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What follows is an edited transcript of an interview conducted by talk radio host James Edwards with Patrick J. Buchanan several years ago about Pat’s book Churchill, Hitler, and the Unnecessary War: How Britain Lost Its Empire and the West Lost the World. This transcript has never before appeared online and is being published now... Read More
Winston Churchill and Neville Chamberlain
In the high summer of 1940, the politicians who comprised the British Government faced a terrible and momentous problem. So, on a personal level, did the new British Prime Minister from May 10th, Winston Churchill. More on this later. At the time, the British Empire is often said to have ruled a quarter of the... Read More
World War I was won by the powers that worked to bring it about, while refusing an early peace with Germany and Austria-Hungary. World War II was also won by the instigators, namely the US, England and the USSR. Now that World War III is gathering steam as we speak, we can state with confidence... Read More
We have to protect the Jews that rule over us from criticism. That’s our values of who we are in a democracy. The Guardian: Why did antisemitism increase? As elsewhere in Europe, the number of antisemitic incidents have surged in Switzerland in recent years, particularly after the start of Israel’s war against Hamas in the... Read More
While the trauma that Palestinians continue to face in Gaza is sustained, brutal and seemingly never-ending, the universal susceptibility to trauma unites humanity as much as it divides the self. Dr. Gabor Maté, renowned physician and expert in trauma and childhood development, illustrates this point articulately on the latest episode of The Chris Hedges Report... Read More
…Legacy media, Hollywood, and establishment RINOs? Seriously, name one.
With our privileged FCC broadcasters, legacy newspaper barons and other anointed members of “mainstream” culture spitting mad about their failure to defeat Donald Trump on Nov. 5, they are now coalescing around a new message. Without the slightest hint of irony or shame, our elite media and their pals in Hollywood and subsidized schools are... Read More
The wheels of justice turn slow in Germany. So slow, that you might murder 3,300 people, and not be charged with a crime for 80 years. But the wheels turn, and after those 80 years, you will eventually pay for killing those 3,300 people. You can’t just get away with it. The German authorities will... Read More
Related: Australia Bans Candace Owens from Entering the Country If you’re black, you’re allowed to loot, riot, and commit murder. You’re not allowed to criticize the Jews though. As soon as you say something against Jews, all your privileges disappear. AP: Wait, you’re not allowed to deny the goofy “Nazi mad scientist” bullshit now? I... Read More
The IDF’s 'Aktion' in north Gaza resembles nothing short of the 'liquidation' of the ghettos of East Europe
Israelis and their lickspittles pitch a fit when the language of the Nazi Holocaust is applied to the genocide Israel is perpetrating upon the Palestinians. So here goes: The northern part of the Gaza Ghetto is being “liquidated” (as remarked on October 31). Israel's methodology there is that ofthe Nazi death squads, who were said... Read More
Ursula Haverbeck (11/8/1928 - 11/20/2024) recently passed at the ripe old age of ninety-six. She was known or “notorious” in Germany because she dared to challenge the Jewish Holocaust ‘narrative’ of six million. Time after time, she got into trouble with the German authorities for ‘Holocaust denial’ and ‘incitement to hatred,’ a crime that often... Read More
Tucker Carlson finally did a long-form interview with Glenn Greenwald. It’s good and worth watching, but in the interview, he falsely claims that the US is a “fascist country.” This is a stupid lie he’s told several times. The US is what it says it is: it is a democracy. That’s what this system is... Read More
