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Virtual Stockroom

The CCE Stockroom will now accept supply orders through the online stockroom dispersal order form. Once completed, email the form to [email protected] and [email protected]. Stockroom personnel will then process your order and your items will be put in a bag or box. You will receive and email detailing when you can pick up your order from the loading dock table.

Download the Stockroom Dispersal Form here.

Stockroom Supply List

Item Description Bin Number Stock Number Price
Pens, Uniball Micro Black/Blue 22 0327 $1.90
Pens, Uniball Micro Red 21 0327 $1.90
Pens, Uniball Signo Black/Blue 30 0329 $2.76
Pens, Uniball Signo Red 29 7015 $2.76
Post It, Flags 10 8902 $3.98
Post It Notes, Large 14 7063 $1.15
Post It Notes, Medium 13a 7062 $1.05
Post It Notes, Ruled 15 0016 $2.99
Post it Notes, Small 13b 7061 $0.52
Push Pins 46a 7003 $1.21
Razor Blades 46b 7005 $0.11
Rings 1 1/211 48 7049 $0.60
Rubber Cement 37b 7006 $1.34
Rulers, 6" 35c 7027 $0.73
Rulers, 12" 35b 7027 $1.42
Rulers, Metal 35a 7027 $3.52
Scissors 41 7030 $4.25
Single Hole Sharpener 42 7031 $0.65
Sharpie, Extra Fine Point 34 0330 $0.98
Sharpie, Fine Point 24 7012 $1.21
Sharpie King Size 39 9911 $0.78
Staples, Heavy 1/4" 43b 7017 $4.28
Staples, Heavy 1/2" 43a 7018 $4.77
Staples, Standard 43c 7016 $1.09
Krazy Glue 44 7064 $2.75
Tabs, Pendaflex (Hanging Folder Tabs) 36 4984 $1.41
Tape, Doublesided 16 7025 $8.89
Tape, Electrical 47 8244 $5.33
Tape, Scotch w/ Dispenser 17 9492 $1.35
Tape, Scotch Refills 18 9490 $2.58
Tape, Teflon 45 7024 $1.67
Batteries, 9V 49a 7658 $6.85
Batteries, AA 49b 7328 $0.92
Batteries, AAA 50 7657 $0.77
Batteries, C 51 7326 $1.84
Batteries, D 52 7631 $2.75
Binder Clips, Large 7a 7019 $0.25
Binder Clips, Medium 7b 7020 $0.05
Binder Clips, Mini 7d 7054 $0.01
Binder Clips, Small 7c 7021 $0.02
Chalk, Color 28b 7041 $1.34
Chalk, White 28a 7042 $0.39
Correction Fluid 9c 7053 $1.87
Correction Pen 9b 7087 $3.54
Correction Tape 9a 7059 $2.25
Dry Erase Marker, 4pk 11 4891 $5.37
Dry Erase Marker, 8pk 12 4982 $10.28
Eimers Glue 37a 7007 $0.93
Epoxy, 5 Minute 38 4945 $6.59
Eraser, Pink 8c 7002 $0.93
Eraser, Tips 8b 8904 $0.18
Glue Stick 8a 7008 $2.25
Highlighter, Blue/Green/Yellow 31 7011 $1.23
Highlighter, Pink/Orange 32 7011 $1.23
High Vacuum Grease 40 6745 $25.79
Metal Rim Tags, Large 53a 7034 $0.20
Metal Rim Tags, Small 53b 7032 $0.20
Multipurpose Labels 6 7522 $5.65
Paper Clips, Large 4a 0402 $0.97
Paper Clips, Small 4b 7021 $0.52
Pencils, #1 1 1000 $0.34
Pencils, #2 2 1001 $0.34
Pencils, #3 3 1003 $0.34
Pencils, Color 54 7051 $0.33
Pencils, Mechanical 5 1005 $0.59
Pens, Bic Crystal Red 25 7010 $0.25
Pens, Overhead Projector Pens 33 7014 $1.48
Pens, Pilot G2 Black/Blue 26 9795 $1.47
Pens, Pilot Red 27 9795 $1.21
Pens, Uniball Deluxe Black/Red/Blue 23 0079 $2.58
Pens, Uniball Fine Black 20 0328 $1.90
Pens, Uniball Fine Red 19 0328 $1.90
Flashlight WALL 8822 $5.52
Surge Protector WALL 8883 $5.00
Extension Cord 25ft WALL $10.50
Extension Cord 10ft WALL $6.57
3ft Power Strip WALL 8885 $7.66
Power Tap 6 Outlet WALL 3495 $2.60
USB 32GB WALL 7327 $14.50
USB 16GB WALL $7.00
NMR Tube Caps WALL 9599 $0.08
Norell NMR Tube 7 inch WALL 1555 $3.87
Wilmad 8 inch 5mm 600 MHz WALL 2009 $17.36
Norell NMR Tubes 8 inch 5pk WALL 7065 $40.91
Norell NMR Tubes 8 inch WALL 1557 $8.18
Kleenex WALL 9557 $2.03
Dry Erase Board Cleaner WALL 0014 $7.63
Dry Erase Board Eraser WALL 0032 $3.47
