
Membership of HUMBUG is only $25.00 for one year or part thereof until the fall of the next AGM (See the Constitution for further information). Membership at HUMBUG allows you to use the internet services provided at meetings. It also gives you voting rights. Also you can join up on the wiki and gain editing access on our website.

Humbug's Email Lists

To join our email list just click on Mailing List then chose the mailing list you want to join and fill out the form.

So what lists should you join? Well that depends on what you want to do. Below is a breakdown of the lists.

Member's Area

These links below are setup for members to post information about themselves.

Joining and Renewing

While Humbug meetings are free and everyone is welcome attend, Humbug depends on members formally joining the club and paying the yearly membership fee. You do that at our payments web page:

Only financial members have a say in the running of the club as only their votes count at meetings. Beware our constitution says first time members become entitled to vote 3 months after payment.

Existing members are sent renewal reminders, usually two: one not long after the AGM and one not long before.


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Membership (last edited 2018-10-16 00:00:11 by GregBlack)