Ayende @ Rahienhttps://ayende.com/blog/Ayende @ RahienCopyright (C) Ayende Rahien 2004 - 2021 (c) 202560Oren Eini commented on Challenge: Giving file system developer ulcerKuba,
Yes, the second one should have no buffer flags.
The OS makes the effects of unbuffered writes visible, but not immediately, you can "see" the holes. I got burned by that a long while ago, see:
Note that I don't actually care about file metadata, I ensure that the writes won't change the file size (the only metadata I care about) And on NTFS - changes to file system structures are journaled.https://ayende.com/blog/201989-A/challenge-giving-file-system-developer-ulcer#comment2https://ayende.com/blog/201989-A/challenge-giving-file-system-developer-ulcer#comment2Tue, 04 Feb 2025 09:57:18 GMTKuba commented on Challenge: Giving file system developer ulcerI think you've missed the `FILE_FLAG_NO_BUFFERING` in the second `CreateFile`.
The documentation of `MapViewOfFile` calls out a single exception to when coherence is not guaranteed. From: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/api/memoryapi/nf-memoryapi-mapviewoffile
> With one important exception, file views derived from any file mapping object that is backed by the same file are coherent or identical at a specific time. Coherency is guaranteed for views within a process and for views that are mapped by different processes.
> The exception is related to remote files. Although MapViewOfFile works with remote files, it does not keep them coherent. For example, if two computers both map a file as writable, and both change the same page, each computer only sees its own writes to the page. When the data gets updated on the disk, it is not merged.
The OS will make the effects of unbuffered `WriteFile` visible to the memory mapped file.
It also may seem that you still won't be able to avoid calling `FlushFileBuffers`. From: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/fileio/file-caching
> When caching is disabled, all read and write operations directly access the physical disk. However, the file metadata may still be cached. To flush the metadata to disk, use the FlushFileBuffers function.https://ayende.com/blog/201989-A/challenge-giving-file-system-developer-ulcer#comment1https://ayende.com/blog/201989-A/challenge-giving-file-system-developer-ulcer#comment1Mon, 03 Feb 2025 13:52:58 GMTOren Eini commented on NTFS has an emergency stash of disk spaceKuba,
That is a very interesting find, thank you.
I'm really happy that it _is_ the case, there is an emergency stash :-)https://ayende.com/blog/201988-A/ntfs-has-an-emergency-stash-of-disk-space#comment2https://ayende.com/blog/201988-A/ntfs-has-an-emergency-stash-of-disk-space#comment2Mon, 03 Feb 2025 09:13:53 GMTKuba commented on NTFS has an emergency stash of disk spaceFrom: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/previous-versions/windows/it-pro/windows-server-2003/cc781134(v=ws.10)
> To prevent the MFT from becoming fragmented, NTFS reserves 12.5 percent of volume by default for exclusive use of the MFT. This space, known as the MFT zone, is not used to store data unless the remainder of the volume becomes full.https://ayende.com/blog/201988-A/ntfs-has-an-emergency-stash-of-disk-space#comment1https://ayende.com/blog/201988-A/ntfs-has-an-emergency-stash-of-disk-space#comment1Fri, 31 Jan 2025 12:50:18 GMTOren Eini commented on Answer: What does this code do?Dmitry,
Yes, but this is _known_ to be a 64 bits system - since we are allocating 3GB (not possible in 64 bits).
Note that I'm not freeing since I close the process, so the OS will handle that.https://ayende.com/blog/201957-A/answer-what-does-this-code-do#comment2https://ayende.com/blog/201957-A/answer-what-does-this-code-do#comment2Thu, 23 Jan 2025 08:48:03 GMTDmitry commented on Answer: What does this code do?That's why it is a good idea to compare the return value of `write` to the buffer size. "size_t" can be 32-bit on some systems which can be checked with `sizeof(size_t)`.
Also, the buffer is not freed when the returned value is an error number.
https://ayende.com/blog/201957-A/answer-what-does-this-code-do#comment1https://ayende.com/blog/201957-A/answer-what-does-this-code-do#comment1Thu, 23 Jan 2025 05:55:57 GMTPyth0n commented on Challenge: What does this code do?There's a reason we miss `write_exact` and `read_exact` from the standard library. In fact, I am surprised the chunk is actually *that* big...https://ayende.com/blog/201956-A/challenge-what-does-this-code-do#comment1https://ayende.com/blog/201956-A/challenge-what-does-this-code-do#comment1Wed, 22 Jan 2025 07:44:35 GMTMo Vakili commented on The memory leak in ConcurrentQueueThanks for the detailed post!
