Showing posts with label castle. Show all posts
Showing posts with label castle. Show all posts

Friday 2 August 2024

Roadtrip: Sinop, Black Sea

My first impression of the Black Sea. And it was bright blue and tropical looking. Not at all what I expected. I do know that the weather and area of the Black Sea gives different sceneries.

I absolutely loved Sinop, situated on a Peninsula it was entirely surrounded by the Sea. On the tip of the Peninsula, there was no one and the mountains were high creating a dramatic height difference between the sea.

The town center was full of part of a castle, sporadically shattered all over town, it must have been impressive back in the day.

I loved the parts where no one was present, as where people are, noise and trash follow. The tip was so quiet and roughly natural, just perfect.

There was some adorable wild donkeys just enjoying the sun.

We are already much further away, I'm behind with blogging, hotel wifi is not the best but I'll catch up and show you are high points of our trip. We are now in Georgia, after traveling the Turkish Black Sea coast for a few days it is time to explore this country, which is a neighboring country but everything is so different we are having a bit of a cultural shock :)

Thursday 11 October 2018

Our Home Town, Marmaris

Our town was originally a village with its main income sources being fish and honey.

These days it is almost entirely built for tourism although honey and fish are still income for some.

Most of the city is newly built except for the restored castle and surrounding old town, which looks like a Greek town (of course due to Turkish long history with Greece).

The castle was reconstructed by Süleyman the Magnificent during his expedition against Rhodes.

The Marmaris Castle is one of the few castles in Turkey that also possesses a museum.

According to Greek historian Herodotus, the first city walls in Marmaris were constructed in 3,000 BC, although the only written source about the construction of the castle by the renowned Ottoman traveler, Evliya Çelebi, in his work Seyahatname.

Çelebi, who visited Muğla and its vicinity in the 17th century, says Sultan Süleyman ordered the construction of the castle before his expedition to Rhodes and that the castle served as a military base during the expedition.

An important part of the castle was destroyed during World War I by a French warship. Until 1979, locals of Marmaris inhabited the castle, which is known to include 18 residences, a fountain and a cistern.

The castle was registered as a monumental structure in 1983 and opened as a museum in 1991. (source: wikipedia)

The castle has quite the view!

It also has a museum with found coins, earth wares and artifacts found in this area.

Just like the whole town, even the museum has cats :)

And built around the castle is the old town, lots of the houses are used as restaurants but plenty are still used as homes.

I love its charm.

The little details here and there are lovely, some are a bit hidden.

Evil eyes are of course here and there..

And you get a peek of the castle from time to time.

I love places where the old charm is not ruined.

These statues were made a while back, and there are a whole bunch more at the marine and in town. I'm not a huge fan but most people seem to like them and they do give some extra playfulness.

Waterpipe hoses, not healthy but so colorful :)
If you ever book a vacation to our town come and visit us :)!