Anchor position tool
This is a great little helper in understanding anchor positioning in CSS.
This is a great little helper in understanding anchor positioning in CSS.
This is absolutely wonderful!
There’s deep dives and then there’s Marcin’s deeeeeeep dives. Sit back and enjoy this wholesome detective work, all beautifully presented with lovely interactive elements.
This is what the web is for!
Heydon’s latest video is particularly good:
All of my videos are black and white, but especially this one.
Its proponents can be weird, it takes itself far too seriously, and its documentation is interminable. These are some ways that some people have described Christianity. This video is about React.js.
This is a terrificly entertaining level-headed in-depth explanation of AI safety. By the end of this year, all three parts will be published; right now the first part is ready for you to read and enjoy.
This 3-part series is your one-stop-shop to understand the core ideas of AI & AI Safety — explained in a friendly, accessible, and slightly opinionated way!
( Related phrases: AI Risk, AI X-Risk, AI Alignment, AI Ethics, AI Not-Kill-Everyone-ism. There is no consensus on what these phrases do & don’t mean, so I’m just using “AI Safety” as a catch-all.)
Another terrific interactive tutorial from Ahmad, this time on container queries.
This isn’t just a great explanation of :has()
, it’s an excellent way of understanding selectors in general. I love how the examples are interactive!
Everyone is quite rightly linking to this great interactive explainer on colour. It does a great job of describing complex concepts in a clear accessible way.
This is a wonderfully in-depth interactive explainer on touch target sizes, with plenty of examples.
This is an interesting idea from Scott—a templating language that doesn’t just replace variables with values, but keeps the original variable names in there too.
Not sure how I feel about using data-
attributes for this though; as far as I know, they’re intended to be site-specific, not for cross-site solutions like this.
The fascinating pre-history of steam power, illustrated with interactive widgets.
This is a really interesting proposal, and I have thoughts.
This is a terrific interactive explainer!
Generative AI: What You Need To Know is a free resource that will help you develop an AI-bullshit detector.
You can read all the cards on one page, print them out, or print to PDF.
Jen pointed me to this proposal, which should help smooth over some of the inconsistencies I documented in iOS when it comes to the Web Audio API.
I’ve preemptively add this bit of feature detection to The Session:
if ('audioSession' in navigator) {
navigator.audioSession.type = "playback";
The interactive widgets embedded in this article are excellent teaching tools!
Josh is great at explaining tricky concepts and here he’s really set himself a challenge: explaining layout modes in CSS.
I like the split-screen animated format for explaining this topic.
This is a really in-depth explanation from Bramus of the upcoming @layer
rules in CSS, from the brilliant minds of Miriam, fantasai and Tab.
Basically, you’ll be able to scope styles, and you get to define the context for that scoping. So all those CSS-in-JS folks who don’t appreciate the cascade will have a mechanism to get encapsulated styles.
I can see this being very handy for big complex codebases with lots of people on the team.
This is a great tutorial—I just love the interactive parts that really help make things click.