Friday, June 29, 2012

New leather bobby pins

The easiest and most effective way to change the image - to change hairstyle. You do not have to go to the hairdresser, you need to buy unique hair accessories!
Today I am presenting to you two new bobby pins:
Bobby pins with a cream flower made ​​of suede leather will accentuate the beauty of your hair and create a romantic mood. You can use them also to decorate wedding hairstyles.

Bobby pins with black flowers are perfectly suited for everyday work hairstyles.


Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Crochet wrap beach skirt

Crochet wrap beach skirt is very cute, comfortable and practical beach accessory. This is an excellent alternative for common beach pareos. It also allows you to create your own unique and original beach style.
Crochet beach swimwear is one of the most important trends of beach season 2012.

Pattern I found here.
Crochet this skirt is a pleasure, it’s easy and quickly. You should crochet from top down, first few rows make double crochets, and then make net, gradually increasing the number of crochets. In the end sew satin ribbons to the edges for tie the skirt.

Well, as an option for those who does not know how to crochet, but knows how to sew - go on the market to buy an vintage crochet tablecloth, of course check that it has not holes and without spots, and sew a wrap skirt. It will be very nice!

You will need satin ribbon (length=length of the skirt+ties) and the cotton ribbon of smaller width than the satin (length=length of the skirt). Cut the cloth as you like to get the piece for the skirt. Put top edge of the skirt between satin and cotton ribbon and sew. Your skirt are ready!

Friday, June 22, 2012

New bicolored earrings

This is my new creation - bicolored circle leather earrings.

It will make great set with this brooch - what you think?

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Saturday on the airshow

In early June, on Saturday we went to a small town 60 km from Brindisi to see the airshow. Of course so strong word is too much to call this event, but it was something interesting to see.

This is a team of four aircraft perfomed stunts and drew figures in the sky with smoke:

Then came flights of single aircrafts, they done terrible things in the air! Spinning in all directions, perform loop the loop, maked tailspin...

Then, along of the field flew paragliders appeared (maybe they call different) with the motor and against sunset they looked very nice. 

They liked me so much that I asked to be photographed with them when they landed. By the way, I'm the only one asked this))

Then there were the simple paratroopers, but they just have landed and did not make anything in air. I expected more... Well, at least to see stay one over another in flight ...
At the end of the evening the balloon was inflated and showed it in front of the audience. So, in the program was not promised that it will fly.

This stand of local producers: statoline bread baked in wooden oven, buns and all sorts of other goodies. By the way, we bought some and I can tell you it was yummy!

Tired and happy we got home at 10pm.

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Interview with Irina from IrinaPhotographyCard

Today I present interview with talented photographer and my friend Ira. She sell hers photos in  IrinaPhotographyCard etsy shop. There you will find amazing photos for home decor and beautiful greeting cards to send to your friends:

Tell me a bit about yourself! 
My name is Irina. I grown up in a beautiful country Ukraine at great and beautiful Crimea Peninsula. It's southern part of Ukraine that was very famous in Soviet Union like tourist place.

 How did you get started?
I took this passion from my dad who's been done photography since his teen age. I remember from my childhood a lot of photographs of my mom and dad, my grandmas and grandpas. They all were done by my dad. They were black and white pictures developed at home. He taught me how to do that, and I have began with black and white film photography, with developing and printing. I clearly remember how it was exciting... My dad, mom, and I always printed photographs at very late night. We didn't have black room, so there wasn't choice to do that at day time. My parents set up printing tools, and for me, it was like a some kind of magic. :) We still keep the gear in my parent's home. :)

Do you have a daily job, and what do you do?
Yes, I have a daily job. I'm a software quality assurance engineer. Photography is my hobby that soothes my soul and  helps me to relax at the end of the day. :)

Where do you get your inspiration?
I guess, my main source of inspiration is mother nature. At first glance, landscapes are still. But this is not true. Every moment changes all around us: look at the sky... it's in motion, look at the light on hills.. it's in motion. :) I like to come back in my favorite places such as Yosemite park and others... I have a lot of pictures taken from the same point, but the photographs all different. So yes, definitely mother nature is my source of inspiration. :)

What is your ideal vision for the future for you and your work?
Honestly, I want to keep it as a hobby. I would love to sell a lot of photographs but not because of money. When people buy, it means they like my work. And this is the most important. :) 


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