New Study Finds No Net Warming In Central Scandinavia For The Last 270 Years

New Study Finds No Net Warming In Central Scandinavia For The Last 270 Years

A robust 1750-2020 temperature proxy reconstruction (Karlsson et al., 2025) from a spruce forest in the Norwegian mountains identifies yet another location on the globe unaffected by anthropogenic “global warming.”

Image Source: Karlsson et al., 2025

Tectonic Political Shifts Have Made The Climate Issue Virtually Irrelevant (For Now)

With the election of Donald Trump and the ongoing geopolitical conflicts, the climate issue has lost much relevance over the recent months. It’s exceedingly clear that people are much worried about other issues. Few people care about the climate issue.

From now on, I’ll be blogging less frequently as climate news play a lesser role in the current political discourse and public interest. Kenneth will likely continue with his excellent posts.

Climate change has rapidly become a fringe issue. Moreover, for the time being, there’s no charismatic figure out there standing ready to take over for the Democrats and the leftists in Europe and to bring the climate issue back to the forefront.

Another development: people have come to realize that climate policy only means more crazy rules, less choice, higher taxes and a loss of freedom.

As far as Europe is concerned, its leaders have (finally) realized that their situation is indeed extremely dire in terms of geopolitical relevance and that the USA is done babysitting and funding them. Their latest off-the-cuff scheme: they hope that printing trillions of euros will lead their sick old continent out of its deep crisis. But don’t expect that to be successful. A substantial  portion of the planned trillions in new debt will be earmarked for the green new deal and other wasteful projects, which ultimately will make them even weaker than they currently are.

What’s lies beyond that point is open to speculation. One possible scenario is widespread discontent and resistance by citizens after things go from really bad to really much worse, which could lead the continent to enact dictatorial suppression measures against the people. Or a second scenario: a revolution that could put the establishment out of power and usher in a new era.

One thing is certain: we are living in a very transformative times. Stay calm, confident and resolute.

New Study Casts Doubt On The Accuracy And Reliability Of The Modern And Paleo CO2 Record

Reconstructed ice core CO2 values and modern CO2 and CH4 measurements do not support the narrative that human emissions are driving changes in atmospheric greenhouse gas concentrations.

New research extensively reviews the “pitfalls” of believing the conventional wisdom about modern CO2 concentration variations, as well as the “flaws” in reconstructed CO2 values from ice cores.

The record of annual increases (or decreases) in CO2 (ΔCO2) from the NOAA database indicate that prior to 1958 there were years when CO2 increased by 4 or 5 ppm from one year to the next, or even decreased by 3.5 ppm relative to the previous year.

 “[B]efore 1958 there are several years which show an increase of about 5 ppm or a decrease of about 3.5 ppm. … If these reconstructed values are correct, then there have been many years since the Industrial Revolution in which atmospheric CO2 has decreased.”

Problematically for the anthropogenic global warming narrative, it is not possible for human CO2 emissions to have driven either the 4.9 ppm increase from 1872 (286.66 ppm) to 1873 (291.56 ppm), or the 3.5 ppm decrease from 1908 to 1909. Year-to-year changes in human emissions could not have been nearly large enough to produce that much change – in either direction.

“The most impressive value is the of 4.9 ppm in 1873.”

“The year when human emissions exceeded 7.8 gigatons (Gt, equivalent to 1 ppm) was 1913. Before this year, an increase of more than 1 ppm per year is impossible, even when the CO2 increase over the Industrial Era is assumed to be of anthropogenic origin.”

Image Source: Ato, 2025

The NOAA record of year-to-year change in the methane (CH4) concentration reveals a similar problem, but this time in the 1980s-to-present data.

Not only are human CH4 emissions not large enough to account for the annual changes, but the changes show a nearly 40-year declining trend, 1984 to 2013, before rising again in the last decade.

“Since atmospheric methane has actually dropped even in present days, when humans are emitting large amounts of the gas [CH4], it cannot be assumed that about 1000 ppb [parts per billion] would have accumulated and risen in previous periods of low emissions.”

