Drink mixing observation to share with you...


Mar 28, 2020
So... I think there's something wrong with a lot of the soda pop in our country. A lot of people I know, get migraines now for no reason. Some of this is from wheat products and the interaction with glyphosate. So its not always easily trackable. But it seems like some people get reactions from soda pop.

Specifically, I get headaches from diet soda and 'zero sugar' label soda, stuff labeled zero, etc. I think its not just me but others that get this also. I don't have diabetes or any blood sugar issues. I'm in really good health for my age, other than being born with severe lung problems. I'm not overweight also. So I shouldn't get headaches from soda pop. I also don't drink very much. I try to limit it to one drink from the gas station a day, and usually this is because of the heat. I use the caffeine to help with wheezing, lung problems. Its unavoidable.

Anyway, I wondered if others knew what they are putting in the soda that's different now? I didn't use to get headaches from this stuff. I think they are messing with it somehow.


Idea #1;

But on a side note related to this; I found an idea that some of you might like. And a couple suggestions. First, many of us store family recipes, and cookbooks. A lot of religious communities, be it whatever you are, often pass around recipes among the women also. But the problem is that most of these recipes and recipe lists are based on abundance of resources instead of 'what if' scenarios.

I want to suggest that people should probably go over these and re-evaluate which ones they like and try to add a 'minimum resources' version of those recipes into their lists of the types of foods they like. This would help people with how the country is experiencing so much turbulence right now. For example; there are '2 ingredient biscuits' recipes, where most people do the normal one that has a whole list of things. And the 2 ingredient version is still good to eat. There may be other things similar to this such as minimum recipe bread, pancakes, etc.

Idea #2;

Did you know if you can't have some soda pop products but don't want to eat something really bland you can take a tablespoon of your homemade jam and add it to the soda. Then stir it up and it greatly improves the taste? This is a fun idea. And part of why I wanted to share it was because of the intro problem of some people getting headaches from certain coke and pepsi products. So they could instead get a really base soda product. You know how they sell versions of soda that are basically almost nothing, except carbonated water, and a little bit of other things... then they could do this with adding some homemade jam and mix it up. Now you can have something good to taste when its hot outside without experiencing soda pop headaches from... whatever chemical soup they have added in.

Thanks for listening and hope this helps someone.
Aspartame the sweetener used in most diet and zero sugar sodas has been proven to cause headaches and migraines in some people. The amount isn’t huge, but it can definitely be a headache trigger for some people. The American Migraine Foundation actually lists it as a potential migraine trigger. Here is a short read from a study. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/2708042/
I really like the minimal resources idea. I've made the two-ingredient biscuits, and they were the best! Self-rising flour and heavy cream.

My mom would make Whacky Cake growing up. It's a chocolate cake with no eggs or milk.

Once in my early twenties and awaiting my paycheck so I could get groceries, the only thing I could put together for dinner was some flour and oil. I made three flour tortillas with that and ate them dry.

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