Showing posts with label fascism. Show all posts
Showing posts with label fascism. Show all posts

Saturday, September 27, 2008

Jim Marrs On The Rise Of The Fourth Reich

Last Sunday, Alex Jones did an extensive interview with Jim Marrs, journalist, historian, and author of "The Rise of the Fourth Reich".

Marrs, whose excellent book "Crossfire" provided the framework for Oliver Stone's seriously flawed film about the assassination of JFK, has been on my radar for a long time, and he's made some outrageous claims, most of which (as far as I can tell) have turned out to be quite correct.

According to his publisher, Harper-Collins:
While the United States helped defeat the Germans in World War II, we failed to defeat the Nazis. At the end of the war, ranking Nazis, along with their young and fanatical protégés, used the loot of Europe to create corporate front companies in many countries, including the United States of America. Utilizing their stolen wealth, men with Nazi backgrounds and mentalities wormed their way into corporate America, slowly buying up and consolidating companies into giant multinational conglomerates. Many thousands of other Nazis came to the United States under classified programs such as Project Paperclip. They brought with them miraculous weapon technology that helped win the space race but they also brought their insidious Nazi philosophy within our borders. This ideology based on the authoritarian premise that the end justifies the means—including unprovoked wars of aggression and curtailment of individual liberties—has gained an iron hold in the "land of the free and the home of the brave."

For the first time Jim Marrs has gathered compelling evidence that an effort has been underway for the past sixty years to bring a form of National Socialism to modern America, creating in essence a modern empire—or "Fourth Reich"!
There's a lot more to the story, of course. Here's a quick sample:
In the ‘30s the National Socialists gained the support of the middle class Germans and middle commercial Germans because they portrayed themselves as conservatives. And they got the bulk of the commercial people behind them, and then by the time these people figured out that these are not the people we want leading, it was too late. And I see the same thing happening today. [...]

[Bush is] destroying the checks and balances in the federal government, and bringing everything into the Executive, which of course is again following the Nazi methodology. This is what Hitler did. He signed emergency decrees, one after another, until finally he just took total power and anybody that tried to stand up against him then was a “terrorist” against the government. And that’s important for people to understand. What the Nazis did, when they killed dissidents, when they killed homosexuals, when they killed gypsies, when they killed trade unionists, when they killed the Jews, this was all under the color of law. [...]

[T]hey talk about the dumbing down of America. Well, it’s not that we’ve gotten dumber. It’s the fact that we have been drugged dumber. [...]

[O]ne of the big issues today that people are genuinely concerned about is the increase in teen suicides and school shootings. We’re all concerned about that. And yet if you go back, the only thing the mass media, the corporate media can talk about is gun control, take guns away. Well, hey, a lot of people listening here in Texas, if you’re over 40 or 50 you remember a time when we all had guns and nobody ever shot anybody. The problem is not the guns. The problem is the drugs, the Prozac, the Ritalin, the drugs [...]

I.G. Farben back in 1800 was actually marketing an antidepressant under the name heroin until finally enough people said, don’t do that. In the aftermath of WWII, a U.S. chemist named Charles Eliot Perkins was sent to Germany to try to reconstruct the I.G. Farben combine there, and he came back and wrote that the German chemist had worked out a very ingenious and far-reaching plan of mass control that was submitted to and adopted by the German general staff. And this plan was to control the population of any given area through mass medication of the drinking water supplies, namely using sodium fluoride. So they put sodium fluoride in the drinking water of the concentration camps to keep the inmates passive and nonresistant.

Today two-thirds of the water supply in this country is now fluoridated. Think about this. One of the most over-prescribed drugs today is Prozac, which is 94 percent fluoride. [...]

[I]f you go back you’ll find virtually every school shooting involves someone who’s either on these psychotropic drugs or just coming off of them, which apparently is even worse. And yet the media will not talk about that. Why? Because in 2007 the pharmaceutical corporations that can be tracked back to IG Farben and the Nazis spent $3.7 BILLION dollars on consumer advertising.
I definitely think you should check out this interview.

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Monday, February 18, 2008

Crushing Defeat For Musharraf: "The Myth Is Broken"; "Q Is Finished"; "They Couldn’t Have Rigged It Even If They Tried"

UPDATE: PML-Q concedes defeat
ISLAMABAD, Feb 19 (AFP) Pakistan Muslim League-Quaid (PML-Q) conceded defeat Tuesday after elections. “We accept the verdict of the nation,” Tariq Azeem, PML-Q spokesman, told AFP. (Posted @ 14:20 PST)
Original post follows:


Early and unofficial results from the Pakistani parliamentary elections show a landslide for the opposition parties and a crushing defeat for pro-American terrorist general Pervez Musharraf and his party, the PML-Q. The Islamic extremists also appear to have lost ground.
Supporters of the party of Pakistan's former prime minister Nawaz Sharif celebrate the unofficial results of Pakistan's general elections in the street of Rawalpindi, Pakistan.
Carlotta Gall and Jane Perlez in The New York Times:

Pakistanis Deal Severe Defeat to Musharraf in Election
ISLAMABAD, Pakistan : Pakistanis dealt a crushing defeat to President Pervez Musharraf in parliamentary elections Monday, in what government and opposition politicians said was a firm rejection of his policies since 2001 and those of his close ally, the United States.

Almost all the leading figures in the Pakistan Muslim League-Q, the party that has governed for the last five years under Mr. Musharraf, lost their seats, including the leader of the party, Chaudhry Shujaat Hussein, the former speaker of parliament, Chaudhry Amir Hussein, and six ministers.

Though official results would not be announced until Tuesday, early returns indicated that the vote would usher in a prime minister from one of the opposition parties, and opened the prospect of a parliament that would move to undo many of Mr. Musharraf’s policies and that may even try to remove him.
Sharif supporters celebrate in Taxilas. In early, unofficial results, Pakistanis dealt a crushing defeat to President Pervez Musharraf, in what government and opposition politicians said was a firm rejection of his policies since 2001 and those of his close ally, the United States.
The early edge went to the opposition Pakistan Peoples Party, which seemed to benefit from a strong wave of sympathy in reaction to the assassination of its leader, Benazir Bhutto, eight weeks ago, and may be in a position to form the next government.

