
  1. Duck injured and not eating

    3 days ago my duck was attacked by a raccoon in her coop. It dragged her by her neck it she has some wounds. I've given her antibiotics and cleaned them. Since then she has not eaten at all. Ive closely monitored her and ive seen her drink but not eat. ive tried manually feeding her mushed up...
  2. Advice needed for winter freeze( ! Situation specific question ! )

    Hello, I have browsed this site before and it seems like many people with experience are here, I have found helpful advice just from reading posts that address my issues, but this time I have a specific situation w/ our ducks that I need some duck lovers w/ more exp to give me their advice on...
  3. M

    Rooster bleeding/broken blood feather?

    My rooster was covered in blood yesterday on his left side. I investigated the coop and found nothing that could have caused it so I took him inside to rinse him off and get a better look. There is a big hole that looks like where a large flight feather used to be. I've tried cornstarch, plain...
  4. M

    HELP! Chicken limping in cold weather WILL DIE SOON!

    Hello, I’m very concerned about one of my chickens (a Buff Orpington, approximately 4 years old and need urgent quickly! This is usually a sign that they will die soon and I really want to do something now! Symptoms: 1. Limping: I noticed she was limping earlier today and sitting down often...
  5. S

    Bantam chicken gaping, but not coughing. Wing held low, possible injury but not sure?

    Hi all! I have a Sebright chicken, around 5 months old, who is giving me some concerns. She is housed in a coop with about a dozen other bantams, (silkies, another sebright, two d’uccles, and a OEGB) as well as our last couple standard birds who are almost ready to join the big-bird-coop. No...
  6. V

    Update to my last post -URGENT

    https://www.backyardchickens.com/threads/possible-egg-bound-urgent.1645754/post-28147919 She has since pooped since posting, I've been giving her mineral oil so does this look normal? She's getting worse 😭 😔
  7. V

    Possible egg bound?- URGENT

    Hello, we have a 9 month Olive egger that as of yesterday was showing symptoms of egg bound, she was limping on one side while penguin huddling and her vent is pulsating, we soaked her in warm Epsom salt twice and oiled up her vent, I tried massaging her and feeling for anything but I couldn't...
  8. URGENT - Rooster going downhill fast!

    URGENT Rooster is lethargic and going through water at an alarming rate. Please read the OG post before this. https://www.backyardchickens.com/threads/sinus-infection-coryza.1642420/ I have been giving my rooster 0.5cc Tylan 50, injected. I switched to "All-in-One" powder since he was...
  9. A

    Help/advice ASAPP

    Is anybody able to tell me what these bumps on my chicken are and how I’m able to treat it?I recently noticed that she had these bumps around her face and she’s been loosing a lot of feathers which I’m assuming its because she’s older than a year but she’s my only chicken with these weird bumps
  10. HELP - Chicken Sneezing / Coughing

    I posted the question with the video on reddit, please help: https://www.reddit.com/r/chickens/s/ZRRQIacGPh Chicken is 10 months old, lays an egg usually every day. She free ranges an acre and has high protein chicken feed along with broken egg shells for calcium. Description of the symptoms...
  11. M

    Bumblefoot or callouses? *URGENT*

    Hi everyone! I am the owner to a beautiful 4 year old Grimaud hybrid Pekin and 6 year old Jumbo Pekin. They are usually roaming the backyard during the day, and at night they go into their coop I built for them when I first got them. I noticed these bumps on the bottom of the Grimaud's feet a...
  12. My chicken is not feeling well

    Decided to move this to this category. Previous Thread So my five year old hen is doing this stance, and my grandparents won't let me treat her for leg mites. My grandma thinks she's just old and is gonna die, but I am determined to help her, as she is my favorite hen. Her comb is purple and...
  13. W

    Can anyone take in my two drakes?

    We will be moving across country, from Missouri to California, if anyone can take them on route I will drop them off. Will also pay for food and other expenses necessary. Depending on if my situation changes, this will hopefully be a temporary home for my two boys. They are Bart(holomew) and...
  14. W

    Corid? Coccidiosis

    What do i get in total to treat at least one chicken (bantam) showing infection signs, and to treat the rest of the flock?? we havev cleaned the coop, allowing it to dry out, and havev cleaned up what feces we can. We have gotten some electrolytes in, and are using that for now to help out...
  15. Help protecting my flock (Mareks, Leuokosis)

    I posted a thread last week on my Easter Egger hen Arthur who we thought had an eye infection, unfortunately we were wrong. Within four days she was completely paralyzed. We took her to an avian vet and had to have her euthanized, they sent her off for a necropsy. The necropsy pointed towards...
  16. S

    Durvet Ivermectin Paste for Peafowl Lice

    Hey there, I have two young peacocks who are absolutely writhing with lice on their heads as I’ve identified, I was wondering if using “Durvet Ivermectin Oral Paste 1.87% (apple flavored)” would be safe for them? If that’s alright, I do also need the safest dose per pound for them. It’s 91mcg...
  17. Can someone help me?!! I’m losing my marbles

    https://www.backyardchickens.com/threads/fox-attack-duck-hasn%E2%80%99t-pooped-in-over-an-hour.1625675/#post-27772665 Can anyone help at all? She’s eaten today but not all that much but continues to drink. Her tail seems fanned and splayed which I’m concerned about, she hasn’t laid an egg...
  18. N

    Sick Babies?

    i had eight 3-day-old baby guineas and i check them nearly every hour, sometimes more than that, and theyve very suddenly gotten sick. One has already passed very quickly. they all have very swollen poopy butts, and when i go to wipe them very gently, it seems to let out a waterfall of poop! so...
  19. Gosling with very concerning symptoms URGENT

    It was really hard to talk about it but one of the two goslings that Polly had hatched passed away shortly after my post asking about his leg issues, I assumed that it was a tendon problem and was going to try take a video, but found him in the shed later passed away 😢 I cried for ages and ages...
  20. Natural Anti-Inflammatory Recs?

    My 5 y/o Bantam rooster has just been diagnosed with a firm and medium sized mass/tumor located right on his crop, he is scheduled to have surgery on Wednesday the 15th. My poor baby has been regurgitating and losing weight for a while, he's pretty lethargic and doesn't crow anymore. We were...
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