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Related to settle: settle stomach


v. set·tled, set·tling, set·tles
1. To end or resolve (a dispute, for example) by making a decision or coming to an agreement. See Synonyms at decide.
2. Law
a. To resolve (a lawsuit or dispute) by mutual agreement of the parties rather than by court decision.
b. To make the determinations and distributions of (a trust).
a. To make compensation for (a claim).
b. To pay (a debt).
a. To put into order; arrange as desired: settle one's affairs.
b. To place or arrange in a desired position: settled the blanket over the baby; settled herself in an armchair.
c. To agree to or fix in advance: settled the date of the meeting in June.
a. To establish as a resident or residents: settled her family in Ohio.
b. To migrate to and establish residence in; colonize: Pioneers settled the West.
c. To establish in a residence, business, or profession: was finally settled in his own law practice.
6. To restore calmness or comfort to: The hot tea settled his nerves.
a. To cause to sink, become compact, or come to rest: shook the box to settle the raffle tickets.
b. To cause (a liquid) to become clear by forming a sediment.
1. To discontinue moving and come to rest in one place: The ball settled in the grass near the green.
2. To move downward; sink or descend, especially gradually: Darkness settled over the fields. Dust settled in the road.
a. To become clear by the sinking of suspended particles. Used of liquids.
b. To be separated from a solution or mixture as a sediment.
c. To become compact by sinking, as sediment when stirred up.
a. To establish one's residence: settled in Canada.
b. To become established or localized: The cold settled in my chest.
5. To reach a decision; decide: We finally settled on a solution to the problem.
6. To come to an agreement, especially to resolve a lawsuit out of court.
a. To provide compensation for a claim.
b. To pay a debt.
A long wooden bench with a high back, often including storage space beneath the seat.
Phrasal Verbs:
settle down
1. To begin living a stable and orderly life: He settled down as a farmer with a family.
2. To become calm or composed.
settle for
To accept in spite of incomplete satisfaction: had to settle for a lower wage than the one requested.
settle (one's) stomach
To relieve one's indigestion or nausea.
settle (someone's) hash Slang
To silence or subdue.

[Middle English setlen, to seat, from Old English setlan, from setl, seat; see sed- in Indo-European roots.]

set′tle·a·ble adj.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.


1. (tr) to put in order; arrange in a desired state or condition: he settled his affairs before he died.
2. to arrange or be arranged in a fixed or comfortable position: he settled himself by the fire.
3. (intr) to come to rest or a halt: a bird settled on the hedge.
4. to take up or cause to take up residence: the family settled in the country.
5. to establish or become established in a way of life, job, residence, etc
6. (tr) to migrate to and form a community; colonize
7. to make or become quiet, calm, or stable
8. (intr) to be cast or spread; come down: fog settled over a wide area.
9. to make (a liquid) clear or (of a liquid) to become clear; clarify
10. to cause (sediment) to sink to the bottom, as in a liquid, or (of sediment) to sink thus
11. to subside or cause to subside and become firm or compact: the dust settled.
12. (Banking & Finance) (sometimes foll by up) to pay off or account for (a bill, debt, etc)
13. (tr) to decide, conclude, or dispose of: to settle an argument.
14. (intr; often foll by on or upon) to agree or fix: to settle upon a plan.
15. (Law) (tr; usually foll by on or upon) to secure (title, property, etc) to a person, as by making a deed of settlement, will, etc: he settled his property on his wife.
16. (Law) to determine (a legal dispute, etc) by agreement of the parties without resort to court action (esp in the phrase settle out of court)
[Old English setlan; related to Dutch zetelen; see settle2]
ˈsettleable adj


(Furniture) a seat, for two or more people, usually made of wood with a high back and arms, and sometimes having a storage space in the boxlike seat
[Old English setl; related to Old Saxon, Old High German sezzal]
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014


