Awww I love the names you gave your hens! They're so cute! I can totally see all those names on Buff Orpingtons! Oh, I love Ameracaunas! I love the colored eggs Do Quanie's eggs taste any different from brown or white eggs?
I have a flock of nine hens. I have two RIRs (Amber and Summer), two SLWs (Cricket and Cicada), two Black Jersey Giants (Tweety and Blackie), one Buff Orp (Saige), and one mixed breed banty that I rescued from a barn (Suzie).
I have a flock of nine hens. I have two RIRs (Amber and Summer), two SLWs (Cricket and Cicada), two Black Jersey Giants (Tweety and Blackie), one Buff Orp (Saige), and one mixed breed banty that I rescued from a barn (Suzie).