The results were interpreted here as a repudiation of Mr. Musharraf as well as the Bush administration, which has staunchly backed Mr. Musharraf for eight years as its best bet in the campaign against the Islamic militants in Pakistan. American officials will have little choice now but to seek alternative allies from among the new political forces emerging from the vote.

Politicians and party workers from Mr. Musharraf’s party said the vote was a protest against government policies and the rise in terrorism here, in particular against Mr. Musharraf’s heavy handed way of dealing with militancy and his use of the army against tribesmen in the border areas and against militants in a siege at the Red Mosque here in the capital last summer that left more than 100 dead.

Others said Mr. Musharraf’s dismissal last year of the Supreme Court chief justice, Iftikhar Mohammed Chaudhry, who remains under house arrest, was deeply unpopular with the voters.

By association, his party suffered badly. The two main opposition parties — the Pakistan Peoples Party and the Pakistan Muslim League-N of former prime minister Nawaz Sharif — surged into the gap.
Supporters of former prime minister Nawaz Sharif in Lahore. In Lahore, the political capital of Punjab province, lines were thin, and many voters complained they could not find their names on the voting lists.
By early Monday night, crowds of Sharif supporters had already begun celebrating as they paraded through the streets of Rawalpindi, the garrison town just outside the capital, Islamabad. Riding on motorbikes and clinging onto the back of minivans, they played music and waved green flags of Mr. Sharif’s party decorated with the party symbol, a tiger.

“The tiger has come!” shouted one man on a motorbike making a victory sign. “Long live Nawaz!”

From unofficial results the private news channel, Aaj Television, forecast that the Pakistan Peoples Party would win 110 seats in the 272-seat national assembly, with Mr. Sharif’s Pakistan Muslim League-N taking 100 seats.

Mr. Musharraf’s party, the Pakistan Muslim League-Q, was crushed, holding on to just 20 to 30 seats. Early results released by the state news agency, the Associated Press of Pakistan, also showed the Pakistan Peoples Party to be leading in the number of seats in the national assembly.

The Election Commission of Pakistan declared the elections free and fair and said the polling passed relatively peacefully, despite some irregularities and scattered violence. Ten people were killed and 70 injured in violence around the country, including one candidate who was shot in Lahore on the night before the vote, Pakistani news channels reported.
A voter is marked with ink after casting a ballot in Lahore. Fears of election fraud were stoked by the complaints, mostly from opposition parties, of bribery and the use of state resources for campaigns. Reports also included the production of thousands of counterfeit identity cards and of millions of names missing from voter rolls.
Fearful of violence and deterred by confusion at polling stations, voters did not turn out in large numbers. Yet fears from opposition parties that the government would attempt to rig the elections did not materialize, as the early losses showed.

Official results were not expected until Tuesday morning, but all the parties were already coming to terms with the anti-Musharraf trend in the voting.

Nosheen Saeed, information secretary of the women’s wing of Mr. Musharraf’s party, conceded the early losses. “Some big guns are going to lose,” she said.

At the headquarters of Sheikh Rashid Ahmed, the minister of railways and a close friend of the president, his supporters sat gloomily in chairs under an awning, listening to the cheers of their opponents. “Q is finished,” said Tahir Khan, 21, one of the party workers, referring to the pro-Musharraf party.

The party workers said Mr. Ahmed, who was among the ministers who lost their seats, was popular but had suffered from the overwhelming protest vote against Mr. Musharraf and his governing faction.

With Mr. Musharraf as both president and head of the Pakistani military — a post he relinquished last November — the administration poured about $1 billion a year in military assistance into Pakistan after 9/11.

After Mr. Musharraf stepped down from the army, the Bush administration still gave him unequivocal support. Last month, Assistant Secretary of State for South Asia, Richard Boucher, told Congress he considered the Pakistani leader as indispensable to American interests.

Such fidelity to Mr. Musharraf often raised the hackles of Pakistanis, and the newspapers here were filled with editorials that expressed despair about Washington’s close relationship with the unpopular leader.

Many educated Pakistanis said they were irritated that the Bush administration chose to ignore Mr. Musharraf’s dismissal in November of the Supreme Court chief justice.

The big swing against the Pakistan Muslim League-Q party that supported Mr. Musharraf appeared to bear out the position of the chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations committee, Sen. Joseph Biden, Jr, who has been a critic of the administration’s Pakistan policy.

On his arrival Sunday to observe the elections, Mr. Biden said: “I don’t buy into the argument that Musharraf is the only one. We have to have more than just a Musharraf policy.”

As a starting point for a new policy, Mr. Biden said that the United States needed to show Pakistanis that Washington was interested in more than the campaign on terror. “We have to give the vast majority of Pakistani people some reason to believe we are allies,” Mr. Biden said. To that end, he would propose that economic development aid be tripled to $1.5 billion annually.

But Washington could take some comfort in the losses of the Islamic religious parties in the North West Frontier Province that abut the tribal areas where the Taliban and Al Qaeda have carved out bases.
This is the standard liberal media lie, one of several places where it rears its head as "context" in this otherwise fine report. (Most of the others have been snipped.)

Washington needs the terrorists. Bush needs strong Islamic and Islamist parties which he can call "IslamoFascists"; the term itself is another Orwellian aspect to this war of spin and terror.

"The IslamoFascists want to create a global caliphate", says the twice unelected president, and all the bobbleheads nod along in unison.

But Islam and Fascism are utterly incompatible, so there cannot be any real IslamoFascists, although there are some seriously corrupt "Islamic" business-government combinations. Two of America's "firmest" Asian allies in the supposed Global War on Terror are Saudi Arabia, where the royal family does most of the business, makes most of the money, and runs one of the most repressive governments on the planet; and Pakistan, where the military is entwined in the "civilian" economy to an extent companies like SAIC, Halliburton and Blackwater can only dream of (at this point). The army produces and sells all manner of everyday "civilian" consumer items, from breakfast cereal on through the day.

