たぶんロサンゼルス郡で一番美味しい中華海鮮レストラン。活きた海老、ロブスター、蟹、魚を蒸したり、焼いたり、炒めて出してくれる。あさり、貝柱、牡蠣、アワビもある。12月12日日曜、久しぶりに4人でランチスペシャルを食べました。 (貝柱と野菜の炒め物。Scallop with Mixed Vegetables $7.25) Harbor Palace Restaurant: This is probably the best Chinese seafood restaurant in Los Angeles county. They serve steamed or baked live shrimps, live lobsters, live crabs, and live fish. They have scallops, clams, and abalone as well. Four of us went there for Lunch Specials on Sunday, Dec. 12, 2010.
ランチスペシャルは週7日毎日あり、$5.50 から$7.25の豊富なメニューの中から選べます。お茶、ご飯、スープ、杏仁豆腐付き。 いつも中国人客で賑わう。16年前、中国人の足の裏と針灸の陳先生に連れて行ってもらいました。 Lunch specials are served daily at price range of $5.50 to $7.25 that includes an entree of your choice, hot tea, steamed rice, Soup, and Almond jell-o. This restaurant is always crowded with Chinese people. I was introduced to this restaurant by Dr. Chin, a Chinese acupuncturist 16 years ago. エッグフラワースープ Egg Flower Soup ランチスペシャルに付いてくるスープです。
This comes with the Lunch Special.
あさり貝、黒豆ソース炒め Clam with Black Bean Sauce $7.25 新鮮なあさり、ピーマン、玉葱、ねぎを黒豆ソースでさっと炒めたもの。
Fresh Clam, Bell Pepper, Onion, and Green Onion are sauteed with Black Bean Sauce.
海老、ロブスターソース Shrimp with Lobster Sauce $6.50 海老、ピーマン、玉葱をとろみのあるロブスターソースで炒めたもの。
Shrimp, Bell Pepper, Onion are sauteed in thick Lobster Sauce with Corn Starch.
This comes with the Lunch Special. It's refreshing
Harbor Palace Restaurant 1949 W.Pacific Coast Hwy Lomita CA 90717 Btwn Eshelman Ave & Walnut St Tel: (310) 539-8220 Menu (← Link) Open 7 days 11:30 am - 10 pm
It's along "Tamaen BBQ". I was mentioning to my friends, "Dr.Chin introduced me to this restaurant." Then, Dr. Chin came to our table and said, " Lisa, don't eat too much. If you eat too much, you get fat." Then, he disappeared.
When you order, tell them, "Less Salt, Less Oil, No MSG." Then they will cook your food that way. Dr. Chin told me this back then.
Dream On@LAへようこそ! コメント、リンク大歓迎。. 留学からLA永住し28年以上経過。. ダンス、写真、映画、ヨガ、グルメ. 霊気、世界平和が趣味です。. Blog started 8/7/2007 Counter set 8/6/2008. Welcome to "Dream on@LA" blog! I welcome your comments. I live in LA, CA, USA. It's been over 28 years.
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