Image Source: Ato, 2025

There are fatal flaws in assuming we can actually derive accurate estimates of past global atmospheric CO2 concentrations from ice bubbles located at one site on Earth, Antarctica.

The author succinctly summarizes the problems with believing air from hundreds of thousands of years ago is fully sealed, uncontaminated, and never-changing in bubbles within the ice, and at no time in any and all excavation processes does the globally-representative CO2 value fail to deliver the precise measurement.

“There is no experimental evidence to prove the basic assumption of this method [that assumes the ‘composition of the gas at the time of capture will remain the same indefinitely’], that the gases in the upper layers will mix together for several years to thousands of years, and once they are sealed off, they will remain constant and no changes will occur.”

Image Source: Ato, 2025

New Study: 2000 Km Of Antarctic Ice-Covered Coastline Has Grown Slightly Over Past 85 Years!

Forgotten aerial photos from 1937 have given researchers at the University of Copenhagen the most detailed picture of the ice evolution in East Antarctica to date.

The results of a comprehensive analysis: The ice has remained stable and even grown slightly over almost a century.

Hat-tip: Klimanachrichten

Glacier, sea and aeroplanePhoto: Norwegian Polar Institute in Tromsø

The area covers approximately 2000 kilometers of coastline and contains as much ice as the entire Greenland Ice Sheet.

Using hundreds of old aerial photographs dating back to 1937, combined with modern computer technology, the researchers from the Department of Geosciences and Natural Resource Management at the University of Copenhagen have tracked the evolution of glaciers in East Antarctica and have been able to determine whether the glaciers have retreated or advanced and whether they have thickened or thinned.

The study reveals that the ice has not only remained stable but grown slightly over the last 85 years, partly due to increasing snowfall.

“We constantly hear about climate change and new melt records, so it’s refreshing to observe an area of glaciers that has remained stable for almost a century,” says PhD student Mads Dømgaard, the study’s lead author.

Solid historical photographic record

Out of 2200 images photographed from seaplanes in 1937, 130 were selected for the analysis. The researchers combined the historical photos with modern satellite data to create 3D reconstructions of the glaciers. Moreover, the Norwegian aerial images were supplemented with 165 aerial images of the same glaciers from Australian surveys conducted between 1950 and 1974. This allowed the researchers to examine the evolution of the glaciers over different periods and calculate historical ice flow speeds for selected glaciers.

Compared to modern data, the ice flow speeds are unchanged, the researchers found. While some glaciers have thinned over shorter intermediate periods of 10-20 years, they have remained stable or grown slightly in the long term, indicating a system in balance.

Forging A New Climate-Friendly Coalition Government For Germany A Daunting Task

Conservative/socialist prospects

The German parliamentary election has been decided, now it’s all about the possible coalition plans.

It seems certain that the link between the economy and the climate will be removed.

It had been introduced especially for Robert Habeck (Greens) and, until recently, was a haven for friends and buddies of the Green politician. Will the numerous NGOs, some of which had family ties to Habeck’s ministry, be able to count on lavish donations from the Ministry of Economic Affairs in the future?

The Münchener Merkur names some possible constellations in terms of the next government.

Friedrich Merz plans to fill the key economic and domestic affairs ministries in particular with his confidants. Names such as Jens Spahn, Carsten Linnemann and Thorsten Frei have been mentioned in this context. The CSU is also making demands: CSU party chairman Markus Söder has already announced that Alexander Dobrindt should take over a key ministry. The interior, finance or defense ministries could be considered, although these posts could possibly also be claimed by a coalition partner. In addition, the CSU is also reaching for the Ministry of Agriculture, which Söder wants the current Bavarian Farmers’ Association President Günther Felßner to take over.”

Prof. Dr. Manuel Frondel from Ruhr University takes a rather critical view of the possible new government on the subject of energy in the Berliner Zeitung. He even accuses Friedrich Merz of being naive.