For decades the British journalist Piers Morgan has been a fully mainstream media figure, though having a career with the ups and downs typical of the tabloid wing of that profession. According to his very extensive 11,000 word Wikipedia article, he was born in 1965, started at Rupert Murdoch's The Sun in 1988, then at... Read More
For over a hundred years — since Benito Mussolini came to power in October 1922 — the holy alliance of socialists, communists, liberals, masons and progressives of all stripes has been endlessly repeating that nationalism, fascism and national-socialism were backward-looking, regressive regimes that severely oppressed the European population and particularly the fairer sex. If we... Read More
Roberts, Hanson and Ferguson
When Tucker Carlson and Darryl Cooper discussed the Second World War in September, Cooper named Winston Churchill as the “chief villain”, condemned the legacy of the war and attributed the present state of Britain to it. Pro-Churchill historians reacted: Niall Ferguson and Victor Davis Hanson (and the author and columnist Sohrab Amari) at Bari Weiss’... Read More
Hitler’s violation of the Munich settlement in March 1939 proved his perfidy and his intention to conquer. But why was Britain party to that settlement? The German invasion of Poland triggered the declarations of war by Britain and France. But why were those countries allied with Poland? The two statements are familiar. The two questions... Read More
Jews made an executive decision when they decided to make everything in Western society about Hitler and the Holocaust. It paid off quite a bit in the medium term, with Jews being able to assert they are totally above any and all criticism because of the events of the 1930s and 40s. Now, however, as... Read More
Walt King documents in the Unz Review, the inability of historians and chemists to find evidence that substantiates the Zionist narrative of the Holocaust. Apparently, there is scant evidence uncovered by any researcher that supports the Holocaust narrative. Historians such as David Irving can document massacres of Jews, but they appear to be ad hoc... Read More
Apparently Donald Trump is not as stupid as he appears. As reported recently in multiple mainstream outlets, Trump’s former chief of staff, John Kelly, gave a series of interviews in which he claimed that Trump not only fits the definition of a fascist, but worse, that he had, on numerous occasions, praised Hitler and Hitler’s... Read More
A Message from the New CODOH Forum
Check out the recently relaunched CODOH forum: To say something is self-evident is to say that it is to be accepted without proof or explanation. The mainstream position on the Holocaust is that it is effectively self-evident. While we do hear frequent mention of the “overwhelming” proof for the Holocaust, those foolhardy enough to request... Read More
E. Michael Jones and I weigh in
Rumble link Bitchute link FFWN link Is “Holocaust denial” a sin? That’s what Trent Horn thinks. And who is Trent Horn? Dr. E. Michael Jones, arguably America’s leading Catholic intellectual, explains: Trent Horn is a guy who works for something called Catholic Answers. Catholic Answers got started in the 90s by a guy named Carl... Read More
The BBC, the Bloomsbury Group, the Comintern and the NKVD in the 1930s
After its first five years in operation, the British Broadcasting Company became the wholly state-controlled British Broadcasting Corporation in 1927. John Reith, the first chief executive, wrote in 1924 of his “high conception of the inherent possibilities of the service” and later asserted that “‘the brute force of monopoly’ was a necessity in British broadcasting.”[1]... Read More
A few years before he died in 1994, Léon Degrelle wrote Tintin mon copain (Tintin, my buddy) an extraordinary autobiography. Actually, it is a double, or rather threefold biography, namely of himself and of the comic strip hero Tintin and his creator Hergé. In a sense therefore, it can be regarded as a modern version... Read More
Rumble link Bitchute link Alan Sabrosky discusses revisionists’ assertions that yes, there was a Holocaust during World War II, and yes, the Germans were involved…but as victims, not perpetrators. Alan Sabrosky writes: (1) Hellstorm: (2) Other Losses: Also check out the transcript and audio of my 2015 interview with Thomas Goodrich, author of