(ˈsɛt l)

v. -tled, -tling. v.t.
1. to appoint, fix, or resolve definitely and conclusively; agree upon, as price or conditions.
2. to place in a desired state or in order: to settle one's affairs.
3. to pay, as a bill.
4. to close (an account) by making full payment.
5. to migrate to and organize (an area, territory, etc.); colonize.
6. to cause to take up residence.
7. to furnish (a place) with inhabitants or settlers.
8. to quiet, calm, or bring to rest: to settle one's nerves.
9. to relieve nausea or other distress in: to settle a queasy stomach.
10. to stop from annoying or opposing.
11. to conclude or resolve: to settle a dispute.
12. to make stable; place in a permanent position or on a permanent basis.
13. to cause (a liquid) to become clear by depositing dregs.
14. to cause (dregs, sediment, etc.) to sink or be deposited.
15. to cause to sink down gradually; make firm or compact.
16. to dispose of finally; close out (sometimes fol. by up): to settle an estate.
a. to secure (property, title, etc.) on or to a person by formal or legal process.
b. to terminate (legal proceedings) by mutual consent of the parties.
18. to decide, arrange, or agree (often fol. by on or upon): to settle on a plan.
19. to arrange matters in dispute; come to an agreement: to settle with a person.
20. to pay a bill; make a financial arrangement (often fol. by up).
21. to take up residence in a new country or place.
22. to come to rest, as from flight: a bird settling on a bough.
23. to gather, collect, or become fixed in a particular place, direction, etc.
24. to become calm or composed (often fol. by down).
25. to stop activity in order to rest or sleep (often fol. by in or down): We settled in for the night at a country inn.
26. to sink down gradually; subside.
27. to become clear by the sinking of suspended particles, as a liquid.
28. to sink to the bottom, as sediment.
29. to become firm or compact, as the ground.
30. (of a female animal) to become pregnant; conceive.
31. settle down,
a. to achieve personal and professional stability, esp. upon marrying.
b. to become calm or quiet.
c. to apply oneself to serious work.
32. settle for, to be satisfied with.
33. settle into, to become established in.
[before 1000; Middle English set(t)len, Old English setlan to place, derivative of setl settle2; compare Dutch zetelen]
set′tle•a•ble, adj.
set`tle•a•bil′i•ty, n.
set′tled•ness, n.


(ˈsɛt l)

a long seat or bench, usu. wooden, with arms and a high back.
[before 900; Middle English: seat, sitting place, Old English setl, c. Old High German sezzal armchair, Gothic sitls seat, Latin sella saddle; akin to sit]
Random House Kernerman Webster's College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc. All rights reserved.