Experience shows that the construction of gas-fired power plants takes at least five years. “As quickly as possible” can therefore mean many years; there can be no question of ‘going online immediately’. In addition, there are currently no incentives for investors to build new gas-fired power plants, as these power plants, which are intended to bridge dark doldrums, will not be used much due to the expansion of renewable energies and will therefore not be able to recoup their investment costs through market revenues. For this reason, a power plant strategy was developed last year that envisaged subsidizing the construction of ten gigawatts (GW) of hydrogen-capable natural gas power plants with 20 billion euros from the state. This would finance the construction of around 20 power plants, not 50 as proposed by Friedrich Merz. Merz’s proposal would therefore be much more expensive.”

Frondel also sees the expansion of solar energy critically.

According to the medium-term forecast of the Energy Economics Institute (EWI) at the University of Cologne, rooftop photovoltaic systems alone, which account for around two thirds of the 100 GW solar power, will cost taxpayers around ten billion euros a year – and this for another twenty years, as the remuneration for solar power is guaranteed at the same level for twenty years under the Renewable Energy Sources Act (EEG). These ten billion euros – per year, mind you! – are therefore not available for other urgently needed measures, such as the renovation of schools, the expansion of transport infrastructure or digitization, let alone for research and development, not least for energy generation and storage technologies.”

New Study: Ocean Warming Is Supposed To Increase Water Vapor – But It’s Been Declining Since 2008

“Our findings are unexpected: despite rising sea surface temperatures, global Eo [ocean evaporation/water vapor] has decreased in the most recent decade.” – Ma et al., 2025

A 2024 study published in PNAS again confirmed climate models fail to simulate what happens in the real world with regard to fundamental climate change variables like water vapor, Earth’s most significant greenhouse gas (due to its alleged warmth-enhancing “feedback” capacity).

Per state-of-the-art climate models, specific humidity (SH) should increase as a consequence of CO2-induced global warming. But 40 years of observations (1980-) show no increasing SH trend over arid/semi-arid regions.

Per state-of-the-art climate models, relative humidity (RH) should remain relatively constant, if not decline slightly as a consequence of CO2-induced global warming. But 40 years of observations (1980-) show not a slight declining trend, but a declining trend that is “about an order of magnitude more than the models on average.” In other words, the climate models are wrong by a factor of 10.

The authors did not understate the profundity of these climate modeling failures.

“This represents a major gap in our understanding and in climate model fidelity that must be understood and fixed as soon as possible in order to provide reliable hydroclimate projections for arid/semi-arid regions in the coming decades.”

Image Source: Simpson et al., 2024

Now, a new study has once again confirmed there has been an “unexpected” decline in ocean evaporation (which accounts for 85% of the derivation of global atmospheric water vapor) since 2008, the “turning point” (TP) year.

These robust results affirming a declining ocean evaporation (Eo) or water vapor trend across two-thirds of the globe – mostly in the Southern Hemisphere – can be found in all four satellite data sets used for the study.

Image Source: Ma et al., 2025

It should be noted that in 2020 Dr. Koutsoyiannis published a paper indicating the lack of a model-expected increasing trend in global specific humidity has been observed not just since 2008, or 1980, but since the late 1940s.

Observations do not seem to be sufficiently cooperating with the “water vapor feedback” narrative.

Image Source: Koutsoyiannis, 2020

Results Of Germany’s Election Expected To Change Very Little As Country Deteriorates

Germans are headed to the polls to elect a new national government today.

Little will change….new government will likely escalate Ukraine-Russia conflict as CDU pledges to supply Taurus cruise missiles to Ukraine.

The parties that currently make up the German federal government are the SPD (Social Democratic Party of Germany) the Greens and the FDP (Free Democratic Party. This current government failed a vote of no-confidence late last year and so early elections had to be called.

Due to leftist-green policies, Germany has been plagued by 2 years of recession, high inflation, energy supply bottlenecks, de-industrialization, mass immigration from warring countries, skyrocketing crime, thus making this leftist government the most unpopular since World War 2.

Citizens are now demanding a profound change in direction.

Unfortunately, though, not much will change even with a projected victory by the (once) conservative CDU/CSU Union party, led by Friedrich Merz, who refuses to form a coalition government with the surging right wing Alternative for Germany (AfD), one endorsed by the Trump administration.

Instead, the CDU/CSU has clearly signaled it wishes to form a coalition government with the SPD socialists and/or Greens, meaning the new government will be tumultuous and remain stuck in the left, should it ever form to begin with.

