
Rollout details

  • Rapid Release domains: Full rollout (1–3 days for feature visibility) starting on February 14, 2019
  • Scheduled Release domains: Full rollout (1–3 days for feature visibility) starting on February 14, 2019

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Available to all G Suite editions

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This feature will be ON by default.

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A more minimal use of color helps you focus on content and what's important to you. We’ve also replaced the search button with a more prominent search bar at the top of the screen.

And just like on the web, you’ll get big, red warnings to alert you when something looks phish-y. 

Who’s impacted

All end users

Why you’d use it

This update is part of a larger effort to bring the look and feel of our G Suite apps together as a whole, and always with ease-of-use in mind.

How to get started

  • Admins: No action needed
  • End users: You'll see the changes coming to your Android and iOS devices over the coming weeks.

Additional details

We’ve already updated the web apps for Gmail, Drive, Calendar, and most recently Google Docs and Sites. In the coming weeks, you’ll see the new mobile design in Gmail on Android and iOS, with more G Suite mobile apps to follow later this year.

Helpful links


Rollout details
  • Rapid Release domains: Extended rollout (potentially longer than 15 days for feature visibility) starting on January 29, 2019
  • Scheduled Release domains: Extended rollout (potentially longer than 15 days for feature visibility) starting on January 29, 2019
G Suite editions
Available to all G Suite editions

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This feature will be ON by default.

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Rollout details 
G Suite editions 
  • Available to all G Suite editions. 
On/off by default? 
  • This feature will be ON by default. 

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Who’s impacted

Admins only

Why you’d use it

Meet quality tool: Meet quality tool is designed to help you to troubleshoot your meetings. You can either look at one specific meeting or filter for a time frame, location, device or user. The data visible in Meet quality tool is available in the Hangouts Meet activity log (explained below) to enable further analysis.

Hangouts Meet activity logs: Each time a device or a user leaves a call, an "Activity event" that summarizes usage and quality is generated. The event includes information about the endpoint (such as device type, location, IP, identifier, or call rating), its usage (such as time sharing their video, screen sharing or audio) and network statistics (such as jitter, packet loss, or RTT). Learn more about the data available in the Help Center.

Hangouts Meet activity logs provides data to help better answer questions such as:

How to get started

Export the data using BigQuery

Helpful links
Help Center: Troubleshoot meeting quality
Help Center: Hangouts Meet audit log


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Consumer impact
The above dates are specific to G Suite customers and their end users who use classic Hangouts. We will continue to support consumer use of classic Hangouts, and expect to transition consumers to free Chat and Meet following the transition of G Suite customers. A more specific timeline will be communicated at a later date.

What changes will take place on April 16, 2019?
For G Suite domains that have classic Hangouts enabled, Chat will also become available to users on the web and via mobile apps. They can also continue using classic Hangouts in Gmail, mobile, web or the Chrome extension. See these details for how interoperability works between Chat and classic Hangouts.

The following admin-facing changes will begin taking place on April 16, 2019:
  1. For Google Vault customers, Mail retention rules and holds will stop protecting chat messages in classic Hangouts. Instead, Chat retention rules and holds will protect chat messages in both classic Hangouts and Chat.
  2. Chat admin settings will now control chat capability in both classic Hangouts and Chat.
  3. A new setting in the Admin console under Apps > G Suite > Hangouts Chat will be added so you can disable classic Hangouts user interfaces at a time of your choosing.
  4. The "Google Hangouts" settings page in the Admin console will be renamed "Hangouts Meet." This setting will control both classic Hangouts video and Hangouts Meet.

Google Vault customers need to take action before April 16, 2019
Between March 16 and April 16, 2019, Vault customers that have any Mail retention rules or holds will have an indefinite retention rule automatically created for Chat. This rule is to protect all your chat messages in classic Hangouts when Chat rules start protecting them on April 16, 2019. Before April 16, 2019, you must:

If you don’t take set your preferred retention rules or holds in Chat and then remove the indefinite retention rule by April 16, 2019, all your chat messages in classic Hangouts and direct messages in Chat will be retained indefinitely. Refer to this Help Center article to learn more about completing these actions.