Past participle: settled
Gerund: settling

I settle
you settle
he/she/it settles
we settle
you settle
they settle
I settled
you settled
he/she/it settled
we settled
you settled
they settled
Present Continuous
I am settling
you are settling
he/she/it is settling
we are settling
you are settling
they are settling
Present Perfect
I have settled
you have settled
he/she/it has settled
we have settled
you have settled
they have settled
Past Continuous
I was settling
you were settling
he/she/it was settling
we were settling
you were settling
they were settling
Past Perfect
I had settled
you had settled
he/she/it had settled
we had settled
you had settled
they had settled
I will settle
you will settle
he/she/it will settle
we will settle
you will settle
they will settle
Future Perfect
I will have settled
you will have settled
he/she/it will have settled
we will have settled
you will have settled
they will have settled
Future Continuous
I will be settling
you will be settling
he/she/it will be settling
we will be settling
you will be settling
they will be settling
Present Perfect Continuous
I have been settling
you have been settling
he/she/it has been settling
we have been settling
you have been settling
they have been settling
Future Perfect Continuous
I will have been settling
you will have been settling
he/she/it will have been settling
we will have been settling
you will have been settling
they will have been settling
Past Perfect Continuous
I had been settling
you had been settling
he/she/it had been settling
we had been settling
you had been settling
they had been settling
I would settle
you would settle
he/she/it would settle
we would settle
you would settle
they would settle
Past Conditional
I would have settled
you would have settled
he/she/it would have settled
we would have settled
you would have settled
they would have settled
Collins English Verb Tables © HarperCollins Publishers 2011
ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:
Noun1.settle - a long wooden bench with a backsettle - a long wooden bench with a back  
bench - a long seat for more than one person
Verb1.settle - settle into a position, usually on a surface or ground; "dust settled on the roofs"
lay, place, put, set, position, pose - put into a certain place or abstract location; "Put your things here"; "Set the tray down"; "Set the dogs on the scent of the missing children"; "Place emphasis on a certain point"
sediment - settle as sediment
2.settle - bring to an endsettle - bring to an end; settle conclusively; "The case was decided"; "The judge decided the case in favor of the plaintiff"; "The father adjudicated when the sons were quarreling over their inheritance"
terminate, end - bring to an end or halt; "She ended their friendship when she found out that he had once been convicted of a crime"; "The attack on Poland terminated the relatively peaceful period after WW I"
judge - determine the result of (a competition)
adjust - decide how much is to be paid on an insurance claim
3.settle - settle conclusively; come to terms; "We finally settled the argument"
solve, clear - settle, as of a debt; "clear a debt"; "solve an old debt"
concert - settle by agreement; "concert one's differences"
clinch - settle conclusively; "clinch a deal"
resolve, conclude - reach a conclusion after a discussion or deliberation
compromise - settle by concession
4.settle - take up residence and become established; "The immigrants settled in the Midwest"
colonise, colonize - settle as colonists or establish a colony (in); "The British colonized the East Coast"
resettle - settle in a new place; "The immigrants had to resettle"
5.settle - come to termssettle - come to terms; "After some discussion we finally made up"
propitiate, appease - make peace with
agree, concur, concord, hold - be in accord; be in agreement; "We agreed on the terms of the settlement"; "I can't agree with you!"; "I hold with those who say life is sacred"; "Both philosophers concord on this point"
make peace - end hostilities; "The brothers who had been fighting over their inheritance finally made peace"
6.settle - go under, "The raft sank and its occupants drowned"
come down, descend, go down, fall - move downward and lower, but not necessarily all the way; "The temperature is going down"; "The barometer is falling"; "The curtain fell on the diva"; "Her hand went up and then fell again"
subside, settle - sink down or precipitate; "the mud subsides when the waters become calm"
sink - cause to sink; "The Japanese sank American ships in Pearl Harbor"
founder - sink below the surface
submerge, submerse - sink below the surface; go under or as if under water
7.settle - become settled or established and stable in one's residence or life style; "He finally settled down"
stabilise, stabilize - become stable or more stable; "The economy stabilized"
roost - settle down or stay, as if on a roost
8.settle - become resolved, fixed, established, or quiet; "The roar settled to a thunder"; "The wind settled in the West"; "it is settling to rain"; "A cough settled in her chest"; "Her mood settled into lethargy"
become, get, go - enter or assume a certain state or condition; "He became annoyed when he heard the bad news"; "It must be getting more serious"; "her face went red with anger"; "She went into ecstasy"; "Get going!"
9.settle - establish or develop as a residence; "He settled the farm 200 years ago"; "This land was settled by Germans"
build up, develop - change the use of and make available or usable; "develop land"; "The country developed its natural resources"; "The remote areas of the country were gradually built up"
10.settle - come to rest
stop, halt - come to a halt, stop moving; "the car stopped"; "She stopped in front of a store window"
11.settle - arrange or fix in the desired order; "She settled the teacart"
arrange, set up - put into a proper or systematic order; "arrange the books on the shelves in chronological order"
12.settle - accept despite lack of complete satisfaction; "We settled for a lower price"
consent, go for, accept - give an affirmative reply to; respond favorably to; "I cannot accept your invitation"; "I go for this resolution"
13.settle - end a legal dispute by arriving at a settlement; "The two parties finally settled"
agree, concur, concord, hold - be in accord; be in agreement; "We agreed on the terms of the settlement"; "I can't agree with you!"; "I hold with those who say life is sacred"; "Both philosophers concord on this point"
14.settle - dispose of; make a financial settlement
prorate - make a proportional settlement or distribution
arrange, fix up - make arrangements for; "Can you arrange a meeting with the President?"
pay - discharge or settle; "pay a debt"; "pay an obligation"
square - pay someone and settle a debt; "I squared with him"
make up, pay off, compensate, pay - do or give something to somebody in return; "Does she pay you for the work you are doing?"
liquidate - settle the affairs of by determining the debts and applying the assets to pay them off; "liquidate a company"
clean up - dispose of; "settle the bills"
15.settle - become clear by the sinking of particles; "the liquid gradually settled"
change - undergo a change; become different in essence; losing one's or its original nature; "She changed completely as she grew older"; "The weather changed last night"
settle - cause to become clear by forming a sediment (of liquids)
16.settle - cause to become clear by forming a sediment (of liquids)
settle - become clear by the sinking of particles; "the liquid gradually settled"
sink - cause to sink; "The Japanese sank American ships in Pearl Harbor"
17.settle - sink down or precipitate; "the mud subsides when the waters become calm"
go under, go down, sink, settle - go under, "The raft sank and its occupants drowned"
18.settle - fix firmly; "He ensconced himself in the chair"
lay, place, put, set, position, pose - put into a certain place or abstract location; "Put your things here"; "Set the tray down"; "Set the dogs on the scent of the missing children"; "Place emphasis on a certain point"
19.settle - get one's revenge for a wrong or an injury; "I finally settled with my old enemy"
fight, struggle, contend - be engaged in a fight; carry on a fight; "the tribesmen fought each other"; "Siblings are always fighting"; "Militant groups are contending for control of the country"
20.settle - make final; put the last touches on; put into final form; "let's finalize the proposal"
terminate, end - bring to an end or halt; "She ended their friendship when she found out that he had once been convicted of a crime"; "The attack on Poland terminated the relatively peaceful period after WW I"
settle on, fixate - become fixed (on); "Her eyes fixated on a point on the horizon"
21.settle - form a community; "The Swedes settled in Minnesota"
homestead - settle land given by the government and occupy it as a homestead
22.settle - come as if by falling; "Night fell"; "Silence fell"
come - come to pass; arrive, as in due course; "The first success came three days later"; "It came as a shock"; "Dawn comes early in June"
fall - go as if by falling; "Grief fell from our hearts"
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.