These are the IslamoFascists, if such there are on Earth. Pseudo-Islamic fascists, to be accurate, and allies of our government.

On the other hand there's no doubt that pseudo-Christian fascists (so-called "Christo-Fascists") do exist in large numbers and have drafted plans -- published and publicly available for many years now -- according to which they will take over the American government (by stealth) and then the world (in the usual American way.)

In order for these imperialist dreamers to implement their evil schemes, the radical Islamic parties have to gain support, and perhaps the best news from this election -- news which probably won't make much of a dent in the mainstream account -- is confirmation that the radicals in Pakistan have virtually no support from the electorate.

The New York Times won't report certain aspects of the story, for fear of being called treasonous or for fear of lost advertising revenue, or simply because telling the truth about the GWOT is as unpalatable as telling any of the other ugliest truths about America, and the New York Times is not in the business of telling any of those stories.

But you've read it here: the administration is very unhappy with the collapses of both the PML-Q and the lunatic fringe.
The greatest blow [against] Mr. Musharraf came in the strong wave of support in Punjab province, the country’s most populous, for Mr. Sharif, who has been a bitter rival since his government was overthrown by Mr. Musharraf in a military coup in 1999 and he was arrested and sent into exile.

He returned in November last year and although banned from running for parliament himself, has campaigned for his party on an openly anti-Musharraf agenda, calling for the president’s resignation and for the reinstatement of the Chief Justice Chaudhry and other Supreme Court judges.
It's interesting how the NYT portrays Nawaz Sharif's reappearance at the center of Pakistani politics as a simple "return" in November. That was his second "return", actually. The first time, he was arrested and deported before he even got out of the airport! Some democracy!
Underscoring the reversal for Mr. Musharraf was the downfall of the powerful Chaudhry
family of Punjab province who had underwritten his political career by creating the political party, the Pakistan Muslim League-Q, for him.

“They myth is broken, it was a huge wave against Musharraf,” said Athar Minallah, a lawyer involved in the anti-Musharraf lawyers’ movement. “Right across the board his party was defeated, in the urban and rural areas. The margins are so big they couldn’t have rigged it even if they tried.”

A few hours after the size of the defeat became clear, the government eased up on the restrictions against Aitzaz Ahsan, leader of the lawyers’ movement that has opposed the president.

Mr. Ahsan, who has been under house arrest since last November when Mr. Musharraf imposed emergency rule for six weeks, found the phones in [his] house were suddenly reconnected.

“Musharraf should be preparing a C-130 for Turkey,” Mr. Ahsan said, referring to Mr. Musharraf’s statements that he might retire to Turkey where he spent his childhood.

Two politicians close to Mr. Musharraf have said in the last week that the president was well aware of the drift in the country against him and they suggested that he would not remain in office if the new government was in direct opposition to him. “He does not have the fire in the belly for another fight,” said one member of his party. He added that Mr. Musharraf was building a house for himself in Islamabad and would be ready soon to move.
Of course the official results are still to be released, and it could be that by this time tomorrow the PML-Q will have made a massive comeback. Or does that only happen in America?

It'll be pretty sad if "the greatest democracy in the history of the world" is shown up by a military dictatorship.

But it would be even sadder if that didn't happen.


(All photos for this piece are courtesy of the New York Times; please see this slideshow for more.)

Monday, December 24, 2007

Digesting The Paradox Whole: A Useful Political Tool

Jonah Goldberg has just published a fanciful novel called, "Liberal Fascism: The Secret History of the American Left, From Mussolini to the Politics of Meaning". The title itself displays an enormous twisting of historical fact, of course, since Liberalism and Fascism represent quite opposite points of view. The publication of such fiction as if it were fact serves enormous and enormously vile political purposes, so Goldberg's new novel may be worthy of more attention than it deserves, so to speak.

And Larisa Alexandrovna just dessicates it in a new post called "Springtime for Hitler", the title of which refers to the following three and a half minutes of insane video (which you just have to see!)

You should read all of what Larisa wrote about Goldberg's novel, but I especially want you to see this:
Would Jesus support torture, war, mass-murder of innocents, and the wants of the rich over the needs of the poor? If you have read the bible, then you know that Jesus would call these things evil and yet the far right of American Christianity seems capable of digesting this paradox whole, without chewing or tasting it, let alone questioning the ingredients. These Christians do support war, helping the rich get richer at the expense of the poor, and anything the state demands as proof of loyalty. But they don't see these things as evil. Why do you suppose that is?

Because these types of Christian are a useful political tool, a state tool even, nothing more. They are popular with the fascist state mechanism because they provide a ready group of mindless drones, who can quickly be filled with political dogma, which they will accept as the teachings of God.

The same of course applies to Muslim extremists who while claiming to be doing the work of Allah are actually going against the very teachings of the Koran. After all, blowing up innocent people is not the work of a true Muslim. It is the work of a political system which prays on the minds of those who have faith, but no real understanding of the teachings of their religion.

And obviously this also applies to Jewish extremists who try to erase all Jewish identity and replace it with devout nationalism.
In my opinion, you should read the whole piece, either at Larisa's blog or at Huffington Post.

Your opinions, as always, are most welcome.

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Larisa: 'Fascism Appears To Be Genetic'

Here's Larisa Alexandrovna on the BBC's reporting that the president's grandfather, Prescott Bush, was not only Hitler's banker but was also linked to the 1933 plot to overthrow President Roosevelt:

BBC: grandpa Bush linked to attempted FDR coup
Yes the coup is old news... so old, in fact, that most people have never heard of it (making it actually new again). But the new news here is grandpa Bush's role in the coup (unless this latest horror is old news as well that I somehow missed while watching the current fiasco unfold).