Soft Soap WALL 7036 $2.76
Purell Inst/Sanitizer WALL 9882 $5.03
Purell Inst/Sanitizer WALL 9883 $3.25
Aveeno Lotion WALL 9880 $9.31
Sheet Protectors WALL 0009 $1.65
Black 3 inch Vinyl Binder WALL 0012 $5.94
Black Vinyl Binder WALL 0008 $2.60
Transparencies WALL 0012 $36.42 pk/$0.73 ea
Green Laser Pointer WALL 9487 $23.28
Caltech Letterhead WALL 4003 $64.31 box/$0.65 ea
Lab Book 150 pgs WALL 0565 $41.15
Balloons WALL 7047 $0.06
Lab Book 300 pgs WALL 0566 $82.92
6 by 9 Spiral Steno Pad WALL 7000 $4.28
Lab Book 60 pgs WALL 0013 $5.00
Oxford Blank Index Cards WALL 9501 $0.85
5 by 8 Notepad WALL 9539 $0.56
White Legal Pad WALL 7001 $2.51
Yellow Legal Pad WALL 9540 $2.51
Data Pad WALL 9534 $4.97
Crane & Co Paper WALL 9515 $53.10 ream/$0.30 ea
Notepad WALL 9538 $0.60
8 by 12 Notepad WALL 9403 $1.83
HP 11X (Printer Cartridge) WALL 9899 $279.37
HP 27X (Printer Cartridge) WALL 9898 $163.47
HP 96A (Printer Cartridge) WALL 9897 $121.27
Biochem Molecular Model WALL 5010 $48.98
Caltech Labels WALL $0.87
Copier Transparencies WALL 4001 $19.45
Air Duster WALL 4695 $5.12
Stapler WALL 0005 $8.00
Blank Manila Envelopes WALL 9528 $0.10
Packing Tape WALL 0004 $3.61
Duct Tape WALL 0007 $4.80
Masking Tape WALL 0006 $3.25
10 by 13 Addressed Envelopes WALL 9529 $0.92
9.5 by 12.5 Addressed Envelopes WALL 9533 $0.92
7.5 by 10.5 Addressed Envelopes WALL 9534 $0.51
Manila Letter Envelopes WALL 9531 $0.05
White Letter Envelopes WALL 9525 $0.07
6.5 by 9.5 Addressed Envelopes WALL 9534 $0.10
Woman Lab Coats (Sm Med Lrg) WALL $67.99
DVD-R WALL 2008 $25.35 pk/$.025 ea
CD-R (pk) WALL 0069 $12.23
Dividers w/ Multicolor Big Tabs WALL 3510 $0.50
File Folders Center Position WALL 9486 $0.18
Hanging Folders WALL 0352 $5.51
File Folders Right Position WALL 9486 $0.18
File Folders Left Position WALL 9486 $0.18
'); // This code changes the way the search field works. Instead of performing no more than one search per searchDelay // number of milliseconds, the system instead implement a debounce mechanism that prevents searches from being // performed until the user has stopped typing in the search field for more than searchDelay milliseconds. // This avoids letting the info panel update more than once per search, which is super annoying for screen reader // users who have to hear the entire info panel read out each time it changes. // Remove the default event handlers for the search field. $('div.dataTables_filter input', table_id).off('keyup.DT input.DT'); // Set up a debounce pattern, instead. let search_timeout = null; // Grab the searchDelay setting from data_table's settings object. let search_delay = data_table.settings()[0].searchDelay; // Set up a new event handler for when the user types a character into the search field. $('div.dataTables_filter input', table_id).on('keyup', function() { // Get the search string from the input field. let search = $('div.dataTables_filter input', table_id).val(); // As soon as the user types any character, prevent the previous timed function call from firing. clearTimeout(search_timeout); // Perform a search for the current search string, delayed by search_delay milliseconds. search_timeout = setTimeout(function() { // Only skip the search if we've somehow run this function before the 'search' var got initialized. We WANT to // trigger a search when the query is the empty string, because that means "show the whole table". if (search !== null) {; } }, search_delay); }); });