1. resolve, work out, remedy, reconcile, clear up, put an end to, iron out, straighten out, set to rights They agreed to try and settle their dispute by negotiation.
2. pay, clear, square (up), discharge, defray I settled the bill for my coffee and his two glasses of wine.
3. decide, close, end, complete, conclude, wind up, dispose of, terminate, round off, draw to a close, bring to an end As far as I'm concerned, the matter was settled yesterday.
4. establish, determine, confirm, fix, appoint, arrange, agree Right, that's settled then.
5. move to, go to live in, take up residence in, live in, dwell in, inhabit, reside in, set up home in, put down roots in, make your home in He visited Paris and eventually settled there.
6. colonize, populate, people, pioneer This was one of the first areas to be settled by Europeans.
7. make comfortable, park (informal), install, plonk (informal), ensconce, bed down Albert settled himself on the sofa.
8. subside, fall, sink, decline, gravitate Once its impurities had settled, the oil could be graded.
9. land, alight, descend, light, come to rest The birds settled less than two hundred paces away.
settle down
1. put down roots, get married, have a home, stop moving from place to place One day I'll want to settle down and have a family.
2. quieten, be still, relax, wind down, become quiet, stop rushing around The children have now settled down.
3. go to bed, retire, turn in, go to sleep, hit the sack (slang), hit the hay (slang) They put up their tents and settled down for the night.
settle down to something get down to, focus on, set about, attack, begin to tackle, apply yourself to, address yourself to They settled down to some serious work.
settle for something accept, take, stand for, tolerate, put up with, submit to, yield to, compromise on, suffer She was just not prepared to settle for anything mediocre.
settle in get used to something, adapt, accustom yourself, become acquainted, become acclimatized, familiarize yourself with something I enjoyed school once I'd settled in.
settle on or upon something or someone decide on, choose, pick, select, adopt, agree on, opt for, fix on, elect for We finally settled on a Mercedes estate.
Collins Thesaurus of the English Language – Complete and Unabridged 2nd Edition. 2002 © HarperCollins Publishers 1995, 2002


1. To put into correct or conclusive form:
2. To place securely in a position or condition:
3. To make or become calm:
4. To fall or drift down to the bottom:
5. To come to rest on the ground:
6. To set right by giving what is due:
7. To bring (something) into a state of agreement or accord:
8. To bring about or come to an agreement concerning:
9. To make up or cause to make up one's mind:
The American Heritage® Roget's Thesaurus. Copyright © 2013, 2014 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
يَحِلُّيَدْفَع الفاتورَهيَسْتَريحيَسْتَقِريَصِل إلى قَرار
urovnatusadit seuvelebit sevyrovnatdohodnout
aftaleberoligebetalebilæggebosætte sig
hoitaa kuntoon
gera uppróa, sefasetjastsetjast aîsetjast, koma sér fyrir
apmestiesiekārtotiesnokārtotnokārtot rēķinunomierināt
dogovoriti senarediti gnezdonaseliti seporavnatisesti
klara upp
anlaşmaya varmakgidip yerleşmekkonmaködemekyatıştırmak
giải quyết


