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Taking Care of Ourselves & Each Other

Health & Well-Being Resources

Vaden Health Services

Vaden Health Services exterior, 2024. Credit: Nikolas Liepins / Ethography
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We are dedicated to providing you with exceptional care to support your health and well-being. For more information about our services, we invite you to explore the options below and beyond. 

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About Vaden Health Services


Vaden Health Services News

Vaden Health Services Upcoming Events

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Frosh Opening, 2023. Credit: Nikolas Liepins / Ethography
2024-2025 Information

Important Information for 2024-2025 Cardinal Care

We are pleased to present important information regarding the 2024-2025 University health insurance requirement, the benefits offered through Cardinal Care, and the Cardinal Care Enrollment Policy. Additional information includes Travel Assistance when away from campus, and the option for students with Cardinal Care coverage to enroll their dependents in the Dependent Care plan.

Illustration of young woman listening with headphones to her smartphone with the words 'TimelyCare' next to her.
Additional no cost option for virtual medical and mental health care.

TimelyCare option for students

TimelyCare expands both the times and the locations where Stanford students can receive care: The service offers 24/7 virtual medical and mental health care and can serve students anywhere in the United States. TimelyCare is offered as a supplement to the extensive existing in-person and virtual services offered by Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS)Vaden Medical Services, and other Vaden and on-campus resources.

Abstract pastel floral background with soft light and airy colors artistic digital illustration.
Professional staff and your peers are ready to support you, regardless of what point you are in your mental health and well-being journey.

Mental Health Resources at Stanford

This website is your go-to hub for navigating the many mental health and well-being resources at Stanford. Whether you are seeking advice to establish your self-care routine, looking for ways to manage stress or mental health symptoms, tips to help a friend, someone supportive to talk to, or anything in between, you are not alone.

Kingscote Exterior Credit: Unknown