The only silver lining: a government led by the more pragmatic CDU would act to slow down the country’s and Europe’s current rate of deterioration…a little. The downside: the CDU would ratchet up the Ukraine-Russia conflict.

The CDU (Union) is projected to gain about 5% compared to its 2021 election result (24.1%) while the rightwing AfD party is expected to be the biggest winner as it will likely double its 2021 10.4% result, surging to 20% or more. The AfD has sided with the Trump administration on a number of issues, including seeking a peace deal to end the bloody Ukraine conflict.

Latest 2025 poll numbers, with change over previous week:

Source: here

Expect the CDU/CSU to hammer out a deal with the SPD and Greens…and watch the chaos continue.

Germany Is Turning Into An Unlivable Tyranny

There’s something horribly wrong when you’re afraid to speak your own thoughts

When I first moved to Germany in 1990, the country, rich in culture and life, was a great place to live. Optimism was high in the wake of reunification and the collapse of the Iron Curtain.

But my oh my how things have deteriorated. The leftists have not only taken over the country, but also even the once conservative CDU party.

First came the idiotic green movement and climate hysteria starting in the 1990s, followed by the election of stealth communist Angela Merkel in 2005, who let the country be flooded uncontrollably by immigrants from warring countries in 2015.

Then came the Corona pandemic and all the censorship, government and media lies and restrictions on freedom and basic rights. Dissidents were jailed and/or persecuted.

Paragraph 188

But just when we thought things couldn’t get worse, they did after the election of the socialist-green-liberal government in 2021 which moved to demolish German industry and put the country in its worse recession since the 1949. All the demise of course led to a level of protest and criticism that the government refused to put up with. They hit back with the intensification of Paragraph 188 “Defamation and slander against persons in political life” of German Law, which went into effect in 2021.

Paragraph 188 now states:

(1) If defamation (section 186) is committed against a person in the political life of the people publicly, in a meeting or by disseminating content (section 11(3)) for motives connected with the position of the offended person in public life, and if the offense is likely to make his or her public activities considerably more difficult, the penalty shall be imprisonment from three months to five years.”

In other words, if your speech makes it more difficult for incompetent government officials to keep screwing up the country, you get your house raided, devices confiscated and possibly do jail time that is longer than what robbers, muggers and rapists do. Offending the Majesty is a terrible crime.

One person saw his home raided because he reposted a comment that called Minister Robert Habeck a “dimwit”.

The video above shows where this has all taken us. Notice how 60 Minutes admires the new law.

Designed to silence the opposition

The intent of the new law of course has nothing to do about creating a nicer place to live, but rather the very opposite. It is designed to make it really easy to raid homes of dissidents, spread fear and to silence opposing voices. It should be called The Tyranny Act.

Many among you, outside of Europe, may think this is a bit funny, but let me assure you that it’s not when you actually live here. It’s dangerous and you have to be careful expressing yourself.

The law also goes after people who spread false information. My blogging days are soon coming to an end, if I stay in Germany.

Elections slated for this coming Sunday aren’t going to change anything. Friedrich Merz (CDU), a former Blackrock executive, is favored to win, But he’s all in on it and will form a coalition with the Greens and/or Socialists. Dark times are ahead.

It may soon be time to pack up and leave after 35 years.

Vance’s speech was spot on.

A Biased Anti-Warming, Anti-CO2 Model Fails To Account For Profoundly Positive Effects Of Rising CO2

It turns out the benefits of rising CO2 concentrations offsets any projected agricultural damage from climate warming.

In 2023 US EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) activists dubiously raised the “social cost of carbon” (SCC) five-fold due to unsupportable forecasts of agricultural deterioration and declining crop yields resulting from doubled CO2 and consequent climate warming.

The 500% SCC hike was based on a biased-negative model that neglected the significantly positive crop-yield benefits of rising CO2 concentrations.

The analysis the EPA relied upon for its dubious accounting was found in modeling papers (Moore et al., 2017 and Challinor et al., 2014) that tendentiously neglected multivariate factors in agricultural processes (e.g., precipitation changes, atmospheric CO2 changes, water-use efficiency, adaptation, technology…) and primarily focused on an assumed negative effect from a warming climate.

