Well, that didn’t take long. The day after I posted it, I got an email from David Nüscheler, CTO at Day Software, asking if I’d be interested in working with them. Given that my friend and accidental mentor Roy works there, and that the company is obviously very clueful about the Web and open source, it seemed like a terrific fit. In my discussions with them since then, that impression has been confirmed over and over again. Honestly I don’t know why I didn’t approach them.

I’ll be joining their solutions team, which means I’ll be helping with the design, development, and deployment of custom solutions built upon Day’s product line. The position isn’t unlike the consulting work I’d been doing much of the past six years, only more hands-on (yeah!), and of course, Day-specific.

It also means a lot more travel, so watch for me in your neck of the woods on Dopplr.


13 comments until now

  1. Very smart move, I think. Congrats!

  2. Thanks, Stefan. I think so too.

  3. Congratulations. Day is lucky to have the two most respected experts.

  4. Very cool, Mark. And a perfect fit. Contact me when you’re near Boston.

  5. Hi Mark, welcome to Day ;-) Funny, I’ve been reading your blog because of it’s REST topic for quite some time now, before I joined Day (@rnd). Would be nice to meet you in person!

  6. Good gig! Congrats.

  7. Dean Jackson

    Cool. Congratulations Mark.

  8. Rohit Khare

    Bravo! Very ‘duh’ of you not to think of Day sooner, indeed :)

    Now, if only I can make sure my algorithms don’t confuse Mark@Day with Mark Day@Riverbed…

  9. mark little

    congrats Mark!

  10. Mike Herrick

    Everything is right in the REST world again. Its been all wrong since you announced you were dropping it ;) “Honestly I don’t know why I didn’t approach them.” Precisely :) Good luck!

  11. Thanks a lot everyone.

    For those of you wanting to get together when I travel, please do join Dopplr, as it’ll save me (and you) a lot of bother.

  12. Congratulations! Hope this is a fun and challenging gig.

  13. Mark, Very excited you are joining the team and I look forward to working with you!

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