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CCE Course Listings

CCE Course Listing AY 2024-25

Caltech offers a wide variety of courses related to chemistry. Classes are available at both the undergraduate and graduate level, and cover all areas of modern chemistry and chemical engineering. In addition, a number of interdisciplinary courses are available, including geochemistry, environmental chemistry, and various flavors of biological chemistry. For details, please visit the CCE course descriptions or the Caltech Catalog.

Below is our up-to-date course grid for a listing of course information in Chemistry for the current Academic Year 2024-25 Courses. Please see the Registrar's Office for further course and academic calendar details.

Course Fall Winter Spring
Ch 1 ab Agapie (a) Nelson (b)
Ch 3a Mendez/Dingilian Mendez/Dingilian Mendez/Dingilian
Ch 3x Mendez Mendez Mendez
Ch 4 ab Mendez (a) Mendez (b)
Ch 5 ab Nelson (a)
Ch 6 not offered
Ch 7 Hsieh-Wilson
Ch 8 Mendez
Ch/ChE 9 Mendez
Ch 10 abc Hoelz (a) Hoelz (b) Hoelz (c)
Ch 11 Chong/Hoelz
Ch 14 Dingilian
Ch 15 Virgil
Ch 21 abc Chan (a) Wei (b) Okumura/Blake (c)
Ch 25 not offered
Ch 41 abc Dougherty (a) Hsieh-Wilson (b) Stoltz (c)
Ch 80 various various various
Ch 81 by arrangement by arrangement by arrangement
Ch 82 various various various
Ch 90 Bikle
Ch/ChE 91 Parker Parker Weitekamp
Ch 101 See/Stoltz
Ch 102 Hadt
Ch 104 Fu
Ch/Bi 110 (Bi/Ch 110) Virgil (a) Rees (b)
Ch/Bi 111 (Bi/Ch 111) Parker/Semlow
Ch 112 Agapie
Ch 117 See
Ch 120 ab Goddard (a) Goddard (b)
Ch 121 ab Goddard (b) Goddard (a)
Ch 122 Takase
Ch 125ab Cushing (a) Weitekamp (b)
Ch 126 Winkler
Ch/BMB 129 Wei
Ch 135 Okumura
cancelled, may be rescheduled to Spring
Ch/ChE 140 ab Lewis (a) (b) not offered
Ch 143 not offered
Ch 144 ab (b) not offered (a) not offered
Ch 145 not offered
Ch 146 not offered
Ch/ChE 147 Robb
Ch 149 Fu/Stoltz
Ch 153 abc Gray/Winkler (a) Hadt (c)
(b) not offered
Ch 154 ab Peters (a) (b) not offered
Ch 180 by arrangement by arrangement by arrangement
Ch 212 not offered
Ch 213 abc Gray (a) Gray (b) Gray (c)
Ch 225 not offered
Ch 226 Cushing/Blake
Ch 242 ab Stoltz (a) (b) not offered
Ch 247 not offered
Ch 250 not offered
Ch 251 not offered
Ch 252 not offered
Ch/Bi 253 not offered
Ch 279 by arrangement by arrangement by arrangement
Ch 280 by arrangement by arrangement by arrangement
Bi 129 Campbell/Zinn
BMB/Bi/Ch 170 not offered
BMB/Bi/Ch 173 Chong/Chen
BMB/Bi/Ch 174 not offered
BMB/Ch 178 Shan
BMB/Ch 202abc Shan (a) Shan (b) Shan (c)
BMB/Ch 230 Hoelz
BMB 299 various various various
ChE 10 Dingilian
ChE 15 Flagan
ChE 62 Dingilian
ChE 63ab Flagan Ismagilov
ChE 70 Ben-Yoseph Vicic Vicic
ChE 101 Demirer
ChE 103 abc Kornfield Dingilian Manthiram
ChE 105 Vicic
ChE/Ch/Bi/SEC 107 not offered
ChE/Bi 111 Kornfield
ChE/BE/MedE 112 Ismagilov
ChE/Ch/MS 113 Datta
ChE 114 not offered
ChE 115 not offered
ChE 118 Vicic
ChE 120 Vicic
ChE 126 Vicic
ChE 128 Vicic/Giapis
ChE 130 Demirer
ChE 141 Vicic
ChE 142 Vicic
ChE/Ch 148 Wang
ChE 151ab Brady Brady
ChE 152 Giapis
ChE/Ch 155 Manthiram
ChE/Ch 164 Wang/Chan
ChE/Ch 165 Wang
ChE 174 not offered
ChE/BE/MedE 188 not offered
Ge/Ay 132 Blake
'); // This code changes the way the search field works. Instead of performing no more than one search per searchDelay // number of milliseconds, the system instead implement a debounce mechanism that prevents searches from being // performed until the user has stopped typing in the search field for more than searchDelay milliseconds. // This avoids letting the info panel update more than once per search, which is super annoying for screen reader // users who have to hear the entire info panel read out each time it changes. // Remove the default event handlers for the search field. $('div.dataTables_filter input', table_id).off('keyup.DT input.DT'); // Set up a debounce pattern, instead. var search_timeout = null; // Grab the searchDelay setting from data_table's settings object. var search_delay = data_table.settings()[0].searchDelay; // Set up a new event handler for when the user types a character into the search field. $('div.dataTables_filter input', table_id).on('keyup', function() { // Get the search string from the input field. var search = $('div.dataTables_filter input', table_id).val(); // As soon as the user types any character, prevent the previous timed function call from firing. clearTimeout(search_timeout); // Perform a search for the current search string, delayed by search_delay milliseconds. search_timeout = setTimeout(function() { // Only skip the search if we've somehow run this function before the 'search' var got initialized. We WANT to // trigger a search when the query is the empty string, because that means "show the whole table". if (search != null) {; } }, search_delay); }); });