time and mental effort spent on the dance of
supplantation rather than
In the context of
supplantation [Salomon, 1994], the combination of an interactive design and computer algebra can help to build mental models (see [Vogel et al., 2007] for an in-depth description of using interactive function graphs).
Succession Issues--Political and Administrative Democratic Principle and Party Continuity Efficient Conduct of the Presidency "Bumping" or
Supplantation Succession During Presidential Campaigns and Transitions Between Nomination and Election Between the Election and the Meeting of the Electors Between the Electoral College Vote and the Electoral Vote Count by Congress Between the Electoral Vote Count and Inauguration 110th Congress: Proposed Legislation H.R.
assistance at a conceptual level as either parental
supplantation or
supplantation of spectator by actor is framed in It Starts at Home within a story line of commercialization and sellout, in which Bob, a stereotypical television producer who is perpetually on the phone and consists of nothing but a hairpiece that somehow manages to smoke a cigar and talk, attempts to aggres-sively promote The Mike Show as Mike himself enacts fantasies of the alluring televisual characters he might become.
Colacurcio observes that "to Endicott, apparently, a maypole expresses the phallic essence of Anglo-Catholic paganism," which implies a psychological dimension, but his own reading focuses more on Blackstone's canonical coat than on Morton's maypole and stresses the story's theological aspects, concluding in a footnote that "Hawthorne's own view" was that "Puritanism defines itself as the
supplantation of the Myth by Nature by its Ramean opposite, the Myth by Grace." (28)
supplantation [par Daru] de l'usage et de la loi" susceptibles
supplantation of the patient's right to control the disclosure of information with a privacy policy notice, along with other modifications in the new HIPAA regulations, promises to have a far-ranging impact on health care delivery in this country.
There remains some concern that a hostile and irresponsible Congress could play games with succession in order to put one of its presiding officers in charge, either through impeachment or some other outlandish scheme involving congressional
supplantation (Silva 1968, 156-59; Amar and Amar 1995, 12124; Calabresi 1995, 167-68; Cinquegrana 1992, 117-19).
The result is what I will call the "dance of
supplantation." District managers attempt to use restricted, categorical funding to free up unrestricted, general-fund monies while the providers of revenue attempt to prevent them from doing so.
As formulated in the "
supplantation" hypothesis (Salomon, 1979) for media as a whole, navigational tools are of assistance to learners when they replicate the cognitive processes necessary for, or beneficial to, learning and problem solving.
Home benefited by this competition when Sir William Keith, a member of the wealthiest family in Scotland, incurred the king's wrath with his ostentatious clothing and behaviour; by the end of the royal honeymoon, the newly-knighted Sir George Home had succeeded Keith as Master of the Great Wardrobe His understated yet purposeful tactics in that episode foreshadowed his discreet
supplantation of Alexander Elphinstone as Scottish treasurer in 1601, and Sir John Fortescue as chancellor of the Exchequer in England two years later.(17)
It pioneered a practice called "
supplantation," which diverts federal welfare funds to pay for other state programs, or for tax cuts, while the state itself has reduced its spending on welfare to the bare minimum allowed under federal law.
At the same time, there have been examples of what has become known as "
supplantation"--substituting federal funds for existing state spending and redirecting the freed-up state dollars to purposes that have little or nothing to do with helping low-income families.