Americanface, ground floor

Youtube Spiders On Drugs creator apeman888
Remember Spiders On Drugs, of the 23 million views on Youtube? Victoria filmmaker Andrew Struthers, aka First Church of Christ, has followed it up with a series called AMERICANFACE, “an epic comedy adventure serial about a pilgrimage I once made to Tibet by mistake.” Struthers is digital age James Burke. Texts are published at The Tyee.

Daily 90 second episodes have been concatenated into weekly portions, hence parts 1-8. Americanface is on hiatus for the holidays.

At Struther’s column on The Tyee, you can see each episode with its accompanying text. Although this great bit of script seems to have been cut from the Schrodinger’s Cat segment:

The health club was in Kawanishi. Strange town. Streets crisscrossed by ditches that ran blue with dye from acres of drying frames, where stretched hundreds of leather hides, like the husks of indigo cows.

The club’s cavernous gymnasium rattled with cries and smashing sticks from a hundred housewives playing kendo. To drown it out, the PA blared techno beats and western pop songs, interrupted by Coppertone ads beseeching Japanese women to get a tan, “Like a healthy gaijin,” because the Geisha whiteface look had become passe.

One song played over and over until it wore out my mind like cheap underpants:

Touch me
Touch me
I want to feel your body
Your heart beat next to mine

Fortunately, in the weight room we had a boom box for tapes. But there was only one tape, and it played the same damn song:

Touch me
Touch me now!

After weeks of torment, I tried to destroy the tape. Turned out the singer was Samantha Fox, Rupert Murdoch’s golden girl. She’d gone from Page Three of the Sun to spokeswoman for the Times to international rock star. I had filed her under bimbo, but it looked like she knew something about Schrodinger’s Cat.

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