Don't waste your money if you need a temporary fence for your ducks to forage on a new area on your land or something to protect small plants. Snow-fence is available for little money and perfect for the job.
Designed to promote natural chicken instincts, the Roosting Ladder Chicken Coop is the first pre-built coop to allow chickens to roost on a tiered ladder high off the ground, not inches above a cleaning tray.
Prefabricated, flat packed coop of a medium size.
Suitable for 2-10 chickens
3 nesting boxes
5 roosts - 2 different heights and widths
Requires painting or oiling prior to use to maintain warranty
The TSC Exclusive Precision Walk-In Red Barn Chicken Coop has enough room to house up to 8-10 chickens.
Walk-In, 6 Foot Tall Design
Sliding Door to Secure Chickens at Night
Four Access Doors - For Easy Cleaning & Egg Collecting
Easy Clean Pull-Out Pan
3 Nesting Boxes
3 Roosting Bars