that you employ.

© Carmela M. Patterson

Hi Mel! Thought the over 50's group might find this poem appropriate? If you wish, please feel free to post. Best regards, Jaye PLANNED OBSOLESCENSE The sage of age has turned the page; Oh come, let us deny; Our aches and pains and aging bones, and youth as it goes by! Little pills for little ills; and bottles of prescriptions; Pink and blue, flat and round; with promising inscriptions! Chemicals for every need; dispensed in wild perfusion; Some grow hair, and some fire sex; some mimic youth’s illusions! We have but to swallow; guided by the clock. Directions that we follow; warnings that we mock. Yet the wiz-bang wonder pill commercials shout about; Soon will have us lawyering in class-actions no doubt! Enter plastic surgery for chins and eyes and chests; So you can live to ninety-nine with perky little breasts! Peel me, sand me, bleach me; buff my aging hide! Snip and nip and pull my skin and tuck it all inside! It keeps the docs in business; It raises stock in Merck; It makes employers nervous the longer that you work! It sells those handy gadgets when you can’t stoop or reach. It markets cruise vacations and homes in West Palm Beach. Wait until you cross the magic line to 65; When demographics calculate that you won’t long survive! You’ll get ads about alzheimers that say your brain will warp! Installment scams for funeral plans, and member cards from AARP! Samples of pill supplements to help restore your senses! Pads that treat sore muscles, and blot incontinences! And though you still have all your teeth; they’ll discount denture creams; Alarm your house, and guarantee to answer fallen screams! You must have plans to keep your home, even if you’re broke; Insurance for your funeral costs; and step-in tubs to soak! And on and on it goes because you’re at that magic season: With lots of time to vote and spend, and they don’t need a reason to take your final penny, and promise you your youth; (Which some have found when underground may not have been the truth). So here’s a toast to those who boast they’re too young to be seen; sitting in God’s waiting room; reading magazines! Copyright: Jaye Showalter   Jaye, this is great and fun albeit a reality ... Lol. I'll make a Topic and give all credit to you. So fun. I'll bookmark it with your permission on my bio page. Is that okay? Mel Wow. You bet. Thank you so much Mel
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