Showing posts with label italian. Show all posts
Showing posts with label italian. Show all posts

Thursday, July 28, 2016

New t-shirt collection - for men

For a long time I had this idea in my mind but always was something that disrupt me. Finally!!! I made it! Today I present you my new line of mens t-shrts decorated with vintage crochet doilies. All t-shirts has unique design, made from cotton and comfortable to wear

Dark blue Men's Shirt with vintage crochet applique - Size M

Mint green Men's Shirt with vintage crochet applique - Size S-M

Coral pink Men's Shirt with vintage crochet applique - Size M

Green Men's Shirt with vintage crochet applique - Size S

Wednesday, June 29, 2016

How To Dress Like An Italian - 8 tips

The Italians are famous for their sense of style, their inimitable fashion taste and the quality of their designer clothing. They have the ability always, under any circumstances, be dressed in such a way that they want to be. Why are Italians still considered the best dressed men in the world? Italian men fuse the best of the two; blending contemporary colours, prints and textures with timeless silhouettes and details. 

 For a long time I'm living in Italy, but since my arrive I wonder the style of Italian men. Even the boys of 10-12 years old, going on the friend birth, chooses carefully every piece of clothes and always create something special with hair :) :) 

My husband is a lawyer, in court, in theory, there should be a strict dress code, but Italians make out to look stylish. Sometimes a jacket and trousers have different color - this is called spezzare. Or he will put an interesting tie,  knitted for excample.
The choice of shoes is very important too.

Anyway, I decided to write a few tips to understand what it means to feel, and dress, like an Italian, what is their secret? Many of these points, in fact, belong to women's fashion too.

Italian men are very self-confident. They do not even admit that may look bad, or at least "not very good" (and they certainly do not). This confidence is literally seen through in everything they do. Gait, gestures, facial expressions, speech, posture - looking at them, you can never say that these people shy or afraid of something. They are not afraid to be bright, to experiment, to mix. Often, they allow themselves to wear what a German or a Frenchman would never have dared. They just know how to do it very skillfully and naturally. Largely thanks to this courage and love to experiment Italian men are almost always look elegant and unusual. However, they always feel the thin line beyond which begin the absurdity and lack of taste.

It is unlikely that someone from other countries of the World can match with the Italians in their boundless love for accessories. Glasses, scarves, belts, hats, caps, watches, cufflinks, bags, gloves. If the streets of Rome, Naples, Milan, or any city in Italy, you will meet a man without at least a pair of these accessories, be sure it will be a tourist.

1. Scarf

Italians usually have a lot of scarves. It's popular accessory and people wear them day and night, winter and summer, with a suit or sports jacket. Italians from childhood study the ability to wear scarves with nonchalance, tie a scarf  in 2 minutes in way that it will look like a modern replacement for the princely mantle.

Selecting a scarf, you need to know how and with what clothes you can wear one or another type of scarf. For example, a long narrow scarf can casually throw around the neck. It will perfectly complement the classic business coat. Thin cashmere scarves are perfect for the suit. Not bad in this case, knitted scarf too. Monochrome and colorful knitted scarves are the perfect accessory when used with a sweater or jacket.

2. Shoes - a visiting card of a man.

 If a man has only one shoe, they quickly will be ruined.  If the shoe do not fit the style, they will automatically look cheaper than they are. The Italians are paying great attention to the shoes. It must be made from natural material (leather, suede) necessarily have to be of good quality.

3. Sunglasses

Details make the image, so the Italians, both men and women, usually have at home many sunglasses and choose one with great care to fit clothes on the basis of color and overall style. Wearing sunglasses at night or indoors - not mauvais ton, but only if the sunglasses are the part of your image.

Picking up of a sunglasses should be based on the traits of the face. Better take ones from well known label, a "left" sunglasses is not only spoil the looks, but also damage the sight.

You have myopia and need to wear corrective glasses? Here, too, there is a huge choice and Italians choose them with even greater care. Forget "wonk" and "barnacled" just because you worn glasses in the school time - is the classy accessory in Italy and element of the style.

4. The art of sprezzatura

In Italian there is a term sprezzatura, I can translate like STUDIED CARELESSNESS, an appearance of effortlessness. It's a way a man dresses and looks good without looking like he tried too hard. Wore the tie askew, with the skinny end hanging longer than the wide end. Wore  a rumpled scarf, It would seem accidental. Managed bed heads, jackets thrown on “with a lot of care”, loafers without socks, monotones with one single item of clothing in an offset color, mismatched pocket square and neck tie. All of this, you got that right, Sprezzatura. 

 5. Hairstyle

Italian men usually have fleecy hair, and rarely have short hairstyles. They are not afraid to dye hair or make highlights, use styling gel. In general they follow the trends of hairstyles. However, even if you happen to be bald - it's not a problem, because you still have a beard and mustache)) 

6. Slim Shirt

Italian wears slim shirt to work, on a picnic, for a shopping or lunch in a nearby coffee bar. Shirts are weared flowing or not, and pattern or color can be whichever, even with flowers. The most popular color for the shirt under the suit - light blue in evrery variation. But most importantly - the fit! It's usually slim fit with darts. Men often order shirts in specialty stores where you can select the model and fabric, and the tailor sew a shirt according to your measurements.

