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In the article by Sezgin et al., entitled "Evaluation of The Effect of Diabetes Education Given to Type 2 Diabetic Patients and Monitoring Via Telephone Communication on Metabolic Parameters" (Clin Exp Health Sci 2014; 4(Suppl. 1): S17) that was published in the first Supplementary issue of Clinical and Experimental Health Sciences in 2014, one of the contributing authors' name was misprinted.
For each species, available host and habitat data were also compiled from labels and are presented along with managing collection information and noted occurrence within Tennessee counties and ecoregions (Suppl. Table 3; Suppl.
78 See the letter in Suppl., 2: 279: "Nam nec mutare sententiam turpe philosopho, qui cotidie plus videt et ad opinionem vulgi saepe se non inutiliter accomodat, .
Skills needed by speech-language pathologists providing services to dysphagic patients/clients, ASHA, 32 (Suppl. 2), 7-12.
The figures in the supplementary document are referred to in the text below as Suppl. Figs.
Journal of Clinical Psychiatry, 57(Suppl 11), 46-52.