And since grandson Bush is the current President of the United States and has implemented what can reasonably be called a fascist agenda of state and corporate interests united... then such news would be even more important for the American public. One would think...No?
"The coup was aimed at toppling President Franklin D Roosevelt with the help of half-a-million war veterans. The plotters, who were alleged to involve some of the most famous families in America, (owners of Heinz, Bird's Eye, Goodtea, Maxwell House & George Bush’s Grandfather, Prescott) believed that their country should adopt the policies of Hitler and Mussolini to beat the great depression."
You can listen to the radio report on the FDR coup HERE.

I mean it is known that Prescott Bush funded the Hitler regime (unless you did not know this, then it is new news to you):
George Bush's grandfather, the late US senator Prescott Bush, was a director and shareholder of companies that profited from their involvement with the financial backers of Nazi Germany.

The Guardian has obtained confirmation from newly discovered files in the US National Archives that a firm of which Prescott Bush was a director was involved with the financial architects of Nazism.

His business dealings, which continued until his company's assets were seized in 1942 under the Trading with the Enemy Act, has led more than 60 years later to a civil action for damages being brought in Germany against the Bush family by two former slave labourers at Auschwitz and to a hum of pre-election controversy.
But now we find out that Prescott Bush was involved in the FDR coup as well? At least we now know that fascism appears to be genetic.
Larisa again:
Update: Apparently BBC did a video documentary on this as well and Prescott Bush was identified then as well. Well, I still think it should be daily news.
I couldn't agree more.

There's a lot more on the president's grandfather here, and here too.

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

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Wednesday, May 9, 2007

Dear Mike: Please Say The Word!

Here's an Open Letter to Mike Gravel from John Doraemi of Crimes Against The State and OpEd News. As is my custom, I have touched up the spelling and punctuation, and added some emphasis and space:
Dear Senator Gravel,

Do you want to win?

You are one word away from turning US politics on its head. There is one powerful, earth-shaking word that can stop this madness in its tracks and press "reset" on the entire imperial project.

That word is "Treason."

In particular, the treason that transpired on September 11th 2001. There is no other issue, and no other combination of words that will put you in the White House except for this issue, and this word: Treason.

Treason is knowingly allowing the attacks on our nation and not doing anything whatsoever to stop them. That happened. Everyone knows it, yet no one puts it on national television.

Treason is being told "America is under attack," yet sitting there, stalling for time, and reading a children's book.

Treason is when the Vice President of the United States illegally assumes control of our armed forces and orders a stand down of force protection at the Pentagon, as witnessed in Secretary of Transportation Norman Mineta's testimony under oath to the 9/11 Commission.

Treason is receiving a Daily Briefing called "Bin Laden Determined to Strike in US" and then failing to respond to this threat in any meaningful manner.

Treason is being moved from your high rise hotel in Genoa Italy because of a warning of suicide hijackings of commercial jets, and then lying to the country repeatedly that this threat was never conceived of before.

Treason is violating one's oath of office to defend the Constitution, and then burning the Bill of Rights, destroying the foundation of our freedoms and of our nation.

Treason is participating in the cover-up and illegally destroying crime scene evidence so that we cannot forensically solve the greatest crime in American history.

Treason is obvious to many millions around the world, including the intelligence services of other nations who warned the U.S. during the summer of 2001 that this attack was imminent and expected.

Senator Gravel, America is hanging by a thread. The media have been complicit in obeying the government and in covering up the glaring Treason of September 11th. You are in a unique position to open up this issue to scrutiny.

Other candidates will not tread there. They lack the guts, or the brains, or the morality to confront the high treason that has allowed and fostered international terrorism. U.S. leaders have deliberately allowed known terrorists to escape justice and to act against civilians. This is a provable fact.

You could be the man that saved America from fascism and totalitarian rule. But it's all or nothing.

Say the word.


Testimony of Secretary of Transportation Norman Mineta [ WinWMV | REAL.RM | QT.MOV]

The 9/11 Commission Report, One Year Later. Did the Commission Get it Right? Congressional Hearings of Representative Cynthia McKinney [PDF]

"Ties With Terror: The Continuity of Western-Al-Qaeda Relations in the Post-Cold War Period", Nafeez Mosaddeq Ahmed [HTML]

The Facts of September 11th 2001 [HTML]

Video of Senator Gravel at the first Democratic Party Debate [YouTube]

How about that? What if Mike Gravel said "treason" on national television?

What if Mike Gravel stood up there with all all the cardboard cutouts pre-programmed with AIPAC talking points, oops, that should have said RNC talking points, um, excuse me, I mean DLC talking points ... sorry about that, but what if, in the middle of the cacophony of meaningless lies and despicable threats, Mike Gravel cut right to the heart of the most burning and neglected issue of our time?

What if Mike Gravel said what all thinking Americans and everybody else in the whole world already knows?

What if Mike Gravel stood up and said: "This is our biggest problem: Bush committed treason! Cheney committed treason, too! And nobody will even talk about it."

Can you imagine? It sounds like a great idea to me!

If you like the idea as much as I do, why not contact the folks at Mike Gravel's campaign -- and send them this link? Or this one? Or this one?

Aside from injecting another badly-needed dose of truth into the national discourse, it could solve a lot of other problems too.

How To Win The War On Terror

Thursday, April 26, 2007

Creating A Fascist Dictatorship Is Easy

Chilling indeed is Naomi Wolf's recent piece in The Guardian, "Fascist America, in 10 easy steps". (Thanks to Bob in Prague for mentioning it in a comment.)

Here's a quick summary:
From Hitler to Pinochet and beyond, history shows there are certain steps that any would-be dictator must take to destroy constitutional freedoms ... George Bush and his administration seem to be taking them all:

1. Invoke a terrifying internal and external enemy
2. Create a gulag
3. Develop a thug caste
4. Set up an internal surveillance system
5. Harass citizens' groups
6. Engage in arbitrary detention and release
7. Target key individuals
8. Control the press
9. Dissent equals treason
10. Suspend the rule of law
Ms. Wolf's column gives examples of the Bush administration doing each of these ten things, and I commend it to your attention if you haven't already read it. It is no doubt harrowing, but it probably only tells about half the story. Our position appears to be much worse than Ms. Wolf lets on.