Very often, the Italians roll up shirt sleeves. Very elegant gesture to come to work or to negotiate, take off your jacket, unbutton the sleeves, a few minutes waving hands (do not forget about the active gestures!), and sleeves, and then roll up them with elegant movement. Voila :)

7. Layering, or like I call it - to dress like a "cabbage"

IT is creating a sense of depth with clever layering. Italian men won't think twice about wearing a classic shirt beneath a knitted overshirt, beneath a vest, beneath a blazer, beneath an overcoat
Layering means that when you look at yourself, you can simultaneously see all the clothes that you are wearing, except, perhaps, underwear. The more elements in your outfit, the more it is used in colors, textures and patterns.

8. Quality sweater of fine wool or cotton for a fresh weather.

The classic version - sweater, slim shirt with unbuttoned the first button and the scarf. It can also be buttoned cardigan. My husband almost always wear shirt and thin sweater in office, if he have not go to court. Over it it's often weared a casual jacket or something like it. When it gets warm, you can simply remove the sweater and tie it on the shoulders.

I hope my tips will help you :)

Friday, May 6, 2016

Wholegrain pasta with topinambur, zucchini e walnuts recipe

Uh, the name of this recipe is too long, but it's very simple to cook)) Actually, I used wholegrain farro pasta or emmer (farro dicocco), but it would be even longer to write it in the title)) In general, the you can choose pasta as you want.

You will need 2 servings

  •  130-150 grams of pasta, depending on your appetite)
  • 400g Jerusalem artichoke (topinambur)
  • 200-250 g zucchini
  • 1 medium onion
  • 60 g of crushed walnuts
  • 20 ml of olive oil
  • 50g grated pecorino romano cheese
  • salt

Jerusalem artichoke has many names - sunchoke, sunroot, earth apple, but in Italy we call it topinambur. For myself I have discovered it recently. I started to look for recipes and I tried different ones. I can say that this recipe is my own creation)) Ahead you will find another recipe of burgers made of Jerusalem artichokes and some vegetables, but I will write about it next time. The Taste is similar to artichokes and potatoes at the same time, very gentle. 

So, it is necessary to clean topinamburs -  peel the skin thoroughly, otherwise there will be undercooked pieces. Cut into medium pieces and put them to boil. It needs not less than half an hour too cook, pierce it with a fork from time to time. 
Lets prepare the cream - clean and finely chop the onion. Fry it on a low heat until soft. Zucchini should be cut into thin strips. Add them to the onion.

In a separate small pot fry the walnuts with olive oil and then add to the pot with zucchini and onions. When the topinambur is cooked, remove it with a slotted spoon and put pasta into the same cooking water. Topinambur you need to grind in a blender into cream and mix with zucchini, onions and walnuts.

Now you can turn off the fire under them and wait for the pasta.

Of course, you can boil pasta in a separate pot, it will be faster, but in topinambur cooking water pasta will be tastier) a little secret)

When pasta is al dente, drain,  and mix it with the cream. Sprinkle with the  pecorino romano before serving. 

Bon Appetit! 

Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Wholegrain pasta with broccoli and walnuts cream

I like traditions of Mediterranean cuisine, because there are used a lot of greens, vegetables, fresh salads and of course extra virgin olive oil)) Perhaps this is th reason that people live here almost 100 years, taking a coffee in a local bar in the morning, going to the hairdresser, taking a glass of red wine in the evening with friends (other old age people))) Tasty and healthy food from the field near the town directly to the table what can be better! 
Now, of course, young people are spoiled and use white flour instead of whole wheat. Previously, all the bread and pasta were made of whole wheat flour and white one was used only for making sweets for the holidays, it was very expensive. Now everyone eats a lot, whereas previously there was a fish day and a meat day and not everyone could afford it.

But I have moved away from the topic, and today I show you how to cook wholegrain pasta with cream of broccoli and walnuts. This is a very simple and quick recipe. You can try to cook this pasta for your the children))

You will need 2 portions:

  • 300g of broccoli
  • 70-80gr of wholegrain pasta
  • 40g of chopped walnuts
  • 1 small hot pepper, can be dry or fresh or in powder (optional)
  • 20 ml of extra virgin olive oil
  • 1-2 cloves of garlic
  • 50g of grated pecorino romano cheese
  • salt and pepper

Break up the broccoli florets so the flowers are quite small. Put them to boil in salted water. 

When they are cooked, remove them from the water and leave it to boil pasta. Grind the broccoli with mixer, adding a bit of cooking water, pepper and olive oil.

Cook the pasta according to the package directions,  until the pasta is al dente

Meantime, chop garlic finely. Heat olive oil in a large pan, add garlic and fry for 1 minute, then add chopped walnuts (and hot pepper) and fry gently for 1 min. The final touch - add the cream of broccoli. If pasta is not ready, then turn off. Turn it on later before adding pasta.

When pasta is al dente, drain, leaving 1/2 cup of cooking water, and mix it with the broccoli cream. Gently stir on the heat for 1-2 minutes. Add pasta cooking water if necessary.
Sprinkle with the  pecorino romano before serving. IT's a really mandatory final touch!

As you can see, everything is very simple)


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