I was a bit confused because the code sample doesn’t directly show multiple threads calling FlushUntil, and the article mentions TryTake whereas the code uses TryDequeue.
Now I see that the underlying reason for the memory leak is how ConcurrentQueue handles TryPeek together.https://ayende.com/blog/201891-B/the-memory-leak-in-concurrentqueue#comment1https://ayende.com/blog/201891-B/the-memory-leak-in-concurrentqueue#comment1Fri, 07 Feb 2025 10:32:10 GMTOren Eini commented on Performance discovery: IOPS vs. IOPSkpvleeuwen,
I agree, unfortunately I don't have anyone to ask off the top of my head.
Thanks, I fixed the headers.https://ayende.com/blog/201862-C/performance-discovery-iops-vs-iops#comment2https://ayende.com/blog/201862-C/performance-discovery-iops-vs-iops#comment2Mon, 13 Jan 2025 10:50:42 GMTkpvleeuwen commented on Performance discovery: IOPS vs. IOPSIt could be interesting to reach out to storage firmware developers and ask what write patterns they think would be useful experiments.
Btw, table headers are misaligned on all the tables where the top right column has no header.https://ayende.com/blog/201862-C/performance-discovery-iops-vs-iops#comment1https://ayende.com/blog/201862-C/performance-discovery-iops-vs-iops#comment1Mon, 13 Jan 2025 09:03:38 GMTOren Eini commented on Aggregating trees with RavenDBNicholas,
You _can_ use the spread operator in RavenDB, which is what I assume you meant, like this:
let results = [{ Scope: id(doc) , ...hours}];
The fault lies with me, since I'm used to old school ways :-)https://ayende.com/blog/201861-C/aggregating-trees-with-ravendb#comment2https://ayende.com/blog/201861-C/aggregating-trees-with-ravendb#comment2Sun, 12 Jan 2025 10:35:19 GMTNicholas Paldino commented on Aggregating trees with RavenDBUnrelated, but the `Object.assign` call can be very annoying. Any chance that the JS engine was updated to V8 and we can have support of current JS?https://ayende.com/blog/201861-C/aggregating-trees-with-ravendb#comment1https://ayende.com/blog/201861-C/aggregating-trees-with-ravendb#comment1Tue, 07 Jan 2025 20:05:48 GMTDennis commented on Sometimes it's the hardwareGotta love planned obsolescence.https://ayende.com/blog/201859-C/sometimes-its-the-hardware#comment1https://ayende.com/blog/201859-C/sometimes-its-the-hardware#comment1Tue, 31 Dec 2024 20:30:08 GMTStephen Cleary commented on Isn't it ironic: Money isn't transactionalIf you're interested in the financial side of technology, I can *highly* recommend Bits About Money. I've been on his mailing list for about a year and have greatly enjoyed it!
E.g., [The Long Shadow of Checks](https://www.bitsaboutmoney.com/archive/the-long-shadow-of-checks/)
https://ayende.com/blog/201828-B/isnt-it-ironic-money-isnt-transactional#comment1https://ayende.com/blog/201828-B/isnt-it-ironic-money-isnt-transactional#comment1Tue, 24 Dec 2024 14:45:06 GMTDennis commented on Fun with bugs: Advanced Dictionary APIAnd thus you have figured out why those optimization accessors are in CollectionMarshal and not native to the Dictionary class.https://ayende.com/blog/201761-C/fun-with-bugs-advanced-dictionary-api#comment2https://ayende.com/blog/201761-C/fun-with-bugs-advanced-dictionary-api#comment2Mon, 02 Dec 2024 00:22:04 GMTAndrew J Said commented on Fun with bugs: Advanced Dictionary APIInteresting post. This bug must have been really tough to spot if it was in a much more complex method obfuscated by many other things going on!
In this case I'd guess the solution would be to set the capacity to 32 ahead of time, or to just use the regular indexer, depending on the use-case?
On a separate note, a while back I provided what I think is an elegant solution to "Challenge: Efficient snapshotable state" in the comments of that post. I am not sure if you had seen it but if not I'd appreciate your thoughts. Thanks either way.https://ayende.com/blog/201761-C/fun-with-bugs-advanced-dictionary-api#comment1https://ayende.com/blog/201761-C/fun-with-bugs-advanced-dictionary-api#comment1Fri, 15 Nov 2024 10:09:44 GMTErik commented on Querying over the current time in RavenDB> That works beautifully, of course, until the next day. What happens then? Well, we’ll need to schedule an update to the config/current-date document to correct the date.
> The downside is that we need to set up a cron job to make it happen, but that isn’t too big a task, I think.
Maybe it's just me, but this still sounds tricky when working on a SaaS product that has customers all round the globe in different time zones.https://ayende.com/blog/201729-B/querying-over-the-current-time-in-ravendb#comment4https://ayende.com/blog/201729-B/querying-over-the-current-time-in-ravendb#comment4Wed, 23 Oct 2024 11:55:45 GMTItay Sagui commented on Querying over the current time in RavenDBWhy not provide the auto-updating document feature as part of the engine?
Either having a meta document, or having some internal scheduler that updates a subset of documents (at a low enough frequency) can solve this without putting the burden on the developers. https://ayende.com/blog/201729-B/querying-over-the-current-time-in-ravendb#comment3https://ayende.com/blog/201729-B/querying-over-the-current-time-in-ravendb#comment3Wed, 23 Oct 2024 06:48:44 GMTpeter commented on Querying over the current time in RavenDBHuh, very interesting rule to disallow expensive queries. I like that philosophy.
This type of query is not unusual for us in our RDBMS, though we would limit it only to the relevant subset using an index. Nevertheless, the query would still require hitting every record which yes, is very expensive. We just accept to live with long-running queries.https://ayende.com/blog/201729-B/querying-over-the-current-time-in-ravendb#comment2https://ayende.com/blog/201729-B/querying-over-the-current-time-in-ravendb#comment2Mon, 14 Oct 2024 13:08:24 GMTGarcha Sprgchma commented on Querying over the current time in RavenDBIs there more efficient way to handle such scenario?
For example, create two indexes:
- index for deceased people ordered by calculated age
- index for living-and-kicking people ordered by birth year
Then for sorted query engine does merge-join between two indexes. But before comparation in the merge-join the engine transforms second index value with `current_year-birth_year`. Such modification possible because it does not change the order of the index.
Does this make sense?https://ayende.com/blog/201729-B/querying-over-the-current-time-in-ravendb#comment1https://ayende.com/blog/201729-B/querying-over-the-current-time-in-ravendb#comment1Sat, 12 Oct 2024 03:38:33 GMTAdam commented on Debugging the Linux kernel using awesome psychic powers```
int fd = open("test.file", O_CREAT | O_WRONLY, 0644);
lseek(fd, 128 * 1024 * 1024 - 1, SEEK_SET); // 128MB file
write(fd, "", 1);
// fallocate(fd, FALLOC_FL_PUNCH_HOLE | FALLOC_FL_KEEP_SIZE, 16 * 1024 * 1024, 32 * 1024 * 1024);
This creates a sparse file, where all your data is already a hole except the very last page.
fallocate() would have done nothing.
ls -lsh test.file
> 4,0K -rw-r--r-- 1 adam adam 128M sep 22 01:17 test.file
File uses 4,0k but has a size of 128M
I don't think all filesystems support hole punching, so might want to check that on each CI agent.https://ayende.com/blog/201665-A/debugging-the-linux-kernel-using-awesome-psychic-powers#comment1https://ayende.com/blog/201665-A/debugging-the-linux-kernel-using-awesome-psychic-powers#comment1Sun, 22 Sep 2024 08:35:18 GMTAlergare montana în competitii commented on Seeing the results of Corax in productionUn antrenor alergare montană tе ѵa ajuta ѕă îți creezi սn program adaptat nevoilor tale și nivelului tău ɗe fitness.https://ayende.com/blog/201633-A/seeing-the-results-of-corax-in-production#comment55https://ayende.com/blog/201633-A/seeing-the-results-of-corax-in-production#comment55Fri, 25 Oct 2024 16:21:15 GMTregalos personalizados commented on Seeing the results of Corax in productionTһis page certainly hһas аll the information I needed about this subject ɑnd didn't know who to ask.https://ayende.com/blog/201633-A/seeing-the-results-of-corax-in-production#comment52https://ayende.com/blog/201633-A/seeing-the-results-of-corax-in-production#comment52Wed, 09 Oct 2024 23:13:04 GMTseo ser commented on Seeing the results of Corax in productionIntroduction: Ιn tоɗɑү'ѕ digital age, businesses ɑге increasingly reliant оn tһeir online presence tο
