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Caltech AIChE ExComm

2019-2020 Executive Committee

President Kelly Liu - ChE (Process Systems), 2020
Vice President Gabriella Chan - ChE (Environmental), 2020
Secretary Peter Chea - ChE (Environmental), 2022
Treasurer Chan Gi Kim - ChE (Process Systems), 2022
ChemE Car Manager Lexy Lemar - ChE (Environmental), 2021
ChemE Car Manager Allessandra Mondello - ChE (Material Science), 2021
Freshman Representative Sandra O'Neill, 2022
'); // This code changes the way the search field works. Instead of performing no more than one search per searchDelay // number of milliseconds, the system instead implement a debounce mechanism that prevents searches from being // performed until the user has stopped typing in the search field for more than searchDelay milliseconds. // This avoids letting the info panel update more than once per search, which is super annoying for screen reader // users who have to hear the entire info panel read out each time it changes. // Remove the default event handlers for the search field. $('div.dataTables_filter input', table_id).off('keyup.DT input.DT'); // Set up a debounce pattern, instead. var search_timeout = null; // Grab the searchDelay setting from data_table's settings object. var search_delay = data_table.settings()[0].searchDelay; // Set up a new event handler for when the user types a character into the search field. $('div.dataTables_filter input', table_id).on('keyup', function() { // Get the search string from the input field. var search = $('div.dataTables_filter input', table_id).val(); // As soon as the user types any character, prevent the previous timed function call from firing. clearTimeout(search_timeout); // Perform a search for the current search string, delayed by search_delay milliseconds. search_timeout = setTimeout(function() { // Only skip the search if we've somehow run this function before the 'search' var got initialized. We WANT to // trigger a search when the query is the empty string, because that means "show the whole table". if (search != null) {; } }, search_delay); }); });