But now a new analysis that does not neglect all these other factors – especially the highly beneficial CO2 fertilization effect – finds any future warming, even up to 5°C, will still result in a net positive effect on crop yields.

“The negative temperature effects are fully offset by gains from CO2 fertilization and adaptation.”

“These coefficients imply that the atmospheric concentration of CO2 doubles from 280 to 560 ppm and causes 3°C warming, the combined effect on yields would be, on average, -14.7% (due to warming) plus 16.8% (due to CO2 fertilization) for a net effect of +2.1%.”

“But after incorporating the newly-available data the conclusions change such that global average yield gains of all crop types under CO2-induced warming are positive even out to 5°C warming.”

Image Source: McKitrick, 2025

Waking Up To Harsh Reality: Airbus Abandon’s Hydrogen Powered Airplanes

Green pie-in-the-sky dream crash lands on the runway of reality.

Like communism did in the 20th century, the green revolution has produced an infinite number of fantasies, promises and unrealistic dreams. Amateurish plans that look wonderful on paper are turning out to be complete nonsense when put to the test of reality.

Blackout News reports on the latest green wake-up call: European aviation giant Airbus has halted the development of hydrogen-powered aircraft, which originally had been slated to be introduced by 2035, has been canceled. The major reason for the halt is reported to be the lack of necessary hydrogen infrastructure. In short: planners realized that it isn’t financially feasible and it isn’t going to work.

And, as is the case with almost every pie-in-the-sky green project, the cancellation always gets followed by a statement that the project is simply being put off temporarily and that it still remains the target for the future.

“The company still wants to develop a marketable hydrogen aircraft and make a contribution to the decarbonization of aviation. The industry is pursuing the goal of becoming climate-neutral by 2050,” reports Blackout News. “However, experts are increasingly questioning whether this goal is achievable.”

According to analysts, the focus remains on alternatives such as synthetic aviation fuels, but these face formidable technological and investment hurdles as well. That too probably will soon join the”it remains the target of the future” club.

Currently demand for air travel is increasing rapidly and is expected to continue on its current trajectory for the next two decades. Converting over to a completely new aviation infrastructure is far more daunting and complex than naive climate activists could ever understand.

“The focus will now be on the further development of sustainable fuels and increasing the efficiency of existing aircraft,” adds Blackout News. “The vision of a hydrogen-powered aircraft is a distant prospect for the time being.”

Another New Study Finds Warming Has Missed China For Centuries

There has been no net warming at 3 mid-latitude study sites in China since 1916 (Tongbai Mountain), 1663 (Shimen Mountain), and 1541 (Xinlong).

Zheng et al., 2025

German Rail Operator Switches Back To Diesel Locomotives, Hopes Measure Will Be Temporary

Germany’s Blackout News here reports the latest example of what happens when green energy fantasies clash with reality, in this case trains powered by hydrogen.

Symbol image. Source: Alstom press release here

According to the Rhein-Main-Verkehrsverbund (RMV), the hydrogen trains on the Taunusbahn have been temporarily taken out of service and  diesel locomotives are being used again. The hydrogen locomotives are manufactured by Alstom and are reported to have been “fault-prone” and are currently being improved.

“The project was launched in December 2022 with great expectations. The plan was to deploy the world’s largest fleet of hydrogen trains on the Taunusbahn. But problems arose early on,” reports Blackout News.  “Even at the start, Alstom was unable to deliver the promised number of vehicles. Technical defects became more frequent in the following months.”

RMV was thus forced to put the diesel locomotives back in service, but calls the measure “a temporary solution until the end of 2025.” The hydrogen powered operation remains the the overall aim. Alstom is currently overhauling the hydrogen trains to make them ready for long-term, reliable operation.

By returning to the diesel trains, RMV is focusing on reliability while hoping hydrogen will improve enough to be put back in service by the end of this year. “This measure shows that sustainable technologies continue to pose challenges,” Blackout News summarizes.

While green energies can be used in a number of applications, they are proving to be a major technological challenge in the transport sector.

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