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 (ə-jŭst′)v. ad·just·ed, ad·just·ing, ad·justs
a. To move or change (something) so as to be in a more effective arrangement or desired condition: adjust the timing of a car's engine; adjust a hearing aid to amplify lower frequencies.
b. To change so as to be suitable to or conform with something else: adjusted the schedule to allow for everyone's vacation plans; adjusted the old monetary figures to account for inflation. See Synonyms at adapt.
2. In chiropractic medicine, to manipulate (the spine and other body structures) to treat disorders and restore normal function of the nervous system.
3. To decide how much is to be paid on (an insurance claim).
To become adapted or accustomed, as to a new situation: Have you adjusted to working with your new colleagues?
[Obsolete French adjuster, from Old French ajoster, from Vulgar Latin *adiūxtāre, to put close to : Latin ad-, ad- + Latin iūxtā, near; see yeug- in Indo-European roots.]
ad·just′a·ble adj.
ad·just′a·bly adv.
ad·just′er, ad·jus′tor n.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
1. (tr) to alter slightly, esp to achieve accuracy; regulate: to adjust the television.
2. to adapt, as to a new environment, etc
3. (tr) to put into order
4. (Insurance) (tr) insurance to determine the amount payable in settlement of (a claim)
[C17: from Old French adjuster, from ad- to + juste right, just]
adËjustable adj
adËjustably adv
adËjuster n
Collins English Dictionary â Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
1. to change (something) so that it fits, corresponds, or conforms; adapt; accommodate: to adjust expenses to income.
2. to put in working order or in a proper state or position: to adjust an instrument.
3. to settle or bring to a satisfactory state, so that parties are agreed in the result: to adjust our differences.
4. to determine the amount to be paid in settlement of (an insurance claim).
5. to systematize.
v.i. 6. to adapt oneself; become adapted: to adjust to new demands.
[1350–1400; Middle English ajusten < Anglo-French ajuster, Old French aj(o)uster to make conform to, v. derivative, with a- a-5, of juste right, just1]
ad•just′a•ble, adj.
ad•just`a•bil′i•ty, n.
ad•just′a•bly, adv.
ad•just′er, ad•jus′tor, n.
ad•just′ive, adj.
syn: adjust, adapt, alter imply making necessary or desirable changes, as in position, shape, or the like. To adjust is to make a minor change, as to move into proper position for use: to adjust the eyepiece of a telescope. To adapt is to make a change in character, or to make something useful in a new way: to adapt a method to a new task. To alter is to change the appearance but not the use: to alter a suit.
Random House Kernerman Webster's College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc. All rights reserved.
An order to the observer or spotter to initiate an adjustment on a designated target.
Dictionary of Military and Associated Terms. US Department of Defense 2005.
Past participle: adjusted
Gerund: adjusting
Imperative |
adjust |
adjust |
Collins English Verb Tables © HarperCollins Publishers 2011
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Verb | 1. | ![]() alter, change, modify - cause to change; make different; cause a transformation; "The advent of the automobile may have altered the growth pattern of the city"; "The discussion has changed my thinking about the issue" proportion - adjust in size relative to other things modulate - adjust the pitch, tone, or volume of temper - adjust the pitch (of pianos) calibrate, fine-tune, graduate - make fine adjustments or divide into marked intervals for optimal measuring; "calibrate an instrument"; "graduate a cylinder" time - adjust so that a force is applied and an action occurs at the desired time; "The good player times his swing so as to hit the ball squarely" trim - adjust (sails on a ship) so that the wind is optimally used zero, zero in - adjust (as by firing under test conditions) the zero of (a gun); "He zeroed in his rifle at 200 yards" zero - adjust (an instrument or device) to zero value attune - adjust or accustom to; bring into harmony with time - regulate or set the time of; "time the clock" set - set to a certain position or cause to operate correctly; "set clocks or instruments" regulate, modulate - fix or adjust the time, amount, degree, or rate of; "regulate the temperature"; "modulate the pitch" focalise, focalize, sharpen, focus - put (an image) into focus; "Please focus the image; we cannot enjoy the movie" sync, synchronize, synchronise - make synchronous and adjust in time or manner; "Let's synchronize our efforts" pressurise, pressurize - increase the pressure in or of; "The captain will pressurize the cabin for the passengers' comfort" depressurise, depressurize, decompress - decrease the pressure of; "depressurize the cabin in the air plane" plumb - adjust with a plumb line so as to make vertical ordinate, align, coordinate - bring (components or parts) into proper or desirable coordination correlation; "align the wheels of my car"; "ordinate similar parts" reconcile, harmonise, harmonize - bring into consonance or accord; "harmonize one's goals with one's abilities" justify - adjust the spaces between words; "justify the margins" citify - accustom to urban ways; "Immigration will citify the country?" |
2. | ![]() address - adjust and aim (a golf ball) at in preparation of hitting synchronise, synchronize - cause to indicate the same time or rate; "synchronize your watches" collimate - adjust the line of sight of (an optical instrument) reorient - set or arrange in a new or different determinate position; "Orient the house towards the South" | |
3. | ![]() change - undergo a change; become different in essence; losing one's or its original nature; "She changed completely as she grew older"; "The weather changed last night" readapt - adapt anew; "He readapted himself" assimilate - become similar to one's environment; "Immigrants often want to assimilate quickly" acclimate, acclimatise, acclimatize - get used to a certain climate; "They never acclimatized in Egypt" match - be equal or harmonize; "The two pieces match" obey - be obedient to square - cause to match, as of ideas or acts | |
4. | ![]() adapt, accommodate - make fit for, or change to suit a new purpose; "Adapt our native cuisine to the available food resources of the new country" | |
5. | ![]() resolve, settle, adjudicate, decide - bring to an end; settle conclusively; "The case was decided"; "The judge decided the case in favor of the plaintiff"; "The father adjudicated when the sons were quarreling over their inheritance" |
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.
