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- "Travelin' through hyperspace ain't like dustin' crops, boy! Without precise calculations we could fly right through a star or bounce too close to a supernova, and that'd end your trip real quick, wouldn't it?"
- ―Han Solo, to Luke Skywalker
A navigation computer was a computer used to make the necessary calculations to navigate at faster-than-light speeds known as hyperspace.[1] It was also sometimes known as a navicomputer[2] or nav computer.[3]
Although navicomputers were used in most of the known galaxy, they functioned poorly in the Unknown Regions. As a result, the peoples of the Unknown Regions used Force-sensitive navigators with the power of precognition instead of navicomputers.[4] In particular, the Chiss Ascendancy used Force-sensitive children known as ozyly-esehembo as navigators.[5]
The assassin Ochi of Bestoon had his navicomputer wipe clean to cover his tracks and keep his secret assignment hidden.[6]
Non-canon appearances[]
"Splash Landing!" — LEGO Star Wars 96 (Mentioned only)