カムの機構や種類、カムの力学などについて解説しています。 提供 三共製作所 URL http://www.sankyo-seisakusho.co.jp/ |
カム用語集 のさくいん
- 回転テーブル
- 角加速度
- 確動カム
- 仮想仕事の原理
- 加速度
- カッター径補正
- 過渡振動
- カム
- カム基礎円半径
- カム曲線
- カム曲線特性値
- カム径
- カム軸トルク
- カム軸摩擦トルク
- カム代表半径
- カムトロン
- カムバランサ
- カムフォロア
- カムブランク
- カム有効半径
- 間欠割出装置
- サイクルタイム
- 作業負荷トルク
- 作動トルク
- 三共変形正弦曲線
- 三共変形台形曲線
- 三共変形等速度曲線
- 三次元カム
- サンデックス
- 仕事
- 下死点
- シングルドエル
- シンセシス
- 信頼度係数
- シーケンス制御
- スカラー
- abrasion
- acceleration
- acceleration of gravity
- angle of misalignment
- angular acceleration
- angular error
- angular error over dwell period
- angular stoke
- arm
- asymmetrical cam curve
- Automatic Tool Changer
- backlash
- barrel cam
- basic rating life
- bell cam
- bottom dead point
- cam
- cam base radius
- cam blank
- cam curve
- cam diameter
- cam follower
- cam shaft frictional torque
- cam shaft torque
- cambalancer
- camtron
- Cartesian coordinate
- center of curvature
- characteristics of cam curve
- circumscribed cam
- coefficient of lubricating
- coefficient of material
- coefficient of reliability
- coefficient of torque transmission
- common normal line
- computer aided designing
- computer aided manufacturing
- concave globoidal cam
- conical cam
- conjugate cam
- contact length
- contact stress
- contacted length
- convex globoidal cam
- curvature
- cutter compensation
- cycle time
- cylindrical cam
- cylindrical coordinates
- cylindrical grooved cam
- discontinuous curve
- drive member
- driven member
- driver
- driving member
- dwell
- dwell angle
- dwell period
- dwell-rise-dwell motion
- dwell-rise-return-dwell motion
- dynamic rated load
- dynamic rated torque
- end cam
- energy
- face grooved cam
- flaking
- flat cam
- flat-face follower
- fly wheel cam
- follower
- follower member
- follower offset
- follower with knife edge
- forced vibration
- free vibration
- fretting corrosion
- frictional torque
- GD2
- Geneva drive
- Geneva mechanism
- globoidal cam
- grinding
- grooved cam
- hardening
- hardness
- harmonic motion
- harmonic motion curve
- Hertz stress
- hours of life
- index accuracy
- index angle
- index handler
- index period
- index table
- indexer
- indexing angle
- indexing drive
- indexing handler
- indexing table
- inertia
- inertia torque
- inertia torque self-consumed
- inscribed cam
- jerk
- jump
- knife edge
- knife edged follower
- left hand cam
- length of lever
- lever
- lever length
- line normal to tangential line
- link
- linkage
- lost motion
- machine vibration
- Maltese wheel
- margin
- MCV曲線
- mean radius of cam
- misalignment
- Modified Constant Velocity
- Modified Sine
- Modified Trapezoid
- moment
- moment of inertia
- motion curve
- MS
- MS曲線
- MT
- MT曲線
- natural vibration
- non-dimensional acceleration
- non-dimensional jerk
- non-dimensional time
- non-dimensional velocity
- non-dwell motion
- normal direction
- number of stations
- number of stops
- offset
- one-dwell motion
- oscillate handler
- oscillating angle
- oscillating drive
- oscillating follower
- oscillating handler
- oscillation angle
- oscillator
- overlap
- overlap control
- parallel cam
- parallel index cam
- parts handler
- pick and place unit
- pitch circle
- pitch curve
- polar coordinate
- Polydyne curve
- positioning error
- positive cam
- positive mechanical constraint cam
- preload
- pressure angle
- pressure angle in dwell period
- pressure of contacted surface
- principle of virtual work
- quenching
- radius of base circle of cam
- radius of curvature
- representative radius of cam
- residual vibration
- rib cam
- ribbed cam
- right hand cam
- rise-return-rise motion
- Rockwell hardness
- roller center path
- roller follower
- roller gear cam
- rotary table
- rotation toward pivot
- rotation toward roller
- S-N curve
- S-N曲線
- sandex
- Sankyo Half Power Polynomial
- Sankyo Modified Constant Velocity
- Sankyo Modified Sine
- Sankyo Modified Trapezoid
- scalar
- seizure
- self-excited vibration
- sequence control
- SHP5
- SHP-5曲線
- single dwell
- skew angle
- slider
- slope angle
- SMCV-3
- SMCV-3曲線
- smearing
- SMS-3
- SMS-3曲線
- SMT-3
- SMT-3曲線
- solid cam
- spatial cam
- spherical cam
- spider
- static rated load
- static rated torque
- station
- steady-state vibration
- steel
- stroke
- surface roughness
- symmetrical cam curve
- synchronized control
- synthesis
- tapered rib
- tempering
- timing diagram
- top dead point
- torque
- torque compensation cam
- torque compensation unit
- torque limiter
- track allowable load
- track surface
- transfer
- transient vibration
- translating cam
- translating follower
- turn table
- turret
- two dwell
- two-dwell motion
- undercut
- universal cam curve
- Universal curve
- unsymmetrical cam curve
- valid radius of cam
- vector
- Wella curve
- work
- working torque
- Yoke cam