One species of charlock will
supplant another, and so in other cases.
He was sitting at vespers on the Capitoline Hill in Rome, the center of ancient Roman greatness, and the barefooted Catholic friars were singing the service of the hour in the shabby church which has long since
supplanted the Roman Capitol.
Instead of talking of Edward, they came gradually to talk only of Robert,--a subject on which he had always more to say than on any other, and in which she soon betrayed an interest even equal to his own; and in short, it became speedily evident to both, that he had entirely
supplanted his brother.
A few scraggly, yellow-white locks had
supplanted the thick, dark hair that had covered his head.
Last week, the Secretary released final non-regulatory guidance to support school districts' compliance with the requirement--under Title I, Section 1118 of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA), as amended by the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA)--that federal funds supplement and do not
supplant state and local funds.
For months, three words have been front and center in the discussions about how to regulate the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA): supplement not
programs assisted under this part, and not to
supplant such funds.
No way does their message
supplant or make obsolete said statement.
Perhaps we need to assess the madness of open borders in time of war as reflecting the retraction of God's protective hand, His spent tolerance with a purportedly Christian nation's sanctioned idolatry, and His willingness to
supplant its people for others (be they Mexican Catholic or Arab Moslem) who bring their children to term.
The flu reinvents itself from year to year through a process in which previously rare variants of the virus
supplant once-dominant ones.
482's legislative and regulatory history demonstrated Congress's intent to
supplant the use of comparable transactions with internal measures of cost and profit.
The poll also showed that 38 percent believe creationism should
supplant evolution entirely in the public school curriculum, while 49 percent are opposed to teaching creationism in place of evolution.
Because while the discovery of genetic links to sexual identity may give us an "I told you so" satisfaction and perhaps a political tool in fighting for equality, it should never
supplant the joyful image of a little boy singing "I'd rather be different" along with Mama Cass.
The Board's approval of this application does not
supplant the authority of the State of New York to license the proposed office of Bank in accordance with any terms or conditions that it may impose.