1. adapt, change, settle, convert, alter, accommodate, dispose, get used, accustom, conform, reconcile, harmonize, acclimatize, familiarize yourself, attune I felt I had adjusted to the idea of being a mother very well.
Collins Thesaurus of the English Language â Complete and Unabridged 2nd Edition. 2002 © HarperCollins Publishers 1995, 2002
verb1. To make or become suitable to a particular situation or use:
The American Heritage® Roget's Thesaurus. Copyright © 2013, 2014 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
nastavitpÅizpůsobit (se)pÅizpůsobit seupravit
stillastilla, aîlaga
é å¿ãã
ì¡°ì íë¤
nastavitiprilagoditi se
ayarlamakuyum saÄlamakalıÅmak
thÃch nghi
[əˈdʒʌst]A. VT
1. (= regulate) [+ height, temperature, speed, knob, dial] → regular; [+ machine, engine, brakes] → ajustar
she adjusted her wing mirror → ajustó el retrovisor exterior
this chair can be adjusted → esta silla se puede regular
"do not adjust your set" → no modifique los controles de su aparato
she adjusted her wing mirror → ajustó el retrovisor exterior
this chair can be adjusted → esta silla se puede regular
"do not adjust your set" → no modifique los controles de su aparato
2. (= correct) [+ figures] → ajustar; [+ salaries, wages, prices] → reajustar
adjusted gross income → ingresos mpl brutos ajustados
the seasonally adjusted unemployment total → la tasa de desempleo desestacionalizada
we have adjusted all salaries upwards/downwards → hemos hecho un reajuste de todos los salarios al alza/a la baja
adjusted gross income → ingresos mpl brutos ajustados
the seasonally adjusted unemployment total → la tasa de desempleo desestacionalizada
we have adjusted all salaries upwards/downwards → hemos hecho un reajuste de todos los salarios al alza/a la baja
3. (= change, adapt) [+ terms] → modificar
I tried to adjust my eyes to the darkness → intenté que los ojos se me acostumbrasen a la oscuridad
to adjust o.s. to a new situation → adaptarse a una nueva situación
I tried to adjust my eyes to the darkness → intenté que los ojos se me acostumbrasen a la oscuridad
to adjust o.s. to a new situation → adaptarse a una nueva situación
B. VI [person] → adaptarse; [machine, device] → ajustarse
the boy is having trouble in adjusting → el niño está teniendo dificultades para adaptarse
to adjust to sth [person] → acostumbrarse a algo, adaptarse a algo; [eyes, body] → acostumbrarse a algo
the seat adjusts to various heights → el asiento se puede regular a distintas alturas
the boy is having trouble in adjusting → el niño está teniendo dificultades para adaptarse
to adjust to sth [person] → acostumbrarse a algo, adaptarse a algo; [eyes, body] → acostumbrarse a algo
the seat adjusts to various heights → el asiento se puede regular a distintas alturas
Collins Spanish Dictionary - Complete and Unabridged 8th Edition 2005 © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1971, 1988 © HarperCollins Publishers 1992, 1993, 1996, 1997, 2000, 2003, 2005
[əˈdʒʌst] vt
[+ machine, aerial, knob, speed, height] → régler
You can adjust the height of the chair → On peut régler la hauteur de la chaise.
You can adjust the height of the chair → On peut régler la hauteur de la chaise.
