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adj. tru·er, tru·est
a. Consistent with fact or reality; not false or erroneous: the true cost. See Synonyms at real1. See Usage Note at fact.
b. Not counterfeit; real or genuine: true gold. See Synonyms at authentic.
c. Conforming to the characteristics or criteria of a group or type; typical: a true crab; a true gentleman.
d. Properly called: true value.
2. Reliable; accurate: a true prophecy.
a. Faithful, as to a friend, vow, or cause; loyal. See Synonyms at faithful.
b. Archaic Truthful, honest, or trustworthy.
4. Sincerely felt or expressed; unfeigned: true grief.
5. Rightful; legitimate: the true heir.
a. Exactly conforming to a rule, standard, or pattern: trying to sing true B.
b. Accurately shaped, fitted, or placed: Are the wheels true?
c. Determined with reference to the earth's axis, not the magnetic poles: true north.
7. Quick and exact in sensing and responding: a true ear.
8. Computers Indicating one of two possible values taken by a variable in Boolean logic or a binary device.
1. In accord with reality, fact, or truthfulness.
2. Unswervingly; exactly: The archer aimed true.
3. So as to conform to a type, standard, or pattern.
tr.v. trued, tru·ing or true·ing, trues
To position (something) so as to make it balanced, level, or square: trued up the long planks.
1. Truth or reality. Used with the.
2. Proper alignment or adjustment: out of true.

[Middle English trewe, from Old English trēowe, firm, trustworthy; see deru- in Indo-European roots.]

true′ness n.
Word History: The words true and tree are joined at the root, etymologically speaking. In Old English, the words looked and sounded much more alike than they do now: "tree" was trēow and "true" was trēowe. The first of these comes from the Germanic noun *trewam; the second, from the adjective *treuwaz. Both these Germanic words ultimately go back to an Indo-European root *deru- or *dreu-, appearing in derivatives referring to wood and, by extension, firmness. Truth may be thought of as something firm; so too can certain bonds between people, like trust, another derivative of the same root. A slightly different form of the root, *dru-, appears in the word druid, a type of ancient Celtic priest; his name is etymologically *dru-wid-, or "strong seer."
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.


adj, truer or truest
1. not false, fictional, or illusory; factual or factually accurate; conforming with reality
2. (prenominal) being of real or natural origin; genuine; not synthetic: true leather.
a. unswervingly faithful and loyal to friends, a cause, etc: a true follower.
b. (as collective noun; preceded by the): the loyal and the true.
4. faithful to a particular concept of truth, esp of religious truth: a true believer.
5. conforming to a required standard, law, or pattern: a true aim; a true fit.
6. (Music, other) exactly in tune: a true note.
7. (Navigation) (of a compass bearing) according to the earth's geographical rather than magnetic poles: true north.
8. (Biology) biology conforming to the typical structure of a designated type: sphagnum moss is a true moss, Spanish moss is not.
9. (General Physics) physics not apparent or relative; taking into account all complicating factors: the true expansion of a liquid takes into account the expansion of the container. Compare apparent3
10. not true informal unbelievable; remarkable: she's got so much money it's not true.
11. true to life exactly comparable with reality
correct alignment (esp in the phrases in true, out of true)
12. truthfully; rightly
13. precisely or unswervingly: he shot true.
14. (Biology) biology without variation from the ancestral type: to breed true.
vb, trues, truing or trued
(tr) to adjust so as to make true
[Old English triewe; related to Old Frisian triūwe, Old Saxon, Old High German triuwi loyal, Old Norse tryggr; see trow, trust]
ˈtrueness n
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014



adj. tru•er, tru•est, adj.
1. being in accordance with the actual state or conditions; conforming to reality or fact: a true story.
2. real; genuine; authentic: true gold.
3. sincere; not deceitful: a true interest in others.
4. loyal; faithful; steadfast: a true friend.
5. being or reflecting the essential or genuine character: the true meaning of his statement.
6. conforming to or consistent with a standard, pattern, etc.: a true copy.
7. exact; precise; accurate; correct: a true balance.
8. such as it should be; proper: to arrange things in their true order.
9. properly so called; rightly answering to a description: true statesmanship.
10. legitimate or rightful: the true heir.
11. reliable, unfailing, or sure: a true sign.
12. exactly or accurately shaped, formed, fitted, or placed, as a surface or instrument.
13. honest; honorable; upright.
14. conforming to the type, structural standards, or norm of a particular group: The lion is a true cat.
15. purebred.
16. (of a bearing, course, etc.) determined in relation to true north.
17. Archaic. truthful.
18. exact or accurate formation, position, or adjustment: to be out of true.
19. the true, something that is true; truth.
20. in a true manner; truly; truthfully.
21. exactly or accurately.
22. in conformity with the ancestral type: to breed true.
23. to adjust, shape, place, etc., exactly or accurately; make true.
24. (esp. in carpentry) to make even, symmetrical, level, etc. (often fol. by up).
come true, (of a wish, dream, etc.) to become a reality.
[before 900; Middle English trewe (adj. and adv.), Old English trēowe (adj.) loyal, trustworthy (compare trow, truce); akin to Old High German gitriuwi, Old Norse tryggr, Gothic triggws trustworthy]
true′ness, n.
Random House Kernerman Webster's College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc. All rights reserved.


come true
1. 'true'

A true story or statement is based on facts, and is not invented or imagined.

The story about the murder is true.
Unfortunately it was true about Sylvie.
2. 'come true'

If a dream, wish, or prediction comes true, it actually happens.

Remember that some dreams come true.
The worst of the predictions might come true.

Be Careful!
Don't say that something 'becomes true'.

Collins COBUILD English Usage © HarperCollins Publishers 1992, 2004, 2011, 2012


Past participle: trued
Gerund: truing

I true
you true
he/she/it trues
we true
you true
they true
I trued
you trued
he/she/it trued
we trued
you trued
they trued
Present Continuous
I am truing
you are truing
he/she/it is truing
we are truing
you are truing
they are truing
Present Perfect
I have trued
you have trued
he/she/it has trued
we have trued
you have trued
they have trued
Past Continuous
I was truing
you were truing
he/she/it was truing
we were truing
you were truing
they were truing
Past Perfect
I had trued
you had trued
he/she/it had trued
we had trued
you had trued
they had trued
I will true
you will true
he/she/it will true
we will true
you will true
they will true
Future Perfect
I will have trued
you will have trued
he/she/it will have trued
we will have trued
you will have trued
they will have trued
Future Continuous
I will be truing
you will be truing
he/she/it will be truing
we will be truing
you will be truing
they will be truing
Present Perfect Continuous
I have been truing
you have been truing
he/she/it has been truing
we have been truing
you have been truing
they have been truing
Future Perfect Continuous
I will have been truing
you will have been truing
he/she/it will have been truing
we will have been truing
you will have been truing
they will have been truing
Past Perfect Continuous
I had been truing
you had been truing
he/she/it had been truing
we had been truing
you had been truing
they had been truing
I would true
you would true
he/she/it would true
we would true
you would true
they would true
Past Conditional
I would have trued
you would have trued
he/she/it would have trued
we would have trued
you would have trued
they would have trued
Collins English Verb Tables © HarperCollins Publishers 2011
ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:
Noun1.true - proper alignmenttrue - proper alignment; the property possessed by something that is in correct or proper alignment; "out of true"
alignment - the spatial property possessed by an arrangement or position of things in a straight line or in parallel lines
Verb1.true - make level, square, balanced, or concentrictrue - make level, square, balanced, or concentric; "true up the cylinder of an engine"
align, aline, adjust, line up - place in a line or arrange so as to be parallel or straight; "align the car with the curb"; "align the sheets of paper on the table"
Adj.1.true - consistent with fact or realitytrue - consistent with fact or reality; not false; "the story is true"; "it is undesirable to believe a proposition when there is no ground whatever for supposing it true"- B. Russell; "the true meaning of the statement"
correct, right - free from error; especially conforming to fact or truth; "the correct answer"; "the correct version"; "the right answer"; "took the right road"; "the right decision"
faithful - steadfast in affection or allegiance; "years of faithful service"; "faithful employees"; "we do not doubt that England has a faithful patriot in the Lord Chancellor"
echt, genuine - not fake or counterfeit; "a genuine Picasso"; "genuine leather"
honest, honorable - not disposed to cheat or defraud; not deceptive or fraudulent; "honest lawyers"; "honest reporting"
sincere - open and genuine; not deceitful; "he was a good man, decent and sincere"; "felt sincere regret that they were leaving"; "sincere friendship"
false - not in accordance with the fact or reality or actuality; "gave false testimony under oath"; "false tales of bravery"
2.true - accurately placed or throwntrue - accurately placed or thrown; "his aim was true"; "he was dead on target"
accurate - conforming exactly or almost exactly to fact or to a standard or performing with total accuracy; "an accurate reproduction"; "the accounting was accurate"; "accurate measurements"; "an accurate scale"
3.true - devoted (sometimes fanatically) to a cause or concept or truthtrue - devoted (sometimes fanatically) to a cause or concept or truth; "true believers bonded together against all who disagreed with them"
faithful - steadfast in affection or allegiance; "years of faithful service"; "faithful employees"; "we do not doubt that England has a faithful patriot in the Lord Chancellor"
4.true - expressing or given to expressing the truthtrue - expressing or given to expressing the truth; "a true statement"; "gave truthful testimony"; "a truthful person"
honest, honorable - not disposed to cheat or defraud; not deceptive or fraudulent; "honest lawyers"; "honest reporting"
5.true - conforming to definitive criteriatrue - conforming to definitive criteria; "the horseshoe crab is not a true crab"; "Pythagoras was the first true mathematician"
typical - exhibiting the qualities or characteristics that identify a group or kind or category; "a typical American girl"; "a typical suburban community"; "the typical car owner drives 10,000 miles a year"; "a painting typical of the Impressionist school"; "a typical romantic poem"; "a typical case of arteritis"
6.true - worthy of being depended on; "a dependable worker"; "an honest working stiff"; "a reliable sourcSFLe of information"; "he was true to his word"; "I would be true for there are those who trust me"
trustworthy, trusty - worthy of trust or belief; "a trustworthy report"; "an experienced and trustworthy traveling companion"
7.true - not pretendedtrue - not pretended; sincerely felt or expressed; "genuine emotion"; "her interest in people was unfeigned"; "true grief"
sincere - open and genuine; not deceitful; "he was a good man, decent and sincere"; "felt sincere regret that they were leaving"; "sincere friendship"
8.true - rightly so calledtrue - rightly so called; "true courage"; "a spirit which true men have always admired"; "a true friend"
real - no less than what is stated; worthy of the name; "the real reason"; "real war"; "a real friend"; "a real woman"; "meat and potatoes--I call that a real meal"; "it's time he had a real job"; "it's no penny-ante job--he's making real money"
9.true - determined with reference to the earth's axis rather than the magnetic polestrue - determined with reference to the earth's axis rather than the magnetic poles; "true north is geographic north"
geographic, geographical - determined by geography; "the north and south geographic poles"
10.true - having a legally established claimtrue - having a legally established claim; "the legitimate heir"; "the true and lawful king"
legitimate - of marriages and offspring; recognized as lawful
11.true - in tunetrue - in tune; accurate in pitch; "a true note"
harmonious - musically pleasing
12.true - accurately fittedtrue - accurately fitted; level; "the window frame isn't quite true"
even - being level or straight or regular and without variation as e.g. in shape or texture; or being in the same plane or at the same height as something else (i.e. even with); "an even application of varnish"; "an even floor"; "the road was not very even"; "the picture is even with the window"
Adv.1.true - as acknowledgedtrue - as acknowledged; "true, she is the smartest in her class"
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.


2. actual, real, natural, pure, genuine, proper, authentic, dinkum (Austral & N.Z. informal) I allowed myself to acknowledge my true feelings.
4. exact, perfect, correct, accurate, proper, precise, spot-on (Brit. informal), on target, unerring The score is usually a true reflection of events on the pitch.
exact incorrect, inaccurate, awry, askew
5. rightful, legal, recognized, valid, legitimate, authorized, lawful, bona fide, de jure (Law) He was found to be the true owner of the suitcase.
6. sincere, real, genuine, unaffected, heartfelt, from the heart, unfeigned, unpretended God's anger could only be averted by true repentance.
1. truthfully, honestly, veritably, veraciously, rightly Does the lad speak true?
2. precisely, accurately, on target, perfectly, correctly, properly, unerringly Most of the bullets hit true.
come true happen, be realized, come to pass, become reality, occur, be granted Many of his predictions are coming true.
"Many a true word is spoken in jest"
Collins Thesaurus of the English Language – Complete and Unabridged 2nd Edition. 2002 © HarperCollins Publishers 1995, 2002


2. In agreement or correspondence with fact:
3. Having or marked by uprightness in principle and action:
5. Worthy of belief, as because of precision or faithfulness to an original:
6. Accurately representing what is depicted or described:
7. Adhering firmly and devotedly, as to a person, a cause, or a duty:
8. Devoid of any hypocrisy or pretense:
9. Being so legitimately:
The American Heritage® Roget's Thesaurus. Copyright © 2013, 2014 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
حَقيقيحَقيقي، صَحيححَقِيقِيّدَقيق، حَقيقيصَحِيح
eiginlegurnákvæmur, réttursannursannur, trúr, dyggur
có thựcthật


A. ADJ (truer (compar) (truest (superl)))
1. (= not false) [story] → real, verídico; [account] → verídico; [statement] → cierto, verídico; [rumour] → cierto, verdadero
it is true thates verdad or cierto que ...
is it true?¿es (eso) verdad?
it can't be true!¡no me lo creo!
I'm quite tired, it's truees verdad or cierto que estoy bastante cansado
he's so jealous it's not truees tan celoso que resulta difícil creerlo
is it true about Harry?¿es verdad or cierto lo de Harry?
true, butcierto, pero ...
to come true [dream] → hacerse realidad; [wish, prediction] → cumplirse, hacerse realidad
it's a dream come truees un sueño hecho realidad
true or false?¿verdadero o falso?
the reverse is trueocurre lo contrario
it is true to say thatpuede afirmarse que ...
the film is based on a true storyla película está basada en un hecho real or verídico
it's truer than you knowes más verdad de lo que te imaginas
that's truees cierto, es verdad
too trueeso es totalmente cierto
it is only too true thates lamentablemente or desgraciadamente cierto que ...
see also good A1
see also ring 2 C4
2. (= genuine) [gentleman, romantic, genius] → verdadero, auténtico; [friend, courage, happiness] → verdadero, de verdad, auténtico
music is her true lovesu verdadero amor es la música
her true love (o.f.) (= sweetheart) → su gran amor m
then he was able to demonstrate his true worthentonces pudo demostrar lo que valía realmente or su verdadera valía
3. (= real, actual) [feelings, motives, meaning] → verdadero; [value, cost] → verdadero, real
the true meaning of loveel verdadero significado del amor
this helps us to discover our true selvesesto nos ayuda a descubrir nuestra verdadera identidad
in the true sense (of the word)en el sentido estricto (de la palabra), propiamente dicho
4. (Rel) → verdadero
the one true Godel Dios único y verdadero
5. (= relevant, applicable) → cierto
to be true for sb/sthser cierto en el caso de algn/algo
this is particularly true for single womenesto es cierto particularmente en el caso de las mujeres solteras
this is true for nine out of ten casesesto es cierto en nueve de cada diez casos
to hold true (for sb/sth)ser válido (para algn/algo)
this is true of any new business ventureéste es el caso con cualquier empresa nueva
the same is true of nuclear power stationsel caso es el mismo con las centrales nucleares
6. (frm) (= faithful) I am a true believer in American valuescreo firmemente en los valores americanos
to be true to sb/sthser fiel a algn/algo
to be true to o.sser fiel a sí mismo
true to formcomo es/era de esperar
to be true to lifeser como la vida real
to be true to one's promise or wordser fiel a su palabra or promesa, cumplir con su palabra or promesa
true to typecomo es/era de esperar
7. (= accurate)
his aim was truedio en el blanco
the portrait was a true likeness of her grandmotherel cuadro era un fiel retrato de su abuela
8. (= straight) → derecho
the window frame isn't quite trueel marco de la ventana no está del todo derecho
9. (Mus) → afinado
his top notes were pure and truesus notas más altas eran puras y afinadas
B. N to be out of true: the doorframe is out of trueel marco de la puerta no cae a plomo
the top of the window was out of truela parte superior de la ventana no estaba nivelada
C. ADV to breed true (Bio) → reproducirse conforme con la raza
D. CPD true colours, true colors (US) NPL to show one's true colours; show o.s. in one's true coloursmostrarse tal y como se es en realidad
to see sb in their true coloursver a algn tal y como es en realidad
see also colour A6 true north N (Geog) → norte m geográfico
Collins Spanish Dictionary - Complete and Unabridged 8th Edition 2005 © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1971, 1988 © HarperCollins Publishers 1992, 1993, 1996, 1997, 2000, 2003, 2005


[ˈtruː] adj
(= in accordance with reality) → vrai(e)
The film is based on a true story → Le film est tiré d'une histoire vraie.
that's true → c'est vrai
it is true that ... → c'est vrai que ...
to come true → se réaliser
I hope my dream will come true → J'espère que mon rêve se réalisera.
to hold true → valoir, être valable
it's too good to be true → c'est trop beau pour être vrai
(= accurate) [copy] → exact(e)
It's not a true likeness
BUT Ce n'est pas ressemblant.
true to life → réaliste
true to form (= predictably) → comme on pouvait s'y attendre
True to form, she refused → Comme on pouvait s'y attendre, elle a refusé.
to run true to form [events, luck] → être conforme à ce qu'on attendait
(= actual) [feelings, cost, worth, character] → véritable, réel(le)
(= genuine) [democracy, test, gentleman] → véritable
true love → le grand amour
(= faithful) → fidèle
to be true to sb (= loyal) → être fidèle à qn
to be true to sth (= loyal) → être fidèle à qch
(= straight) [wall] → d'aplomb; [beam] → droit(e); [wheel] → dans l'axetrue-blue true blue adj
(British) [Conservative, Tory] → pur jus inv
(US) (= loyal) [Republican, Californian] → pur jus invtrue-born [ˌtruːˈbɔːrn] adjvrai(e)
Collins English/French Electronic Resource. © HarperCollins Publishers 2005


(= not false) story, news, rumour, statementwahr; to come true (dream, wishes)Wirklichkeit werden, wahr werden; (prophecy)sich verwirklichen; (fears)sich bewahrheiten; to make something come trueetw wahr werden lassen; it is true that …es stimmt, dass …, es ist wahr or richtig, dass …; that’s truedas stimmt, das ist wahr; can it be true (that he didn’t know)?kann es stimmen or sein(, dass er das nicht wusste)?; it is true to say that …es ist richtig, dass …; true!richtig!; too true!(das ist nur) zu wahr!, wie wahr!; it is only too true that …es ist nur allzu wahr, dass …; we mustn’t generalize, (it’s) true, but …wir sollten natürlich nicht verallgemeinern, aber …; that’s wrong! — true, but …das ist falsch! — stimmt or richtig, aber …; is it true about Harry?stimmt es, was man über Harry sagt?; the reverse is trueganz im Gegenteil; the reverse is true for …für … trifft das Gegenteil zu; he’s got so much money it’s not true! (inf)es ist unfassbar, wie viel Geld er hat!
(= accurate) description, report, accountwahrheitsgetreu; likeness(lebens)getreu; copygetreu; aimgenau; the true meaning ofdie wahre Bedeutung (+gen); in the true sense (of the word)im wahren Sinne (des Wortes)
(= real, genuine) feeling, friendship, friend, Christian, heir, opinionwahr, echt; reasonwirklich; leather, antiqueecht; the frog is not a true reptileder Frosch ist kein echtes Reptil; spoken like a true football fanso spricht ein wahrer Fußballfan; in a true spirit of friendship/loveim wahren Geist der Freundschaft/Liebe; true lovedie wahre Liebe; (= person)Schatz m, → Herzallerliebste(r) mf (old); the path of true love ne’er did run smooth (prov) → die Pfade der Liebe sind gewunden; what is the true situation?wie verhält es sich wirklich?; in true lifeim wirklichen Leben; the one true Godder einzige wahre Gott; the True Cross (Rel) → das wahre Kreuz
(= faithful) friend, followertreu; to be true to somebodyjdm treu sein/bleiben; to be true to one’s word/promise(treu) zu seinem Wort/Versprechen stehen, seinem Wort treu bleiben; to be true to oneselfsich selbst treu bleiben; to thine own self be true (liter)bleibe dir selbst treu; twelve good men and truezwölf ehrbare Männer; true to lifelebensnah; (Art) → lebensecht; the horse ran true to formdas Pferd lief erwartungsgemäß; true to typeerwartungsgemäß; (Bot) → artgetreu
wall, surfacegerade; joingenau; circlerund
(Phys) → tatsächlich; true northder eigentliche or tatsächliche or geografische Norden
(= applicable) to be true for somebody/somethingfür jdn/etw wahr sein; to be true of somebody/somethingauf jdn/etw zutreffen; the same is or holds true for …dasselbe gilt auch für …, dasselbe trifft auch auf … (acc)zu
(Mus) noterichtig; voicerein
n out of true (upright, beam, wheels)schief; joinverschoben
adv aimgenau; singrichtig; to breed truesich reinrassig fortpflanzen; he speaks true (old)er spricht die Wahrheit; they speak truer than they know (old)sie kommen der Wahrheit näher, als ihnen bewusst ist ? ring2


true blue
n (Brit: = Tory) → echter Tory, waschechter Tory (inf)
adjwaschecht (inf), → echt
adjecht, gebürtig; (= legitimate)rechtmäßig
adjwahr, echt; cattlereinrassig
true rib
nwahre Rippe
Collins German Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged 7th Edition 2005. © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1980 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1997, 1999, 2004, 2005, 2007


1. adj (-r (comp) (-st (superl)))
a. (not fiction, story) → vero/a; (accurate, correct, statement, description) → preciso/a, esatto/a, accurato/a; (portrait, likeness) → fedele
to come true → avverarsi
the same holds true of or for ... → lo stesso vale per...
too true! → fin troppo vero!
true, but ... → sì, ma...
b. (real, genuine, emotion, interest) → sincero/a, vero/a
true love → vero amore
to behave like a true Englishman → comportarsi da vero inglese
in the truest sense of the word → nel vero senso della parola
c. (wall, beam) → a piombo; (wheel) → centrato/a
d. (faithful, friend) → fedele
to be true to sb/sth → essere fedele a qn/qc
to be true to one's word → tenere fede alla parola data
true to life → verosimile
to run true to type → essere fedele alla propria immagine
2. n to be out of true (wall, beam) → non essere a piombo; (wheel) → non essere centrato/a
Collins Italian Dictionary 1st Edition © HarperCollins Publishers 1995


(truː) adjective
1. (negative untrue) telling of something that really happened; not invented; agreeing with fact; not wrong. That is a true statement; Is it true that you did not steal the ring?
2. (negative untrue) accurate. They don't have a true idea of its importance.
3. (negative untrue) faithful; loyal. He has been a true friend.
4. properly so called. A spider is not a true insect.
ˈtrueness noun
ˈtruly adverb
1. really. I truly believe that this decision is the right one.
2. in a true manner. He loved her truly.
Kernerman English Multilingual Dictionary © 2006-2013 K Dictionaries Ltd.


حَقِيقِيّ, صَحِيح pravdivý sand, sandt wahr αληθινός cierto, TRUE, verdadero tosi vrai istinito vero 本当の 사실인, 진실한 waar, ware sann prawda., prawdziwy verdade, verdadeiro истинный, правильный sant จริง, ที่เป็นเรื่องจริง gerçek có thực, thật 真实的, 真的
Multilingual Translator © HarperCollins Publishers 2009


a. verdadero-a, cierto-a, real; verídico-a.
English-Spanish Medical Dictionary © Farlex 2012


adj verdadero
English-Spanish/Spanish-English Medical Dictionary Copyright © 2006 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved.
References in classic literature ?
Then if a man says that justice consists in the repayment of debts, and that good is the debt which a man owes to his friends, and evil the debt which he owes to his enemies,--to say this is not wise; for it is not true, if, as has been clearly shown, the injuring of another can be in no case just.
Very true, he said: and I think that we had better correct an error into which we seem to have fallen in the use of the words `friend' and `enemy.'
He was proceeding when Mr Allworthy interposed, telling them very coldly, they had both mistaken his meaning; for that he had said nothing of true honour.--It is possible, however, he would not have easily quieted the disputants, who were growing equally warm, had not another matter now fallen out, which put a final end to the conversation at present.
This, it is true, he never affirmed, as I have heard, to any one; and yet upon the least attention to his conduct, I cannot help thinking it was his real opinion, as it will perfectly reconcile some contradictions which might otherwise appear in his character.
It was written that there, in the nursery of our navigating ancestors, I should learn to walk in the ways of my craft and grow in the love of the sea, blind as young love often is, but absorbing and disinterested as all true love must be.
In reality, she was a true balancelle, with two short masts raking forward and two curved yards, each as long as her hull; a true child of the Latin lake, with a spread of two enormous sails resembling the pointed wings on a sea-bird's slender body, and herself, like a bird indeed, skimming rather than sailing the seas.
There was once upon a time a Prince who wanted to marry a Princess, but she must be a true Princess.
Now they perceived that she was a true Princess, because she had felt the pea through the twenty mattresses and the twenty eider-down quilts.
Blackness and whiteness are naturally present in the body, but it is not necessary that either the one or the other should be present in the body, inasmuch as it is not true to say that everybody must be white or black.
(iv) Statements opposed as affirmation and negation belong manifestly to a class which is distinct, for in this case, and in this case only, it is necessary for the one opposite to be true and the other false.
SOCRATES: Then he who does not know may still have true notions of that which he does not know?
From the psychological standpoint, there may be different kinds of belief, and different degrees of certainty, but there cannot be any purely psychological means of distinguishing between true and false beliefs.