出典: フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』 (2023/08/07 18:08 UTC 版)
- ^ Nominally a federal union of multiple national republics; in practice its government and economy were highly centralized until its final years.
- ^ The states lived on until a final treaty in 1956 in which Republic of South Maluku and the State of Eastern Sumatra agreed to devolve into the Republic of Indonesia.
- ^ republic
- ^ Forum of Federations:, Schram, Sanford. Handbook of Federal Countries: United States, pg 373–391, 2005.
- ^ “Text of the Russian constitution in English”. Constituteproject.org. 2018年3月16日閲覧。
- ^ a b “The CIA World Factbook officially dated October 15, 1991”. 2011年5月11日時点のオリジナルよりアーカイブ。2011年2月5日閲覧。
- 1 連邦共和国とは
- 2 連邦共和国の概要
- 3 概要
- 4 脚注
- 連邦共和国のページへのリンク