Aletho News


Help Us Replant Saffa!

Palestine Solidarity Project | September 23, 2010

Join the Palestine Solidarity Project as we prepare to replant the Saffa valley, destroyed by settlers in 2009 and currently under threat of annexation by the Israeli military.  Saffa is a Palestinian agricultural community at the edge of the illegal Bat Ayn settlement, and Saffa farmers are frequently subject to settler violence and harassment. A series of settler attacks in the summer of 2009 left several Palestinian farmers wounded and much of the land destroyed.

Settlers have destroyed nearly all of the trees in the Saffa valley, depriving many farmers of their primary source of income. To make matters worse, the Israeli military has recently begun claiming that the land is “state land,” indicating their intention to annex the valley to the illegal Bat Ayn settlement.  All of the farmers have documents proving their ownership of the land. In 2009 the army began issuing a series of “closed military zone” orders denying the farmers access to their land, and attempts to reach the land have been violently suppressed.

For over a year the Palestine Solidarity Project has organized delegations of internationals and Israelis to accompany the farmers to their land, in order to deter settler violence and military harassment. In January 2010 the Palestine Solidarity Project organized the replanting of over two thousand trees in Saffa, to replace the ones destroyed by settlers and to deter further annexation. We are hoping to plant another three thousand trees this winter on land intended for annexation by the settlement. WE NEED YOUR SUPPORT!

Join Us!

We are calling all people of conscious to join the farmers of Saffa as they prepare their land for planting. The presence of large groups, including Israelis and internationals, helps deter settler and military violence, and will hopefully prevent imminent annexation. We will be working in the land Sundays, Mondays and Thursdays from 9 am until noon starting October 3. To get involved contact our volunteer coordinator, Maria Lewis, at (972) 59-708-6407.


All of the trees (and tools) are paid for by the generosity people like you!  The Palestine Solidarity Project is in need of donations to make our goals in Saffa a reality. Donate online at 

September 26, 2010 - Posted by | Ethnic Cleansing, Racism, Zionism, Illegal Occupation, Solidarity and Activism


  1. What Palestine really needs is some fighter aircraft, tanks and machine guns–they’ll never get anywhere being shot in the back trying to plant trees.

    A dose of cold reality. Sorry if it spoils your day.



    Comment by hybridrogue1 | September 26, 2010 | Reply

  2. The Palestinians have taken the place of the Native Tribes in both North and South America. Soon it will be illegal to pick up a rock and toss it against the IDF or IOF. If the Palestinians would have one airplane this would be enough reason for the Israeli Military to destroy it.
    Surprisingly the Palestinians still have limited access to the Internet which may one day end when the Zionist entity circulates a virus with the same damaging effect as the one Iran is confronted with…slowly destroying all info and files.


    Comment by B.Benhamid | September 26, 2010 | Reply

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