1 [ˈsetl]
1. (= resolve) [+ dispute, problem] → resolver
several points remain to be settledquedan varios puntos por resolver
the result was settled in the first halfel resultado se decidió en el primer tiempo
to settle a case or claim out of courtllegar a un acuerdo sin recurrir a los tribunales
the terms were settled by negotiationse acordaron las condiciones mediante una negociación
settle it among yourselves!¡arregladlo entre vosotros!
so that's settled thenasí que ya está decidido
it's all settled - we're going in Juneya está decidido - nos vamos en junio
that settles it! - you're not going¡no hay más que hablar! or ¡pues ya está! - tú te quedas
the couple have settled their differencesla pareja ha resuelto sus diferencias
2. (= make comfortable) [+ person] → poner cómodo, acomodar
to settle an invalid for the nightponer cómodo or acomodar a un enfermo para que duerma (por la noche)
to get (sb) settled: I'd just got the baby settled whenacababa de acostar al bebé cuando ...
it took a long time to get settled in our new homenos costó mucho instalarnos en la nueva casa
to settle o.s.ponerse cómodo, acomodarse
she settled herself at the deskse puso cómoda or se acomodó delante de la mesa
3. (= place) [+ object] → colocar; [+ gaze] → posar
4. (= colonize) [+ land] → colonizar
5. (= calm) [+ nerves] → calmar, sosegar; [+ doubts] → disipar, desvanecer; [+ stomach] → asentar
6. (= pay) [+ bill] → pagar; [+ debt] → saldar, liquidar
7. (= put in order) [+ affairs] → poner en orden
to settle one's affairsponer en orden sus asuntos
8. (= deal with) [+ person] I'll soon settle himya me encargaré de ponerlo en su sitio
that settled himcon eso se le acabó la tontería
9. (Jur) → asignar
to settle sth on sbasignar algo a algn
1. (= establish o.s.) (in a house) → instalarse; (in a country) → establecerse; [first settlers] → establecerse
she visited Paris in 1974 and eventually settled therevisitó París en 1974 y finalmente decidió establecerse allí
2. (= come to rest) [bird, insect] → posarse; [dust] → asentarse; [snow] → cuajar
a deep gloom had settled on the partyun profundo pesimismo se había apoderado del grupo
my eyes settled on her immediatelyal momento mi mirada se fijó en ella
3. (= sink) [sediment] → depositarse; [building] → asentarse
the boat slowly settled in the mudpoco a poco el bote se hundió en el barro
4. (= separate) [liquid] → reposar
5. (= get comfortable) (in chair) → arrellanarse; (in new job, routine) → adaptarse, establecerse
he settled deeper into the cushionsse arrellanó entre los cojines
I couldn't settle to anythingno me podía concentrar en nada, no lograba ponerme a hacer nada
6. (= calm down) [weather] → estabilizarse, asentarse; [conditions, situation] → volver a la normalidad, normalizarse; [nerves] → calmarse
see also dust A1
7. (= reach an agreement) → llegar a un acuerdo or arreglo
they settled with us for £12,000lo arreglamos extrajudicialmente y nos pagaron 12.000 libras
8. (= pay) I'll settle with you on Fridayte pagaré el viernes, ajustaremos cuentas el viernes
settle down
1. (= get comfortable) → ponerse cómodo, acomodarse
I settled down in my favourite chairme puse cómodo or me acomodé or me arrellané en mi silla preferida
they settled down to waitse prepararon para la espera
2. (= apply o.s.) to settle down to sth: after dinner, he settled down to a videodespués de cenar se puso a ver un vídeo
I couldn't get the children to settle down to workno conseguía que los niños se pusieran a trabajar
3. (= calm down) → calmarse, tranquilizarse
4. (= adopt a stable life) → echar raíces
I'm not ready to settle down yetaún no estoy listo para echar raíces
why don't you settle down and get married?¿por qué no sientas cabeza y te casas?
5. (= get back to normal) [situation] → volver a la normalidad, normalizarse
things are beginning to settle downlas cosas empiezan a volver a la normalidad
1. (= make comfortable) → poner cómodo, acomodar
he settled the children down for the nightacostó a los niños
why don't you help Philippa unpack and settle her down?¿por qué no le ayudas a Philippa a deshacer las maletas e instalarse?
2. (= calm down) → calmar, tranquilizar
I turned on the TV to settle them downencendí la tele para calmarlos or tranquilizarlos
settle for VI + PREP
1. (= accept) → conformarse con
don't settle for second bestconfórmate sólo con lo mejor
I won't settle for lessno me conformo con menos
to settle for £250convenir en aceptar 250 libras
2. (= choose) → decidirse por, escoger
settle in VI + ADV (in new home, hotel) → instalarse; (in new job, school) → adaptarse
he's settling in well at his new schoolse está adaptando bien a la nueva escuela
are you all settled in?¿ya estás instalado?
settle on VI + PREP (= choose) → decidirse por, escoger
settle up VI + ADVajustar cuentas (with sb con algn) I'll pay for everything and we can settle up lateryo pagaré todo y ya ajustaremos cuentas después


