Welcome to read the second part of my story about south italians markets - Fish market
Brindisi without sea urchins I can't imagine) in season when the picking of them is permitted you can find sea urchins everywhere - in the border of the streen, on the market, in avery fish restourant. I like to eat them freshly picked on the yacht of out friends dangling feet in the sea)
Sea urchins and mussels and giant octopus
Fish shop where you can find every fish from our sea and also from other places too like sword-fish or tuna
They are always ready to pose) The seller of shrimps
These are vey small anchovy,
but in winter there are much smaller called "Schiuma di mare" - Sea foam. Usially it's eated raw with lemon or mixed with eggs and fried.
Brindisi without sea urchins I can't imagine) in season when the picking of them is permitted you can find sea urchins everywhere - in the border of the streen, on the market, in avery fish restourant. I like to eat them freshly picked on the yacht of out friends dangling feet in the sea)
These are fish from the sea near rocks, we call them Rock fish. They are perfect for "Zuppa di pesce" of Fish soup or with pasta. The fish is very fresh and often it's alive and you can see its movements.
This is anglerfish (at least this name I found in internet) - terrible to see but delicious to eat)
This one was still alive
The owner always scale fish for customers
They are always ready to pose) The seller of shrimps
Cicale di mare - Small European locust lobster
but in winter there are much smaller called "Schiuma di mare" - Sea foam. Usially it's eated raw with lemon or mixed with eggs and fried.