As we approach the 80th anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz, to which celebration, bizarrely, the creators of the concentration camp, but not the liberators, have been invited - are we celebrating then the liberation, or the creation? - it seems an appropriate time to dig deeper into its history and find out what it... Read More
In September of 2022, Famed Hollywood actor, Arnold Schwarzenegger, returned from a tour of Auschwitz and boy was he ready to lecture White people! In early March of 2023, he posted a video about his experience on his YouTube channel. He’s apparently found himself a new crusade in life that has nothing to do with... Read More
Hitler is back in a big way. He said this would happen, you know. He said it and like everything else he said, he was right. The Jews over at the New York Post are not thrilled about his triumphant return: No historians argue that Hitler purposefully sta
Johann von Leers (1902–1965) was one of the most important of the National Socialist ideologues. He joined the NSDAP in 1929, although he was at first associated with the Strasserist wing of the party. However, in 1933, he was hired by Goebbels to work in the Ministry of Propaganda. At the end of the war,... Read More
In order for white Europeans to finally escape the hole they have dug for themselves, they must reevaluate the Second World War. This was the war in which Europe was conquered by the forces of liberal democracy coming from the west, and the forces of communism coming from east—two sides of the same globalist coin.... Read More
For years, Tucker Carlson had been the highest-rated host on television, courageously covering the important, controversial topics that few others dared to touch. After his forced departure from FoxNews in April 2023, he soon launched an even bolder interview show on Elon Musk's Twitter platform, now completely free of the timorous corporate oversight and time... Read More
It’s often been alleged that ever since World War II ended, Holocaustianity emerged from its ashes as the West’s official state religion. To dare suggest that human history’s bloodiest war didn’t happen exactly the way we have been commanded to think that it happened is to face the sort of social death that stared down... Read More
Five questions, plus a sixth: 1. At what point does it become irresponsible not to compare Israel’s slaughter of the Palestinian people with the genocide westerners know best: the Nazi Holocaust? 2. At what point does shielding Israel from the revulsion its actions naturally inspire not turn into complicity? 3. At what point should western... Read More
CNN, NY Times, and WH Press Secretary Bates Are Smearing Tucker Carlson as a Hitler apologist in an Attempt to Shut Him Down. Tucker interviewed Darryl Cooper whose view of World War II appears to be based in the 50-year research of historian David Irving. It is not the official view established by court historians.... Read More
Credit…Thalassa Raasch
Tucker Carlson has often been the subject of commentaries on this site, some quite negative, although I have tended toward his defense while calling attention to some of his blind spots, mostly involving race and Jewish influence. However, quite simply, Carlson has been by far the edgiest voice among mainstream conservatives. This interview marks a... Read More
Well, the Jewish Lobby is at it again. In the latest kerfuffle over “Holocaust denial,” Jews and their sycophants are in an uproar over a podcast interview aired on September 2 in which Tucker Carlson spoke at length with a “popular historian” named Darryl Cooper. The two-hour episode is titled “The True History of the... Read More
These errors seem to go only one way. It turns out that the Alternative for Germany (AfD) party did not win enough seats in Saxony to block legislation or appointments that require a two-thirds majority. “Saxony’s electoral commission said on Monday morning that a software error was to blame for the incorrect calculation of seats... Read More
The 21st century version is worse than the 20th century version.