2 [ˈsetl] Nbanco m, escaño m (a veces con baúl debajo)
Collins Spanish Dictionary - Complete and Unabridged 8th Edition 2005 © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1971, 1988 © HarperCollins Publishers 1992, 1993, 1996, 1997, 2000, 2003, 2005


(= resolve) [+ argument, matter, problem] → régler
We are looking for ways to settle our differences → Nous cherchons des manières de régler nos différends.
We have renounced the use of force to settle our disputes → Nous avons renoncé à l'usage de la force pour régler nos différends.
that's settled then → alors, c'est réglé!
(= pay) [+ debt, bill, account] → régler
I'd like to settle my account → J'aimerais régler ma facture.
He came out to settle the charge for the hire car → Il est sorti pour régler la location de la voiture.
(= calm) [+ nerves] → calmer
to settle one's stomach → calmer des maux d'estomac
(= colonize) [+ land] → s'établir sur
Their grandparents settled the land in 1856 → Leurs grands-parents se sont établis sur cette terre en 1856.
[person] (make one's home)s'installer
He finally settled in Paris → Il s'est finalement installé à Paris.
[bird, fly] → se poser
A bird settled on the roof → Un oiseau s'est posé sur le toit.
[sediment, dust] → se déposer
(= be still, calm) [person] → se calmer
I can't settle today → Je n'arrive pas à me calmer aujourd'hui.
to settle to sth → se mettre sérieusement à qch
settle down
(= calm down) → se calmer
settle down! → calme-toi!
(= sit comfortably) → s'installer
He poured himself a drink and settled down in front of the TV → Il se versa un verre et s'installa devant la télé.
to settle down to do sth → s'installer pour faire qch
(in house, with partner)se ranger
settle for
vt fus (= accept) → se contenter de
Don't settle for second best → Ne vous contentez pas d'un second choix.
settle in
How are you settling in?
BUT Comment se passe votre installation?.
settle on
vt fus (= decide on) → se décider pour
We haven't settled on a date yet → Nous n'avons pas encore fixé de date.
Have you settled on a name for the baby? → Avez-vous décidé d'un nom pour le bébé?
settle up
I'll settle up and then we can go → Je vais régler et on s'en va.
to settle up with sb → régler ce que l'on doit à qn, régler à qn
As soon as the money arrived I was able to settle up with him → Dès que l'argent est arrivé, j'ai pu lui régler ce que je lui devais.
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n(Wand)bank f


(= decide)entscheiden; (= sort out)regeln, erledigen; problem, question, pointsklären; dispute, differences, quarrelbeilegen, schlichten; doubtsausräumen, beseitigen; date, placevereinbaren, ausmachen (inf); venuefestlegen or -setzen; dealabschließen; pricesich einigen auf (+acc), → aushandeln; termsaushandeln; the result of the game was settled in the first halfdas Ergebnis des Spiels stand schon in der ersten Halbzeit fest; when my future is settledwenn sich meine Zukunft entschieden hat; to settle one’s affairsseine Angelegenheiten in Ordnung bringen; to settle an estate (Jur) → die Verteilung des Nachlasses regeln; to settle a case out of courteinen Fall außergerichtlich klären; that’s settled thendas ist also klar or geregelt; that settles itdamit wäre der Fall (ja wohl) erledigt; (angry) → jetzt reichts
(= pay) billbegleichen, bezahlen; accountausgleichen
(= calm) nerves, stomachberuhigen; we need rain to settle the dustwir brauchen Regen, damit sich der Staub setzt
(= place carefully)legen; (in upright position) → stellen; (= make comfortable for sleep etc) child, invalidversorgen; pillowzurechtlegen; to settle oneself comfortably in an armchaires sich (dat)in einem Sessel bequem machen; she settled her head back against the headrestsie lehnte ihren Kopf zurück an die Kopfstütze; to settle oneself to doing somethingsich daranmachen, etw zu tun; to settle one’s gaze on somebody/somethingseinen Blick auf jdm/etw ruhen lassen
(= establish: in house) → unterbringen; to get one’s daughter settled with a husbandseine Tochter verheiraten or unter die Haube bringen (inf)
to settle somebody into a house/jobjdm helfen, sich häuslich einzurichten/sich in eine Stellung einzugewöhnen; we’d just settled the children into a new schoolwir hatten die Kinder gerade in einer neuen Schule gut untergebracht ? settle in VT
(= colonize) landbesiedeln; (= set up) peopleansiedeln
(form) to settle money/property on somebodyjdm Geld/Besitz überschreiben or übertragen; (in will) → jdm Geld/Besitz vermachen; to settle an annuity on somebodyfür jdn eine Rente aussetzen
(inf: = put an end to) I’ll soon settle his nonsenseich werde ihm schon die Flausen austreiben; I’ll soon settle himdem werd ichs geben (inf); (verbally also) → dem werd ich was erzählen (inf); that settled him!da hatte er sein Fett weg (inf)
(= put down roots)sesshaft werden; (in country, town, profession) → sich niederlassen; (as settler) → sich ansiedeln; (in house) → sich häuslich niederlassen, sich einrichten; (= feel at home) (in house, town, country) → sich einleben (→ into in +dat); (in job, surroundings) → sich eingewöhnen (→ into in +dat); to settle into a way of lifesich an einen Lebensstil gewöhnen; to settle into a habitsich (dat)etw angewöhnen; as he settled into middle ageals er älter und reifer wurde
(= become less variable: weather) → beständig werden; the wind settled in the eastder Wind kam schließlich aus Osten
(= become calm, child, matters, stomach) → sich beruhigen; (panic, excitement)sich legen; (= become less excitable or restless)zur Ruhe kommen, ruhiger werden; he couldn’t settle to anythinger konnte sich auf nichts konzentrieren
(= come to rest, sit down, person, bird, insect) → sich niederlassen or setzen; (dust)sich setzen or legen; (= sink slowly, subside, building, walls) → sich senken; (ground, liquid, sediment, coffee grounds)sich setzen; (wine)sich beruhigen; to settle comfortably in an armchaires sich (dat)in einem Sessel gemütlich or bequem machen; the boat settled in the waterdas Boot hörte auf zu schaukeln; fog/silence settled over the cityNebel/Stille legte sich über die Stadt or breitete sich über der Stadt aus; gloom settled over the meetingeine bedrückte Stimmung breitete sich in der Versammlung aus ? dust
(Jur) to settle (out of court)sich vergleichen
(= pay)bezahlen ? also settle with
Collins German Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged 7th Edition 2005. © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1980 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1997, 1999, 2004, 2005, 2007


1 [ˈsɛtl] ncassapanca con schienale alto


2 [ˈsɛtl]
1. vt
a. (place carefully) → sistemare
to settle o.s., get settled → sistemarsi
b. (decide, finalize, details, date) → definire, concordare; (pay, bill, account) → regolare, saldare; (solve, problem) → risolvere; (difficulty) → appianare; (dispute, argument) → comporre
to settle a case or claim out of court → definire una causa in via amichevole
that's settled then → allora è deciso
that settles it! (I've decided) → ecco, ho deciso! (indignant) → questo è il colmo!
c. (calm down, nerves) → distendere; (doubts) → dissipare
to settle one's stomach → calmare il mal di stomaco
d. (colonize, land) → colonizzare
e. (Law) to settle sth on sbintestare qc a qn
2. vi
a. (bird, insect) → posarsi; (sediment, dust, snow) → depositarsi; (building) → assestarsi; (conditions, situation) → stabilizzarsi; (weather) → mettersi al bello; (emotions) → calmarsi; (nerves) → distendersi
to settle to sth → applicarsi a qc
I couldn't settle to anything → non riuscivo a concentrarmi
b. (go to live, in town, country) → stabilirsi; (in new house) → sistemarsi, installarsi; (as colonist) → insediarsi
to feel settled (in a place) → sentirsi a casa
c. to settle with sb for the price of sthconcordare il prezzo di qc con qn
can I settle with you later? → posso darti i soldi più tardi?
to settle out of court (Law) → giungere a un accordo in via amichevole
to settle on sth (choose) → decidere or optare per qc
settle down vi + adv (person, in house, armchair) → sistemarsi; (become calmer) → calmarsi; (after wild youth) → mettere la testa a posto; (situation) → sistemarsi, tornare alla normalità
to settle down to work → mettersi a lavorare
has he settled down in his new job? → si è adattato bene al nuovo lavoro?
to get married and settle down → mettere su casa (e famiglia)
settle for vi + prep to settle for sthaccontentarsi di qc
he settled for £100 → ha accettato 100 sterline
settle in vi + adv (in new house) → sistemarsi, installarsi; (in new job, neighbourhood) → ambientarsi
settle up vi + adv to settle up (with sb)saldare or regolare i conti (con qn)
Collins Italian Dictionary 1st Edition © HarperCollins Publishers 1995


(ˈsetl) verb
1. to place in a position of rest or comfort. I settled myself in the armchair.
2. to come to rest. Dust had settled on the books.
3. to soothe. I gave him a pill to settle his nerves.
4. to go and live. Many Scots settled in New Zealand.
5. to reach a decision or agreement. Have you settled with the builders when they are to start work?; The dispute between management and employees is still not settled.
6. to pay (a bill).
ˈsettlement noun
1. an agreement. The two sides have at last reached a settlement.
2. a small community. a farming settlement.
ˈsettler noun
a person who settles in a country that is being newly populated. They were among the early settlers on the east coast of America.
settle down
1. to (cause to) become quiet, calm and peaceful. He waited for the audience to settle down before he spoke; She settled the baby down at last.
2. to make oneself comfortable. She settled (herself) down in the back of the car and went to sleep.
3. to begin to concentrate on something, eg work. He settled down to (do) his schoolwork.
settle in
to become used to and comfortable in new surroundings.
settle on
to agree about or decide.
settle up
to pay (a bill). He asked the waiter for the bill, and settled up.
Kernerman English Multilingual Dictionary © 2006-2013 K Dictionaries Ltd.


يَحِلُّ urovnat ordne regeln διευθετώ arreglar hoitaa kuntoon régler izgladiti risolvere 解決する 정하다 oplossen legge til rette osiąść resolver урегулировать klara upp แก้ปัญหา yoluna koymak giải quyết 解决
Multilingual Translator © HarperCollins Publishers 2009


v. asentar, fijar; asegurar.
English-Spanish Medical Dictionary © Farlex 2012
References in classic literature ?
With this resolution I proposed to my husband our going away from where we was, and carrying all our effects with us to Caroline, where we resolved to settle; for my husband readily agreed to the first part, viz.
"Why, no, I can't say I am settling down," said Richard, strongly emphasizing "down," as if that expressed the difficulty, "because one can't settle down while this business remains in such an unsettled state.
"But you have hundreds of lots--give them lots, Henry, and that will settle all your difficulties.
So, I nodded, and then he nodded again, and made room on the settle beside him that I might sit down there.
But Masilo offers fifty head only, therefore I ask you to settle it."
And once again I ask you to go outside and settle it, with any weapons you choose."
The little matter of the caricature we will settle on a future occasion.
I guess our race has been on the tramp since the beginning of creation, just like we'll be, looking for a piece of land that looked good to settle down on."
"And now, young man; you, who have so often come into my clearing, under the pretence of lining the bee into his hole," resumed Ishmael, after a momentary pause, as if to recover the equilibrium of his mind, "with you there is a heavier account to settle. Not satisfied with rummaging my camp, you have stolen a girl who is akin to my wife, and who I had calculated to make one day a daughter of my own."
But the willow-wren sent down the hornet, with orders to settle beneath the fox's tail, and sting with all his might.
You were his wife, my dear, so you ought to know--Oh, Kitty, DO help to settle it!
Ferrars's marriage as the certain consequence of the presentation; for he did not suppose it possible that Delaford living could supply such an income, as anybody in his style of life would venture to settle on-- and he said so.