
The following article is from The Great Soviet Encyclopedia (1979). It might be outdated or ideologically biased.



In the Hittite empire:

Suppiluliumas I. First ruler of the New Kingdom; reigned from 1380 B.C. to 1340 B.C. After an extensive war, Suppiluliumas subjugated the kingdom of Mitanni and made the king of Ugarit his vassal. The sons of Suppiluliumas ruled the Syrian states of Halab (Aleppo) and Carchemish.

Suppiluliumas II. The last ruler of the New Kingdom; reigned from 1190 B.C. to 1180 B.C.

The Great Soviet Encyclopedia, 3rd Edition (1970-1979). © 2010 The Gale Group, Inc. All rights reserved.
References in periodicals archive ?
(9) The expression DINGIR.MES [??]zammuratti "profanation of the gods" (verbal noun of zammurai-) occurs in the treaty between Suppiluliumas II and Talmi-Tesub of Karkamis, where it is listed along with other kinds of schemes (kup(i)yati-), such as plotting against the emperor or seeking to harm the country:
KBo 12.30 ii 12-15 (NH; CTH 122.2) But if someone [approaches] you for the sake of a plot, (10) either for an evil thought concerning Suppiluliuma, or a zammuratt(i)- to the gods, or the detriment of Hatti-land (do not listen to him)!
Correspondence with the Hittite King Suppiluliumas early in the new pharaoh's reign shows that the ruling court remained in Thebes.
They were addressed to the Hittite king, Suppiluliumas I, and asked that one of his sons become her husband since the queen did not want to marry any of her subjects.
Richter, "Der 'Einjahrige Feldzug' Suppiluliumas I.
(KBo 3.4 II 69: sa-ra-am-na-az, [II 73] (14) //KBo 16.1 IV 25: sa-r[a-[a.sup.?]-am-na-az], IV 29: sa-ra-a-am-na-za (15)) als auch in einem Fragment aus Suppiluliumas I.
7' sa-a-r[u([-.sup.?)] hingewiesen, eine Stelle in einem Fragment aus dem eigenen Tatenbericht Suppiluliumas I., wo oftenbar von "viel Beute" (mekki sar[[u.sup.?]]) die Rede ist.