Showing posts with label video. Show all posts
Showing posts with label video. Show all posts

Sunday, September 30, 2007

VIDEO: The Washington DC Protest, September 29, 2007

Check this out! There were massive protests in DC yesterday, and there's been no media coverage. Our friend Big Dan was there and he's posted some video clips at YouTube. Here are a few samples:

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

Part 14

This is the one Big Dan likes best. "Listen how loud", he says.

Big Dan also said:
It seemed small at first, then it grew and grew and grew and grew, until we were packed in like sardines!
There's much more and you can find it all here!

Many thanks to Big Dan for these videos!! You can read more comments from him on this thread.

It sure is nice to post some good news for a change.

Thursday, June 28, 2007

VIDEO: Mike Gravel Explains ROCK And FIRE To Dim-Witted Journalist

In answer to questions asked previously on this very page, here's former Alaska Senator Mike Gravel, via YouTube.

It's hilarious! It's beautiful! "Rock" may not be winning Mike Gravel any numbers in the polls, but it is getting him meetings with dim-witted journalists! Who could ever ask for more?

Can't see it? Click here!

For more about Mike Gravel click here, and/or here.

And a tip of the frozen cap to Jeff Hoard at News Bloggers dot AOL dot com!

Wednesday, June 6, 2007

VIDEO: The Military Industrial Media Complex Vs The American People

Why weren't they making videos like this when I was a kid?
In a world of complete corruption ... there is a machine.

It is known as the Military Industrial Complex.

Is the combination of the U.S. Armed Forces, the arms industry and associated political and commercial interests.

It refers to the iron triangle which exists between weapons makers/military contractors, the Pentagon and Congress.

It was first exposed by President Eisenhower, in his last address to the American people.
If you think Iraq was the result of our government trying to prevent another 9/11 ...

I wish we all knew back then what we wish we didn't know now.

It could have saved us all a lot of grief.

Sunday, June 3, 2007

Music VIDEO: Sibel Edmonds: Everybody Knows

Here's an extremely timely video featuring Sibel Edmonds, with music by Leonard Cohen; thanks to Luke Ryland.

Everybody knows Sibel Edmonds' claims. The Department of Justice, the FBI, Congress. Everybody except us.

Call Waxman and demand hearings.
(202) 225-3976

Let Sibel Edmonds Speak
If you can't see the video link, click here.