To supplement her case, we can add some of the tactics which, even if they haven't been features of all fascist-enablers throughout history, have been used (and continue to be used) against American democracy:

11. Stage false flag terror attacks

Ms. Wolf doesn't go so far as to call 9/11 a false-flag attack, but I have no such qualms. It was obvious on the day, and the passage of time has made it even more so.

For that matter, the first attack on the World Trade Center (in 1993) was patently false. So too were the London bomb attacks of July 7, 2005, as well as the Madrid train bombings of March 11, 2004.

The constantly-repeated but unsubstantiated official stories of these attacks all make it look as if the entire world is under threat from terrorists. And in fact it is. But the terrorists are not Arabic or Muslim or hiding in a cave.

12. Corrupt the electoral process

Prevent people from voting if you think they will vote against you. If you can't prevent them from voting, prevent their votes from being counted. And if you can't prevent their votes from being counted, prevent them from being counted correctly.

13. Poison the nation's political discourse

Stake out violent, radical positions and call them "mainstream". Refer to your political opponents as "enemies" and call their positions "lunatic fringe", even if those positions were recently identified with mainstream politics.

Fabricate misleading names for your legislation, so people who know nothing about the actual bills will support them.

14. Lie about everything -- constantly!

Even if you get caught lying and are forced to tell the truth once, that's only a temporary setback. Go back to the original lie as early and as often as possible.

Presidential spokeswoman Dana Perrino recently told a news conference that our troops are in Iraq at the invitation of the Iraqi government. See how easy that was?

15. Attack on all fronts simultaneously

This splits the opposition. Some will oppose your foreign policy; some will oppose your domestic economic policy; some will oppose your domestic social policy. This works in your favor by dissipating their energy, and may even lead to arguments among the opposition as to which issue(s) should be fought hardest. Your main objective is to make sure the opposition never has a chance to unite.

16. Accuse your opponents of the crimes you intend to commit

If they deny the charges, you say "They'll deny anything." If they refuse to dignify your charges with a denial, you say "See! They don't even deny it". And then when you get caught doing it, you can claim it's no big deal -- just something everybody does.

17. Disguise your agenda

If your society is affluent, pretend to be conservative. People who consider themselves conservative are basically very greedy and extremely stupid and they will support you to the hilt, especially if they have no idea what you are doing.

If your society is poverty-stricken, pretend to be socialist. Then the people who have nothing will support you in the hope of improving their lot. It will never happen, of course, but they probably won't find out until it's too late.

18. Engage in selective political assassination

Disguise some of the murders as accidents, but in other cases make it very plain that the victim was deliberately killed. This not only eliminates potentially powerful opposition but it also instills fear in the segment of society that the assassinated leaders represented.

19. Start a war and claim it's a national emergency

Claim special powers because the country is at war. Claim you are doing everything in your power to make the country safe. But don't actually take any steps in that direction, for the safer the people feel the less they will support you.

20. Hide as much information as possible

What they don't know can't hurt you.

21. Wrap your treason in the flag, and hide your sins behind the Bible.

It works like a charm. Doesn't it?

Here's Naomi Wolf again:
Of course, the United States is not vulnerable to the violent, total closing-down of the system that followed Mussolini's march on Rome or Hitler's roundup of political prisoners. Our democratic habits are too resilient, and our military and judiciary too independent, for any kind of scenario like that.
I disagree entirely. We may be just one false-flag attack away from total dictatorship.
Rather, as other critics are noting, our experiment in democracy could be closed down by a process of erosion.
Or perhaps a combination of both ... slow erosion and sudden shocks.

But that's a minor disagreement, in the grand scheme of things. More to the point:
We need to look at history and face the "what ifs". For if we keep going down this road, the "end of America" could come for each of us in a different way, at a different moment; each of us might have a different moment when we feel forced to look back and think: that is how it was before - and this is the way it is now.

"The accumulation of all powers, legislative, executive, and judiciary, in the same hands ... is the definition of tyranny," wrote James Madison. We still have the choice to stop going down this road; we can stand our ground and fight for our nation, and take up the banner the founders asked us to carry.
How can we in fact "stand our ground and fight for our nation"? I hope to explore that question in greater detail in upcoming posts. In the meantime, and as always, your thoughts and comments are most welcome.

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Video Interview: Aaron Russo with Alex Jones

Please watch this interview (from infowars) and learn what you can from it:

They spend quite a bit of their time discussing Russo's film "America: Freedom To Fascism". If you haven't see it yet, please click here!

... a doff of the cap to 99, for this catch and much more...

Saturday, February 10, 2007

Is America Doomed? Fisto-Crashism On The March

And a man's foes shall be they of his own household.
-- Matthew 10:36
Yesterday we were talking about the dangers of the so-called "Conservative" so-called "Christian" so-called "Right", and their malignant hybrid of politics and religion.

Today I have a riddle for you...

What is the most insidious and pervasive threat we face as a formerly free nation? Global Warming? Terrorism? George Bush? Osama bin Laden?

If you said "None of the Above", you and I may be on the same page, because I'm still thinking about Fisto-Crashism.

You may not know it yet, but there are Fisto-Crashists in your city or town, probably in your neighborhood, maybe in your own family. But nobody knows about them; you can't even find them with Google. (Click here to search for "Fisto-Crashist"!)

Guess what? That's the way they want it.

The Fisto-Crashist movement began with the merging of Christianity and Fascism -- an unspeakably wicked marriage of Faith, Hope, Love and Pure Evil, which many people call "Christo-Fascism". But then they twisted it.

And now the name is even more appropriate, in more ways than one. We've already been seeing the Iron Fist; we'll be seeing more of it soon unless I am much mistaken. And whether we prefer to admit it or not, we all know The Crash is coming, too.

Fisto-Crashists approach the Looming Global Crisis Of Unspeakable Scope with all bets hedged.

They claim to believe that nothing on Earth matters at all because they'll soon be whisked away in The Rapture and never have to worry about anything ever again. But they act as if nothing on Earth matters as much as who controls the oil.

