I was in need of a good
example, but rather than looking for one, I figured it was probably
simplest just to sit back and wait for it to come to me.
That didn’t take long;
We do need to address such challenges, but won’t get anywhere by quickly
cobbling together yet more geeky mashups. We need tools with a proper
process foundation that not only support the work but allow it to be
managed, and such tools will be based on an in-depth understanding of
human collaboration and its management rather than some current techie fad.
Ok, that last one was a
cheap potshot
Annrai’s latest,
but the article offers some interesting wisdom, this bit in particular;
The Wiki metaphor (and its implementation) is the perfect vehicle for sharing and managing SOA artifacts across an organization. Then if anyone makes a change to a service that you are interested in, RSS should be able to inform you when that happens and you can make any necessary changes.
It sounds like he’s describing more of a management interface, but
hey, it’s a start. It’s a short step from there to realizing that all
services can spit out RSS notifications upon a change of state, not just ones
monitoring other services.
“On the outward-facing side are all the informal, loosely-coupled aspects of a service – its self-describing nature, its natural integration with Internet technologies, its high level description of business services”. Wow, that’s so so wrong.
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“SOAP is neither interconnected nor enabling of connectedness — in fact, it is actively destructive”. Ouch!
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I posted the
Middleware 2006
last month, but need to report that the deadlines have been extended.
They are now;
Abstract submission: April 3
Paper submission: April 10
Notification of acceptance: July 10
Camera-ready copies: September 1
A new term, “Web style”. Sounds good, but do we need more terminology? I don’t think so. Perhaps this could replace “POX” or “Lo REST”? Who knows. But at least it’s better defined than those two.
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All things enterprisey! Now with Wikipedia page! Huzzah!
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“Ripple is a payment system where you can be your own banker”.
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Oh my. I love this comment though, keeping on my recent theme; ” It’s enterprisey!” 8-)
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“Familiar with up-to-date Web technology, in particular with respect to Web Protocols and services on the Web”. Interesting; “services on the Web”
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