Deuterated Solvents

Stock Number CIL Number Description Unit Size Package
5984 DLM-9 Actetone-d6, 99.9% atom % D 10 x 1 g ampoules
2169 DLM-9 Actetone-d6, 99.9% atom % D 10g screw-cap bottle
2431 DLM-21 Acetonitrile-d3, 99.8  atom % D 10 x 1 g ampoules
2132 DLM-21 Acetonitrile-d3, 99.8  atom % D 25 g screw-cap bottle
2168 DLM-1 Benzene-d6, 99.5 atom % D 10 g screw-cap bottle
2216 DLM-7 Chloroform-d, 99.8 atom % D in Fridge 100 g screw-cap bottle
2271 DLM-7ta Chloroform-d, 99.8 atom % D + 1% v/v TMS in Fridge 100 g screw-cap bottle
6936 DLM-4 Deuterium Oxide, 99.9  atom % D 100 g screw-cap bottle
0064 DLM-10 Dimethyl Sulfoxide-d6, 99.9 atom % D 10 x 1 g ampoules
5994 DLM-10 Dimethyl Sulfoxide-d6, 99.9 atom % D 10 g screw-cap bottle
3011 DLM-24 Methanol-d4, 99.8 atom % D 10 x 1 g ampoules
3012 DLM-24 Methanol-d4, 99.8 atom % D 10 g screw-cap bottle
0067 DLM-23 Methylene Chloride-d2, 99.9 atom % D 10 x 1 g ampoules
0070 DLM-23 Methylene Chloride-d2, 99.9 atom % D 10 g screw-cap bottle
3560 DLM-36 Tetrahydrofuran-d8, 99.8 atom % D 10 x 1 g ampoules
3510 DLM-5 Toluene-d8, 99.5 atom % D 10 g screw-cap bottle
'); // This code changes the way the search field works. Instead of performing no more than one search per searchDelay // number of milliseconds, the system instead implement a debounce mechanism that prevents searches from being // performed until the user has stopped typing in the search field for more than searchDelay milliseconds. // This avoids letting the info panel update more than once per search, which is super annoying for screen reader // users who have to hear the entire info panel read out each time it changes. // Remove the default event handlers for the search field. $('div.dataTables_filter input', table_id).off('keyup.DT input.DT'); // Set up a debounce pattern, instead. let search_timeout = null; // Grab the searchDelay setting from data_table's settings object. let search_delay = data_table.settings()[0].searchDelay; // Set up a new event handler for when the user types a character into the search field. $('div.dataTables_filter input', table_id).on('keyup', function() { // Get the search string from the input field. let search = $('div.dataTables_filter input', table_id).val(); // As soon as the user types any character, prevent the previous timed function call from firing. clearTimeout(search_timeout); // Perform a search for the current search string, delayed by search_delay milliseconds. search_timeout = setTimeout(function() { // Only skip the search if we've somehow run this function before the 'search' var got initialized. We WANT to // trigger a search when the query is the empty string, because that means "show the whole table". if (search !== null) {; } }, search_delay); }); });

Millipore Sigma

Cat. No. Product Description Price Each
3335399001 Protector RNase Inhibitor $105.86
4716728001 DNase I recombinant, RNase-free $173.36
10109495001 tRNA $132.08
10881767001 T7 RNA Polymerase $113.12
11031163001 T3 RNA Polymerase $85.25
11146173001 Taq DNA Polymerase, 5 U/μL $340.97
11277073910 DIG RNA Labeling Mix $163.67
11685619910 Fluorescein RNA Labeling Mix $153.40
11836170001 cOmplete™, Mini, EDTA-free Protease Inhibitor Cocktail $131.97
11873580001 cOmplete™, EDTA-free Protease Inhibitor Cocktail $304.23
3115828001 Proteinase K, recombinant, PCR Grade; pkg of 5 mL $144.23
3115844001 Proteinase K, recombinant, PCR Grade; pkg of 25 ml $548.45
3115852001 Proteinase K, recombinant, PCR Grade; 4 x 250 mg $661.57
3115879001 Proteinase K, recombinant, PCR Grade; pkg of 100 mg $89.99
11383213001 NBT; 4-Nitro blue tetrazolium chloride, solution $75.65
11732650001 Expand™ High Fidelity PCR System $483.67
11684795910 In Situ Cell Death Detection Kit, Fluorescein $447.27
11333089001 Anti-Digoxigenin $141.54
11207733910 Anti-Digoxigenin-POD, Fab fragments $215.05
11093274910 Anti-Digoxigenin-AP, Fab fragments $216.80
10104159001 DNase I grade II, from bovine pancreas $65.13
3117332001 Bovine Serum Albumin Fraction V, protease-free $121.59
11814362001 PCR Nucleotide Mix $340.01
'); // This code changes the way the search field works. Instead of performing no more than one search per searchDelay // number of milliseconds, the system instead implement a debounce mechanism that prevents searches from being // performed until the user has stopped typing in the search field for more than searchDelay milliseconds. // This avoids letting the info panel update more than once per search, which is super annoying for screen reader // users who have to hear the entire info panel read out each time it changes. // Remove the default event handlers for the search field. $('div.dataTables_filter input', table_id).off('keyup.DT input.DT'); // Set up a debounce pattern, instead. let search_timeout = null; // Grab the searchDelay setting from data_table's settings object. let search_delay = data_table.settings()[0].searchDelay; // Set up a new event handler for when the user types a character into the search field. $('div.dataTables_filter input', table_id).on('keyup', function() { // Get the search string from the input field. let search = $('div.dataTables_filter input', table_id).val(); // As soon as the user types any character, prevent the previous timed function call from firing. clearTimeout(search_timeout); // Perform a search for the current search string, delayed by search_delay milliseconds. search_timeout = setTimeout(function() { // Only skip the search if we've somehow run this function before the 'search' var got initialized. We WANT to // trigger a search when the query is the empty string, because that means "show the whole table". if (search !== null) {; } }, search_delay); }); });