Here's Chris Floyd:
Chris Hedges -- the former NY Times war correspondent who was essentially booted from the paper for daring to question the wisdom of the Dear Leader in launching an unprovoked, criminal war of aggression against Iraq (although we gather that the Times, like so many other Establishment worthies these days, has now had some second thoughts of their own about this escapade) -- has written a powerful new book about one of the greatest threats the American Republic faces today: the extreme Christianists who have allied with the Bush Faction militarists to birth a uniquely American style of fascism.

I've been tracking this movement myself for more than 30 years now, from the time my late brother and I used to gape, slack-jawed in appalled amusement, at the crazed rantings of late-night TV fringe preachers named Falwell, Robertson, Bakker and others. It seemed like a bad joke then -- but at the same time, I could see their bizarre brand of supposed Christianity -- with its blustering belligerence (War on the Russkies! War on the Ay-rabs! War to save our Panama Canal from the, er, Panamanians!), its condemnatory and exclusionary zeal, its arrogant self-righteousness, and, even then, its overriding obsession with sex (a topic never once addressed by Jesus in the Gospels), especially homosexual sex (remember Anita Bryant?) -- was beginning to make inroads among the people around us. Even our grandmother -- as gentle and tolerant a soul as could be imagined -- had been scared into sending money to these hucksters to help them "save" American society from the bogeymen of their imaginations and their twisted lusts.

Over the years, I watched with growing horror as these freaks from the fringe marched steadily to the center of American politics, making the beast with two backs with the worst elements of the Republican Party. Robertson went from curing goiters over the airwaves to running for president; Falwell went from squirming explosions of homosexual panic to prayer breakfasts in the White House; the dinky, late-night TV shows grew into international media networks worth billions of dollars. And the crank notions of divinely sanctioned militarism, aggressive obscurantism, blistering intolerance and virulent hatred of the personal freedom that lies at the heart of the American dream of "life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness," all became the official policies of the ruling faction of the United States government.

The hour is actually late to try to turn back this tide, but Hedges is bringing his considerable literary gifts and extensive learning and real-world experience to the fight for the Republic. His recent article in Truthdig gives a good overview of the concerns addressed by his new book, American Fascists. (How's that for plain talk?) He tells more in a recent Truthdig interview with James Harris and Robert Scheer...
And here's a brief snippet from that interview:

Chris Hedges: Truthdig Interview
I look at the religious right, the radical religious right, those people who want to create a Christian nation, as a mass movement. I don’t give them much religiosity at all. I think they have acculturated the Christian religion with the worst aspects of American imperialism and American capitalism.

They prey on the despair of tens of millions of Americans in this country who have been completely disenfranchised and shunted aside with the creation of this American oligarchy. That is the engine of the movement.

These people, their lives have become train wrecks, their communities have been physically obliterated with the flight of manufacturing jobs, or they live in these soulless exurbs, in places like Orange County, with no community center, no community rituals—you know, they don’t even have sidewalks. And they’re lonely, and they’re alienated, and they’re lost. And that’s the fodder that demagogues use to amass totalitarian movements.

And they do that by offering these people a world of magic, of belief in destiny and miracles and angels, that Jesus has a plan for them. And they essentially remove them from the reality-based world. That’s what creationism is about.

And everybody who’s written about despotic movements, from Hannah Arendt to Karl Popper to Fritz Stern to Robert Paxton, cites this despair as being the kindling that allows despotic, totalitarian movements to tear apart the open society.

So for me the radical Christian right is very much a manifestation of the inequities and the injustices that plague American society.

We now live in a country where the top 1 percent control more wealth, or have more wealth, than the bottom 90 percent combined. The absolute destruction of the working class -- and much of my family has been a victim of this -- has now been accompanied by an assault on the middle class.

So anything that can be put on software, from engineering to finance to architecture, can get outsourced, where it’ll end up in India, where they’ll work for a third of the wages, with no health insurance, no benefits. These kinds of assaults against the working and middle class are absolutely deadly to a democratic state.
I haven't been giving you many links so far but you'll find plenty of them near the bottom of this page. You can read as much or as little of the linked items as you want, of course; very few readers will have the heart to keep reading once they get an idea of what's happening here.

If you want the short form...

Beware the Fisto-Crashists!

Don't let them fool you with their political and religious doublespeak. They can lie out of both sides of their mouths at the same time. And they do.

Some people think the Fisto-Crashists are betraying the principles symbolized by the cross and the flag, but I'm not one of them. I agree they're contravening the laws (and neglecting the wisdom) expounded in the Bible and the Constitution. But in my opinion they can't betray any principles because they never had any principles in the first place!

Of course, this doesn't stop them from abusing cherished national and religious symbols. They'll wave the flag and wear the cross, or wear the flag and wave the cross -- whatever fools the people best.

Fisto-Crashists believe in simple and similar approaches to virtually every problem (and even some things that aren't problems).

They don't see anything wrong with beating their wives or abusing their kids, so why should they care about other people's kids, let alone other people's wives?

They don't see anything wrong with turning a free society into a police state (as long as they control the state!), and they don't see anything wrong with bombing, invading or otherwise destroying other countries, more or less at will.

We have ignored them to our great detriment. We continue to ignore them at our peril. The time is very late.

The Fist is here already.

The Crash is coming soon.

And our only choices are to Fight Fisto-Crashism NOW or Get Used To It FOREVER.



Chris Floyd:
Storming Heaven: The Rise of Pseudo-Christian Fascism

Amazon dot com:
Chris Hedges: American Fascists: The Christian Right and the War On America (Hardcover)

Truthdig Article:
Chris Hedges: Christianists on the March

Truthdig Interview:
Chris Hedges: The Christian Right’s War on America


Jeffrey Sharlet: Jesus Plus Nothing

Anthony Lappé: Meet 'The Family'

Katherine Yurica: The Despoiling of America: How George W. Bush became the head of the new American Dominionist Church/State


On a personal, Biblical, note:

I am constantly amazed by the hypocrisy of people who claim to believe every word of the Bible is literally true -- the inspired Word of God -- and yet manage to ignore the fact that the Bible tells us not only how to live our lives:
Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.
Blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comforted.
Blessed are the meek, for they will inherit the earth.
Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they will be filled.
Blessed are the merciful, for they will be shown mercy.
Blessed are the pure in heart, for they will see God.
Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called sons of God.

-- Matthew 5:3-9
but also how we -- as individuals and as a nation -- should should conduct ourselves:
Thou shalt not kill.
Thou shalt not commit adultery.
Thou shalt not steal.
Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbour.
Thou shalt not covet [...] any thing that is thy neighbour's.

-- Exodus 20:13-17
May the Almighty and Everlasting God have Mercy upon their Souls.
But may He Smite them with a Terrible Swift Sword FIRST!

Friday, February 9, 2007

Chris Hedges On Christian Fascism Vs American Democracy

Please read Chris Hedges: The Rise of Christian Fascism and Its Threat to American Democracy
Dr. James Luther Adams, my ethics professor at Harvard Divinity School, told his students that when we were his age -- he was then close to 80 -- we would all be fighting the "Christian fascists."

The warning, given 25 years ago, came at the moment Pat Robertson and other radio and television evangelists began speaking about a new political religion that would direct its efforts toward taking control of all institutions, including mainstream denominations and the government. Its stated goal was to use the United States to create a global Christian empire. This call for fundamentalists and evangelicals to take political power was a radical and ominous mutation of traditional Christianity. It was hard, at the time, to take such fantastic rhetoric seriously, especially given the buffoonish quality of those who expounded it. But Adams warned us against the blindness caused by intellectual snobbery. The Nazis, he said, were not going to return with swastikas and brown shirts. Their ideological inheritors had found a mask for fascism in the pages of the Bible.
Lots more. Very well written. Extremely important. Hint, hint!

Friday, January 5, 2007

Webster G. Tarpley: What To Do Next

UPDATED: see below
[Webster G.] Tarpley is a patriot who speaks five languages and is out front on the truth tours, technical analysis and in bringing people into the light concerning the methods of the covert ops, e.g., patsies, moles, etc., as per JFK assassination ad nauseum.

Until we openly teach the power of the mind, and how tractable the average citizen is, we will be vulnerable to various forms of mind control, propaganda and simple advertising manipulation, not to mention personal prejudice. Immature people are generally control-freaks and don't understand liberty for what it really is...rather than the channeled form of "freedom" we now generally experience as the Matrix-type existence. If we don't have control of our minds and have allowed ourselves to be conditioned to be sophists, it's all over...

So pass this everywhere, and get people thinking in terms of effective action, as Tarpley does.
So writes prez_usa_exile, who quotes Webster G. Tarpley
The 9/11 truth movement contributed decisively to the defeat of the pro-Bush forces in the November 2006 election. Bush and Rove intended to terrorize the electorate with the 9/11 fear issue, as they had successfully done in 2002 and 2004, to create an atmosphere conducive to stealing yet another election with vote fraud, vote suppression, and other illegal dirty tricks. But this time, as even some leading Democrats noted, the spell had been broken, and the nightmare vision had lost its hypnotic power. Bush was exposed as the desperate little demagogue behind the curtain. This was the result of five years of agitation and political education carried out by the 9/11 truth movement on the internet, through regional, national, and local conferences, in books and other publications, in battles for academic freedom on campus, and on cable television especially during 2005-6.

The turning point of the election campaign was probably the four telecasts in July-August of the round table of the Alex Jones Los Angeles conference, taped in late June; these broadcasts reportedly garnered the highest ratings in the history of C-SPAN thanks in part to a campaign of call-ins to talk radio by 9/11 truth activists and deflated the racist, militarist, and fascist 9/11 myth in the eyes of a whole stratum of opinion leaders. The Hillary Clinton-Lieberman-Rahm Emmanuel wing of the Democratic Party, by contrast, did everything possible to re-enforce the 9/11 myth and lose the election, and has been attempting ever since to throw away the fruits of victory in the name of "bi-partisan" sellouts.

The United States is now in the throes of a party re-alignment on the model of 1828, 1860, 1896, 1932, and 1968. This past election, like 1930 and 1966, was the prelude to and harbinger of a great historical watershed. If the cause of 9/11 truth prevails, the re-alignment can be resolved in a positive direction for the United States and the world. If 9/11 truth is strangled, the re-alignment may well turn out to be a re-alignment into totalitarian fascism. If the Democratic Party attempts to continue the war of civilizations imposed using the 9/11 pretext, it is the Democratic Party which will be destroyed. The new Congress must repudiate the discredited 9/11 commission and re-open the 9/11 question, working to bring the September criminals in the US government to justice.

The Baker-Hamilton commission is an attempt by the US ruling class to continue the Iraq and Afghan wars with different rhetorical packaging, pushing the neocon fascist madmen into the background and attempting to recruit Syria for a US-sponsored Sunni alliance with Saudi Arabia, Jordan, and Egypt to oppose the Shiite bloc of Iran, Hezbollah, and the Iraqi Shiites. Baker-Hamilton ignore the grave danger that the 150,000 US troops in landlocked Iran will have their supply lines cut by insurgents, leading to their encirclement, decimation, and rout. Bush's likely insistence on escalating the Iraq war into an endless bloodbath, while retaining the lunatic victory rhetoric of the neocons and preserving total US subservience to Israel, may well propel part of the ruling class to seek the impeachment of the current regime, or Bush's ouster under the XXV Amendment. Such conflict is the public expression of a contrast within the US-UK ruling class itself between an extremist pro-fascist financier faction identified with George Shultz, and the imperialist grouping represented by James Baker III. The hegemony of either of these groupings spells doom for the United States as the death agony of the US dollar unfolds over the coming months. All indications point to a looming catastrophic worldwide dollar panic as more and more countries refuse to accept the US currency in payment for oil, raw materials, and other exports. The US ruling class will try to save the dollar by means of a regime of genocidal austerity here on the home front. We demand instead that the finance oligarchs pay for the crisis by means of a securities transfer tax (Tobin tax), taxes on the $300 trillion in derivatives held by Wall Street, and other taxes on the parasitical top 2% who have been the beneficiaries of the predatory tax policies of the Bush regime.

