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I’ve been bugged lately. No, not in an attitude of mind. Literally. Bugs and crawly things keep interrupting my enjoyment of life, in the middle of winter.

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Honoring someone is a tall order. It means finding an eloquent way to summarize and put to words the life and good works of someone deserving of being “honored” in the first place.

If you're interested in submitting a Letter to the Editor, click here.

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NEW YORK (TNS) — Gov. Kathy Hochul isn’t the only one to blame for the heinous congestion pricing tax that was set to go into effect on midnight Sunday.

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If I could have one wish granted in the New Year, it would be for be for a return of respect and bipartisanship in Albany to ensure that state government serves the common good of all New York…

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Watching Jimmy Carter’s state funeral at the Episcopal Church’s National Cathedral in Washington, D.C., felt like viewing a portal to the past. Men with names like Ford and Mondale delivered e…

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It was back in August 2019, just about the time Democrats were wasting everyone’s time with the first fake impeachment scandal, when Donald Trump originally introduced the idea of buying Green…

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For my entire career, it’s seemed, the Republican Party has run against Jimmy Carter. From my novice reporter days in Texas beginning midway through his single term, through my years in Washin…

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