What will happen in October 2019?
Classic Hangouts will be retired for all G Suite customers starting in October 2019 and all remaining users will be transitioned to Chat. More notices and details will be shared on the G Suite Updates blog in the future. In order to make the transition easier for your users, you can review our Chat documentation.

What is the best time to move my users to Hangouts Chat?
You can transition your users immediately if you’d like. If there’s more functionality that your organization needs before switching, rest assured that between April and September 2019, we’ll add features that will make it easier for your users to move from classic Hangouts to Chat such as:

We will communicate availability of these new features via the G Suite Updates blog so stay tuned!

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Additional details

For more information about Calendar interop, check out the Help Center.

Helpful links

Help Center: Allow Calendar users to book Exchange resources


Rollout details

G Suite editions
Available to all G Suite editions

On/off by default?
This feature will be OFF by default and can be enabled at the domain level.

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Over the last ten years, G Suite has grown to provide more tools, functionality and value to help businesses transform the way they work. The one thing that hasn't changed over this time, is price. Today, we are announcing two incremental list price updates to reflect this value. Starting on April 2, 2019*, G Suite Basic Edition will increase by $1 (from $5 to $6 per user/month) and G Suite Business Edition will increase by $2 (from $10 to $12 per user/month), or the local currency equivalent where applicable. These increases will apply globally with local market adjustments for certain regions. Pricing for G Suite Enterprise Edition customers will not change.

For existing G Suite Basic or Business edition customers on the Flexible Plan, the new list prices will go into effect on April 2, 2019*. For customers on the Annual Plan, the new prices will go into effect the first time their plan renews on or after April 2, 2019*. These changes will not impact current contracts or any renewal events prior to April 2, 2019*.

Additionally, for those Basic and Business Edition customers who receive their bill from Google, we’ll send an email with details specific to their domains no later than February 28, 2019. Any customer that licenses G Suite through a reseller should hear from their partners directly regarding the new pricing, or they can reach out to their partners proactively.

We are grateful for the many businesses that use G Suite to empower their teams to work collaboratively, and we remain committed to expanding its functionality to help our customers succeed. Feel free to reference this edition guide to learn more about each offering.

*Note: For customers who sign up for G Suite Basic or Business editions from February 1, 2019 through April 1, 2019, the pricing changes will go into effect starting on June 1, 2019.

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Additional details 

Anyone you share the spreadsheet with will see the data contained in the sheet. Only those with edit access in Sheets and view access to the BigQuery table have the ability to refresh the dataset.

For key permissions for the BigQuery data connector see here.
As always, use share permissions to control who can view, edit or share your data.

In the coming weeks, you’ll be able to use tools like Apps Script and the macro recorder to schedule automatic updates within Sheets to the connected BigQuery data. For example, you can automatically refresh sales data in your spreadsheet so the data is fresh and ready for analysis at the beginning of the day. To learn more about how to record or run macros in Sheets, check out this G Suite Pro Tip

Helpful links Help Center: 

Analyze BigQuery Data within Sheets 


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New option to delete the alert

Links to audit logs

Helpful links 

Help Center: Understand audit logs
Help Center: About the alert center
Help Center: Domain data export details


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Who’s impacted 

End users

Why you’d use it 

Instead of having to create drawings manually in a document, you can embed drawings from Drive in a document and refresh the content to keep it current. When you embed a drawing, the drawing is placed in the document, but linked to the original in Google Drawings. By using the “Update” button, you can update the drawing’s content with one click if changes are made to the source file. You can also choose to unlink drawings at a later date.

How to get started 

Helpful links 

Help Center: Create, insert & edit drawings 


Rollout details 

G Suite editions 

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Who’s impacted

End users

Why you’d use it

You can emphasize a part of a chart by changing its color to a different one than the main color of the series, allowing you to tell a better story.

How to get started

Helpful links

Help Center: Add & edit a chart or graph


Rollout details

G Suite editions
  • Available to all G Suite editions 
On/off by default?
  • This feature will be ON by default.

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Check out the latest "What's New in G Suite" launch recap (pdf) for a roundup of all G Suite launches from December 2018.

Archive and translated versions (coming soon for December issue)

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