Showing posts with label amsterdam. Show all posts
Showing posts with label amsterdam. Show all posts

Thursday 6 October 2016

Revived Memories

We already finished another armchair! This one went pretty fast compared to many others, mainly as it only has little feet to sand and varnish, no paint work, which was nice for a change :)

The brass feet went in the tumbler for a nice cleaning, the wood was sanded and varnished. The chair came from a friend who ripped off the old upholstery and filling planning to upholster it himself but he eventually found that the chair was not his style and gave it to me :) It was nice that the old work was already removed, the less work for me, but hence the reason that there is no real 'before' picture.

With mostly vintage embroidery and the remaining part some deep red velvet it has a very dramatic atmosphere :)

Super happy how it turned out! You should see mum and me looking through dozens of embroideries to find the perfect ones, it is like a woman going to a first date and not knowing what to wear!

The chair is among other one of a kind furniture pieces available at StarHomeStudio.

Another special piece I recently listed is this dollhouse.
Made in 1905 by the owner of the actual building for his son! The original building was shortly afterwards replaced by a bigger one unfortunately so no images available online. It was in Amsterdam, the address is actually written on it which is why I know it isn't there anymore. It was a Tobacco Warehouse.

We had it in our living room when we still lived in Amsterdam and I grew up seeing it. Our own house was a bit like it, and somehow it seems it was time to say goodbye to that time, after almost 20 years living in Turkey.

The details are amazing, and it is super heavy made of solid wood.
You can see more images of it in the shop.

And if you are in to dollhouses, I loved these miniature projects made with every day items, like this adorable furniture piece made with two matchboxes.

And these cute tiny clothes hangers made with paperclips.

Monday 12 December 2011

Monday Moodboard

1. starrybluesky  2. stephmel  3. trotalo  4. ARTISANIEeurope

When you see this, I'll be in Amsterdam. For the moment I'm still in Marmaris, thankfully blogger allows me to program this beforehand to avoid dissapointment :)
I'll be away for just a few days, hopefully I'll be back with tons of supplies and inspiration!

Have a great monday everyone!

RULES: Feature your fellow EuropeanStreetTeam mates by making a mosaic. You can add your link here so that others can see it! Please only add your link if the mosaic features Team mates!

Please link back to this blogpost so that everyone can check the other Monday Moodboards.

Thursday 13 May 2010

Flea market Heaven

One of the few things we miss in Turkey are flea markets. We have feed our hunger for them by going to a few of them these days.

With some good finding and matching you can decorate your home completely from the flea market, unique, cheap and gorgeous, if you ask me.

I always love how those weird things and combinations of all kind of things somehow match nicely together.

Oh and yes we have an excess luggage problem, as our shopping brakes refused to work :)

Monday 10 May 2010

Alice in Amsterdam

We went to the movies yesterday evening. The reason to share this is because of the amazing cinema we went to. Tuschinski theater is an amazing piece of Architectural art.

Originally exploited by Abraham Icek Tuschinski, who had it built in 1921 at a cost of 4 million guilders, in a spectacular mix of styles, as designed by Hijman Louis de Jong; Amsterdam School, Jugendstil, Art Nouveau and Art Deco. The main auditorium is usually the one in which movies premiere in the Netherlands.
The façade, in its own style of Art Deco with oriental influences, was designed to help people get a feeling that they were being led into an illusion. The main auditorium was originally not designed just as a movie theatre and still has a stage and organ, on which performances are still given. (information from wikipedia)

The interior is amazing, especially love all the different kind of lampshades.

Between 1998 and 2002 the Theater was closed for a huge renovation.

The atmosphere is wonderful, like a warm and luxorious living room.

If you ever visit Amsterdam make sure to visit Tuschinski, but do make sure to go to a movie which plays in Salon 1, 2 or 3 as those are the original old ones. There is an new wing attached to the cinema and the salons are modern and boring there.

Where ever you look, the details are breathtaking.

And we went from one wonder.... Wonderland....

Saturday 8 May 2010

Messy Amsterdam

We had planned to blog more during our time here but our own errands and everything around us has kept us occupied. We arrived at such a messy time in Amsterdam this time. We arrived at queens day (April 30th) which already was a mess.
2 days before departure I couldn't find my ID card, our reason to go to Holland was renewing our ID's and passports. I went 5 times to the police for it (3 in Turkey, 2 in Holland), I guess I have had enough police visits for a long time (hopefully).

4 May is the day the death of the Second World War are remembered. That day every year at 8p.m. the Queen and royal family go to the Dam square in Amsterdam to put flowers at the memorial statue. Thousands of people come too and traffic is closed for hours in the centre of Amsterdam. A 2 minute silence for the millions of death is the reason they gather. This year someone fainted in those 2 minutes and fell on the metal barracks which gave a hard sound and everyone got in panic, luckely it was soon clear that nothing was going on and they continued (the Royal family was taken away right away for safety).

The 5th of May 1945 was the day that the Netherland was liberated from the German forces, every year freedom is celebrated on that day.

Between all these unusual days, the garbage men are on strike for more then a week now and garbage is starting to overflow everywhere.

8-9-10 May the town will be a mess due to the cycle race, Giro d'Italia.
Thursday 13th of May will be Acsension day, so many places will be closed.
I'm surprised at how many unusual days and events we are having these two weeks, not to forget that it is the coldest may in Holland since 1978, around 10 celsius, rainy and grey. It does show us why we left this country :)