[+ approach] → ajuster
[+ clothing] → rajuster
vi [person] → s'adapter
to adjust to sth [person] → s'adapter à qch; [eyes, vision] → s'adapter à qch
He adjusted to his new school very quickly → Il s'est adapté très vite à sa nouvelle école.
It takes time to adjust to being a mother → Il faut du temps pour s'adapter à la maternité.
to adjust to sth [person] → s'adapter à qch; [eyes, vision] → s'adapter à qch
He adjusted to his new school very quickly → Il s'est adapté très vite à sa nouvelle école.
It takes time to adjust to being a mother → Il faut du temps pour s'adapter à la maternité.
Collins English/French Electronic Resource. © HarperCollins Publishers 2005
(= set) machine, engine, carburettor, brakes, height, speed, flow etc → einstellen; knob, lever → (richtig) stellen; (= alter) height, speed → verstellen; length of clothes → ändern; (= correct, readjust) → nachstellen; height, speed, flow → regulieren; figures → korrigieren, anpassen; formula, plan, production, exchange rates, terms → (entsprechend) ändern; salaries → angleichen (→ to an +acc); hat, tie → zurechtrücken; to adjust the lever upwards/downwards → den Hebel nach oben/unten stellen; you have to adjust this knob to regulate the ventilation → Sie müssen an diesem Knopf drehen, um die Ventilation zu regulieren, die Ventilation lässt sich an diesem Knopf regulieren; he adjusted the knobs on the TV set → er hat die Knöpfe am Fernsehapparat richtig gestellt; do not adjust your set → ändern Sie nichts an der Einstellung Ihres Geräts; to adjust something to new requirements/conditions etc → etw neuen Erfordernissen/Umständen etc anpassen; because of increased demand production will have to be appropriately adjusted → die Produktion muss auf die verstärkte Nachfrage abgestimmt werden or muss der verstärkten Nachfrage angepasst werden; the terms have been adjusted slightly in your favour (Brit) or favor (US) → die Bedingungen sind zu Ihren Gunsten leicht abgeändert worden; the layout can be adjusted to meet different needs → die Anordnung lässt sich je nach Bedarf ändern; we adjusted all salaries upwards/downwards → wir haben alle Gehälter nach oben/unten angeglichen; would you please adjust your dress, sir (euph) → ich glaube, Sie haben vergessen, etwas or Ihre Hose zuzumachen; if you could adjust the price slightly (hum) → wenn wir uns vielleicht noch über den Preis unterhalten könnten; to adjust the seasoning (of something) → (etw) nachwürzen
to adjust oneself to something (to new country, circumstances etc) → sich einer Sache (dat) → anpassen; to new requirements, demands etc → sich auf etw (acc) → einstellen
(to new country, circumstances etc) → sich anpassen (→ to +dat); (to new requirements, demands etc) → sich einstellen (→ to auf +acc)
(machine etc) → sich einstellen lassen; the chair adjusts to various heights → der Stuhl lässt sich in der Höhe verstellen
Collins German Dictionary â Complete and Unabridged 7th Edition 2005. © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1980 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1997, 1999, 2004, 2005, 2007
[əˈdʒʌst]1. vt (instrument, tool, speed) → regolare; (wages, prices) → modificare; (aim, tie, dress) → aggiustare
2. vi to adjust (to) → adattarsi (a)
Collins Italian Dictionary 1st Edition © HarperCollins Publishers 1995
(ÉËdÊast) verb1. (often with to) to change so as to make or be better suited. He soon adjusted to his new way of life.
2. to change (the position of, setting of). Adjust the setting of the alarm clock.
aËdjustable adjective able to be adjusted. This car has adjustable seats.
aËdjustment nounKernerman English Multilingual Dictionary © 2006-2013 K Dictionaries Ltd.
→ ÙÙضÙبÙØ·Ù pÅizpůsobit (se) justere anpassen ÏÏοÏαÏμÏÎ¶Ï adaptarse, ajustar sopeutua s'ajuster prilagoditi regolare é å¿ãã ì¡°ì íë¤ aanpassen justere dostosowaÄ ajustar адапÑиÑоваÑÑ justera à¸à¸£à¸±à¸à¸à¸±à¸§ ayarlamak thÃch nghi è°èMultilingual Translator © HarperCollins Publishers 2009
vt. ajustar, arreglar, acomodar.
English-Spanish Medical Dictionary © Farlex 2012
Collins Multilingual Translator © HarperCollins Publishers 2009
vt ajustar; (chiropractic) realizar un ajuste; vi adaptar; well-adjusted bien adaptadoEnglish-Spanish/Spanish-English Medical Dictionary Copyright © 2006 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved.