Hey all. I just got 2 frizzle fibro Easter Eggers and I'm wondering how to sex them.
The farm we got them from say "First generation should get their fibro from their dad given to female offspring only" so they think they are female and didn't sex them.
Is that true? We have always had...
Hello everyone! We are a homeschooling family that adopted 4 chickens (2 buffs, 1 sex link, 1 rhode island red) about a year ago. Things didn’t go very well with those 4 hens - one died from mites we thought we had taken care of, the red was re-homed because she was bullying the other smaller...
Should this be a warning sign to something? I have a 4 year old Easter Egger that has these red spots on the bottom of a couple of her toes. Is this the beginning of bumblefoot or something else? Should I treat it or leave it and see if it works itself out?
About 5 months ago we had to put...
My previous post. To preface, I'm not trained, this is the first time I'm dealing with this situation, and there are no vets near me and/or willing to help.
I have a single EE in isolation since New Years for canker and started treating her 01/05/25 as soon as I got the Metronidazole powder...
So my Russian Orloff rooster mixed with 3 of my chickens and my broody silkie/Easter egger mix hatched them in the spring. They turned out so pretty! Haven’t seen a lot of Orloff mixes posted here so thought I’d share some pics.
Ended up with a Delaware / Orloff who is huge, Copper Maran /...
Lately one of my EEs has been sneezing with her whole body kind of like a small dog would and I also noticed that she tends to drop food when trying to eat. So I opened her mouth after noticing some brown drool and her neck all wet and I find this stuff under her tongue. Me being an idiot, I...
We have two green queen EEs and one silver laced Wyandotte! I’m new to chickens and just can’t tell. :) the first three pictures are from today, 10 weeks, and the last two are about 8 weeks.
Hurricane Milton rendered our home unlivable. I'd like it if my spoiled girls could find a good home to live in. We are living in a hotel and won't be in a home again until January. They're fine in the coop, but I feel bad because they're used to running around free. They come with the DIY...
So I'm having to move and, unfortunately, it's not affordable or practical to take my hens with me. I've got 4 free range layers raised from chicks, and currently they're nearly done molting in preparation for winter, so no worries about last minute molting right when freezing temps arrive. And...
Cream Legbar hen in the front, CL rooster in the back
The buff hen is getting some pretty feathers.
finally caught a pic of an F1 Grass Dancer cockerel. His feet have much stronger feathering than the hen (top left corner)
We put another batch of eggs in today 2024-10-11
Lockdown day: 2024-10-29
Hatch day: 2024-11-01
This batch includes some purchased eggs from a neighbor and from my own May-June babies ❤️ So a true backyard mix is gonna pop out.
Most of the chicks should be black or black patterned. Some will...
this chicken is so fascinating to me in terms of color. it came from a Lavender roo + a white dom paint hen that also had that ruddy color but it was much lighter.
i have learned that the overall coloring is "paint" or "ermine" - thank you forum for that!
i am still trying to figure out the...
bettie, black copper marans rooster
mr legbar - Cream Legbar rooster
white chicken - F1 Marshmallow cockerel. look at that dusty coating on his back! the feathers almost look like barring on his neck? his daddy was a lavender rooster with the same dusty coloring on his back. this chicken is...
Im a first time chicken owner and one of my flock ended up being a rooster. I live in Scottsdale, which doesn’t permit roosters, so need to rehome him. He was hatched on March 18; and I’ve raised him since March 19th. He is vaccinated for Mareks Disease. I feed him organic Scratch & Peck...
Hey everyone!
So I have strong hunches but I’d love if someone with strong knowledge has any opinions.
Regardless of the outcomes, I am able to keep all cockerels where I’m at and honestly I’m hoping some of these are!!
1 & 2 - 5.5 week Columbian Wyandotte - hopeful 1 is cockerel and 2 is...
I have created a breeding plan for my lavender and zombie flocks. I have included as much genetic info that I understand/know how to track using the chicken calculator.
I am currently in the F1 phase.
We have a 4 month old Easter egger. We think it might be a cockerel but I’ve read that EE tails can sometimes look curved when they are growing. It is best friends with one of our same age roosters, which makes me question if this might be a pullet. We haven’t heard any rooster noises...