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Showing posts with the label spring

Early spring

Tonight I sat at the dinner table looking out at this fabulous early warm-up and its effects on the world around me. We live back off the road a ways. We have woods to one side of us and fields on the other three. The land behind us and to the side is owned by a lady who uses it for hay and for riding her horses. In front of us, the man who lives down by the road does a pretty good job of keeping his field mowed down. I prefer the sides that grow wild except for when its time to hay. I like the scrub trees that grow. I like to watch the wind blow through the grass and the different flowers that come into bloom. Its exciting to know that the season is changing and that even though I can't physically see them with my eyes plants are beginning to bud and animals that have burrowed away are starting their spring routine. There's a smell outside that no-one can capture in a perfume bottle and it rides on a breeze that's soft to my skin. As I sit at the table I have an urge to go