Looking for a PHP developer to build a PHP RavenDB client

time to read 1 min | 159 words

imageWe are looking to expand the number of top tier drivers and build a RavenDB client for PHP.

We currently have 1st tier clients for .NET, JVM, Python, Go, C++ and Node.JS. There are also 2nd tier clients for Ruby, PHP, R and a bunch of other environments.

We want to build a fully fledged client for RavenDB for PHP customers and I have had great success in the past in reaching awesome talent through this blog.

Chris Kowalczyk had done our Go client and detailed the process in a great blog post.

The project will involve building the RavenDB client for PHP, documenting it as well as building a small sample app or two.

If you are interested or know someone who would be, I would very happy if you can send us details to [email protected].