attract customers ɑnd genesrate revenue.https://ayende.com/blog/201633-A/seeing-the-results-of-corax-in-production#comment51https://ayende.com/blog/201633-A/seeing-the-results-of-corax-in-production#comment51Wed, 09 Oct 2024 21:43:56 GMTliga novia commented on Seeing the results of Corax in productionWhat'ѕ uρ, itѕ good article concerning media print, we аⅼl be
aware of mеdia is a fantastic sourcе of data.https://ayende.com/blog/201633-A/seeing-the-results-of-corax-in-production#comment33https://ayende.com/blog/201633-A/seeing-the-results-of-corax-in-production#comment33Sat, 05 Oct 2024 05:09:11 GMTJudah Gabriel Himango commented on Seeing the results of Corax in productionThis looks fantastic. Is it possible to migrate a Lucene index to Corax? I didn't see it on first glance in the Studio.https://ayende.com/blog/201633-A/seeing-the-results-of-corax-in-production#comment2https://ayende.com/blog/201633-A/seeing-the-results-of-corax-in-production#comment2Mon, 09 Sep 2024 16:48:12 GMTGomez12 commented on Seeing the results of Corax in productionDo you know if Lucene has had any great performance updates? Seeing as ravendb uses 3.0 while that is about 13 years old and they currently are on version 9.
Not meant to dismiss your achievements with corax, as lucene is still considered the de facto standard. It is just that people usually refer to Java lucene, .net lucene has died a long time agohttps://ayende.com/blog/201633-A/seeing-the-results-of-corax-in-production#comment1https://ayende.com/blog/201633-A/seeing-the-results-of-corax-in-production#comment1Sun, 08 Sep 2024 21:26:13 GMTPaul Hatcher commented on Caching documents in RavenDB: The good, the bad and the uglyI prefer the other version of the quote
"There are only two hard problems in computer science, cache invalidation, naming things and off-by-one errror",
Leon Bambrick
https://ayende.com/blog/201602-A/caching-documents-in-ravendb-the-good-the-bad-and-the-ugly#comment9https://ayende.com/blog/201602-A/caching-documents-in-ravendb-the-good-the-bad-and-the-ugly#comment9Mon, 26 Aug 2024 12:22:40 GMTIan Cross commented on Caching documents in RavenDB: The good, the bad and the uglyHi Oren,
Thanks for the article. Our expectation is RavenDB invalidates the Aggressive Cache for the one item that changes. We use Aggressive Cache for metadata that hardly ever changes for a give tenant (categories, currencies, drop-down lists, custom fields definitions etc.).
The thing we're looking for could just work for Load<> without anything fancy. No need for queries. The server would keep track of the Ids that we load in this special way, and tell the client(s) if those items change (invalidate just that item) so that the next time we ask for it, it goes to the server to get that item. An important point to note is that this needs to work in a load balanced way. Multiple application servers will be watching the same metadata document n the database and they all need to be told if it's changed.
Our metadata rarely changes (most of it never changes once configured) but we have 5000 different metadata documents across 50 + collections and so it's not just one collection to enable a Data Subscription for a given collection.
For the short-term, we are resorting to the 'DoNotTrackChanges' option and then clearing the RavenDB cache when we know any item of metadata has changed, however this is a sledgehammer because it clears the entire cache. We will also need to use the ChangesAPI to 'broadcast' the change to the metadata item to other application servers. In the short-term it would be great to be able to clear just one item from the cache rather than the entire cache.
Ian https://ayende.com/blog/201602-A/caching-documents-in-ravendb-the-good-the-bad-and-the-ugly#comment1https://ayende.com/blog/201602-A/caching-documents-in-ravendb-the-good-the-bad-and-the-ugly#comment1Thu, 15 Aug 2024 14:14:16 GMTkvleeuwen commented on Optimizing old code: StreamBitArray refactoringI don't see the new FirstSetBit C# code, just the old C# and new assembly? https://ayende.com/blog/201601-A/optimizing-old-code-streambitarray-refactoring#comment2https://ayende.com/blog/201601-A/optimizing-old-code-streambitarray-refactoring#comment2Thu, 29 Aug 2024 07:10:02 GMT