Dr. Reiner Fuellmich is a renowned German attorney who has succeeded in holding elites accountable. He is widely appreciated by people for bringing justice to bear where it is needed. During the years of the Covid hoax, Dr. Fuellmich organized a committee to investigate the lies about Covid and the “vaccine,” and was preparing to... Read More
Hamas Leader Yahya al-Sinwar and Nazi Leader Adolf Hitler
A quarter-century ago in 1999 The Matrix entered our theaters and became an instant film classic as well as a colossal blockbuster, earning nearly $500 million at the box office. There were also interesting epistemological implications to the notion that our own world was merely the illusion created within a computer simulation, hiding the grim... Read More
Otto Dickel (1880–1944) was the founder of the Völkisch German Work Community (Deutsche Werkgemeinschaft) movement which sought to develop a nationalist socio-political model on the basis of the trade union system. Dickel studied natural science at the Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität in Munich. From 1909, he worked at the Realgymnasium as a gymnastics teacher and, from 1918, as... Read More
How the threads of peace were severed in 1939
Our last article concluded with the Munich settlement of September 1938. Peace was sustained for the time being; those who wanted war against Hitler’s Germany were embittered. Peace still had many advocates, and among them was the Prime Minister of Great Britain. The shared aims of communists, organised Jewry and Disraelite Tories could not be... Read More
Authors and their literary heroes are always subject to conflicting interpretations in different historical contexts. Sophocles’ tragedy Antigone was performed quite differently in the Greek city state of fifth-century Greece than it is in contemporary versions crafted by modern producers and directors beholden to modern literary critics. The story of the mythical and rebellious princess... Read More
For a long time I’ve been fascinated by the way in which Jews obsess over deceased, historical figures who made unflattering comments about their race. The more famous and talented, the greater the intensity of the obsession. Such preoccupations have featured previously at The Occidental Observer, for example in the Jewish vendetta against T.S. Eliot,... Read More
According to Jewish mythology, Moses came down from the mountain with two stone tablets in hand. Inscribed on them, by the Jewish god Yahweh, were 10 “commandments” for the Jews to follow in their interactions with other Jews (though not with non-Jews, for whom there were no such laws). This so-called decalogue, or “10-words” (deka-logos),... Read More
Introduction If you’re looking for evidence to support some political, ideological, or religious position while studying history, you will probably find it if you want to badly enough. The clues are all there, and it’s all too tempting to prioritize some clues over others or interpret some clues more broadly than others in order to... Read More
In retrospect, it becomes clear that the Cold War “communist threat” was only a pretext for great powers seeking more power. Ceremonies were held last week commemorating the 80th anniversary of Operation Overlord, the Anglo-American landing on the beaches of Normandy that took place on June 6, 1944, known as D-Day. For the very first... Read More
Meir Henoch Wallach-Finkelstein, alias Maxim Litvinov
On Who Betrayed Whom in 1938
Our last article described some of the activities of the Focus and the early stages of their project to supplant British foreign policy with their own: regime change in Germany by threats or by war. Here we examine the collaborative efforts of the Focus and the Soviet Union toward that aim in 1938. Collective security... Read More
Well, first off, “The Holocaust” did not happen. It was a complete hoax. These lying Jews show you a pile of old shoes and say it means six trillion of them were gassed to death in fake shower rooms with wooden doors. Do you believe that? I don’t. What the Jews are doing right now... Read More
A Chronicle of a Two-Tiered Standard of Judgment
I. Genocide Denial Law as Applied Only to One People II. The “Noahide Law” Deception and Talmudic Exceptionalism III. The Antisemitism Awareness Act: The Beginning of the End for the First Amendment www.RevisionistHistory.org I . Genocide Denial Law as Applied Only to One People "The Holocaust falls into that unique category of criminal malevolence whose... Read More
The Real Cause of WW2
In his book The New Ecological Order, philosopher Luc Ferry, the former French Minister of Education (2002-2003), shocked animal protectors, whom we shall henceforth call “animalists,” the counterpart of “humanists” for humans.[1] In a chapter of his book entitled “Nazi ecology: the legislation of November 1933, July 1934, and June 1935,” Ferry had the misfortune... Read More
A Racial War that Doesn’t Say its Name
The roots of the “Hitler-Controlled-Opposition” myth go back to the 1920s and 1930s in the circles of Hitler’s political rivals, namely the German and Soviet Communist Parties, the leftists of the West and the hard left faction of the National Socialist German Worker’s Party (NSDAP).[1] The intention was obviously to prevent Hitler and the NSDAP... Read More
Our last article discussed the pursuit of Jewish interests by Winston Churchill and the British ruling class. Recall that Churchill considered Jews (at least as compared to Arabs) to be racially superior and strove energetically to enable Jewish colonisation of Manchester and London as well as of Palestine. He was born in the ambit of... Read More
Topic Classics
The Shaping Event of Our Modern World
Analyzing the History of a Controversial Movement