Bush-Cheney will necessarily attempt to motivate their policy of endless war and wider war against the will of 80% of the electorate by obsessive and compulsive citation of the lessons of 9/11. In this way they will place 9/11 more than ever before at the center of political conflict. Our ability to further dismantle and discredit the 9/11 myth will be the key to defeating Bush-Cheney and their war regime. By sweeping the 9/11 myth into the garbage can of history, we will destroy Bush's last line of defense. In doing this, the 9/11 truth movement is the only force which can save the United States.

The Democratic rubber-stamping of al Qaeda founder and Iran-contra criminal Robert Gates as Pentagon boss shows that the Democratic Party is strongly inclined to capitulate to Bush. Despite the parliamentary cretinism of Speaker Pelosi, other forces are at work to radicalize the Democrats. Whatever legislation the Democratic Congress may pass is likely to be vetoed by Bush. The one important power the Congress can exercise is that of oversight hearings, using subpoenas to compel testimony and the disclosure of documents by such lawless officials as Gonzalez, Rice, etc. Cheney has already signaled that the administration will refuse to comply, citing the fascist theory of the "unitary executive." This will force the Congress, deprived of any other way of justifying their own existence, to resort to contempt of Congress citations, funding cutoffs (on the model of the Hatfield-McGovern amendment that ended the Vietnam war), and boycotts of Bush's nominees. The resulting constitutional crisis over checks and balances would then set the stage for the impeachment of top officials.

US-led coalitions are facing catastrophic defeat in Iraq and Afghanistan, while the vaunted Israeli army has been mauled by Hezbollah during this past summer's war in southern Lebanon. These events symbolize the death knell of imperialism in the Middle East. Oblivious of this, the Shultz-Cheney faction continues to strive for a new 9/11, a new Gulf of Tonkin, of other provocations which would enable US nuclear attack on Iran, North Korea, Venezuela, or other nations. Since these machinations would most likely be conducted under the cover of exercises and drills, we must maintain our vigilance, including by forcing the new Congress to address the issues of what 9/11 really was and how it could be repeated by the rogue networks in the CIA, Pentagon, etc. We must:

1. Impeach Bush-Cheney and top administrations officials (Gonzalez, Rice, etc.) for 9/11 crimes, starting with the overwhelming prima facie case for misprision of treason. (The Vermont Idea)

2. Deploy 9/11 Truth Squads into New Hampshire, Iowa, and other early primary/caucus states to confront candidates of all parties, challenging them to repudiate the racist, militarist, and fascist official myth of 9/11, re-open the investigations, and bring the actual perpetrators -- the 9/11 September criminals infesting the US government to justice. We reject the warmongers, totalitarians, globalizers, and state terrorists from all parties.

3. Aggressively lobby the new Congress to re-open 9/11, condemn the discredited Kean-Hamilton-Zelikow commission report, end the Iraq war at once, block the planned attacks on Iran, Syria, North Korea and Venezuela, and ward off new acts of US-UK false flag state sponsored terrorism. We want the Patriot Act repealed, habeas corpus restored, and illegal NSA wiretaps shut down.

4. Prepare now to field slates of 9/11 truth candidates in the 2007 and 2008 elections, with a view to pushing the ongoing party re-alignment towards a positive anti-fascist outcome compatible with human progress.

5. Expand the effort of drill monitoring to deprive the ruling elite of the option of bootlegging new synthetic terror actions under the cover of military exercises and homeland security drills.

6. Call for more whistle blowers and deep throats to come forward with the truth of how 9/11 was a deliberate provocation run through the US military-security bureaucracy. We must identify, denounce, expose, and shut down suspect drills, educating world opinion about how drills are the matrix of state terrorism.

7. Prepare the ground for mass actions, including an open-ended general strike on the model of Spain in March 2004, to fight back against new state terrorist provocations, wider aggressive wars, and attempts to cancel elections or impose martial law.

8. In the context of the ongoing death agony of the US dollar, prepare urgent measures for emergency relief, job creation, re-industrialization, and economic recovery along the lines of the New Deal.

9. Work for the convocation during 2007 of an Independent International Truth Commission of eminent world figures to pass judgment of the US-UK official explanation of the 9/11 events and the neocon war of civilizations deriving from them.

10. The 9/11 truth movement, having largely transcended the artificial and obsolete left-right divide, will continue to work for the convergence of leftists, progressives, conservatives, greens, libertarians, and all persons of good will on the basis of a program of rejection war and dictatorship, and promoting economic recovery. This is a vital contribution to the ongoing party realignment and crisis of the political system.
The emphasis above is mine, and I wonder what you think about all (or any part of) this.

Please speak freely, as usual.

UPDATE: It's happening!!

From the Boston 9/11 Truth Blog:
Announcing an afternoon of TRUTH with Webster Tarpley

Jan 20th, 2006 11AM at the Friends Meeting House,
141 Central Avenue
Dover, NH

Webster Tarpley, noted author of 9/11 Synthetic Terror: Made in USA, and George Bush: The Unauthorized Biography, will lead the day's activities for 9/11 activists, the public and invited guests in an event to create "Truth Squads" which will present a challenging presence to the presidential candidates in New Hampshire.

In his presentation Webster will discuss the current political party realignment and whether this transition will take us towards a new progressive phase or a more fascist and draconian society. As well the political evidence of 9/11 crimes, the dollar collapse, the dangers of a new 9/11 and the impending collapse of US forces in Iraq will be addressed by Mr. Tarpley.

Additional speakers will be added to address the issues of Impeachment and ending the war in Iraq.


Peggy Brewster: [email protected] (Seacoast 9-11 Questions)
Jason King: [email protected] (Boston 9/11 Truth Committee)

More details to follow at:

Voice Mail: 617-401-8047
Email: [email protected]
Anyone close enough to attend?? Have a go at it! You never know what you can do until you try!!