IEEE Annual Election Voting Eligibility
The election categories on the annual election ballot reflect what the voting member is eligible to vote for.
The absence of a category for Region Delegate/Director or Division Delegate/Director on your ballot indicates that no election is being conducted in the organizational unit(s) for the current election year.
For all categories, voting eligibility is determined as of 31 March of the election year.
IEEE President-Elect Election
Only voting members of IEEE on record as of 31 March holding the membership grade of Graduate Student Member (GSM) or higher are eligible to vote for IEEE President-Elect.
Technical Division Elections
The IEEE Societies are clustered within ten Technical Divisions, each represented on the IEEE Board of Directors by a Division Delegate/Director who serves a two‑year term. The Division Delegate/Director (or Division Delegate-Elect/Director‑Elect) is elected by the voting members of the Division every other year from a slate nominated by the Divisional Committee or nominated by petition.
A Division Delegate/Director must be an IEEE member in good standing, must be of IEEE Senior Member grade or higher, and must be a member of at least one Society in their Division.
Only voting members of IEEE on record as of 31 Marche who are also members of a society belonging to the Division category on the ballot may vote for that Division. Members must hold the membership grade of Graduate Student Member (GSM) or higher.
The Divisions and constituent Societies are:
Division I
- IEEE Circuits and Systems Society
- IEEE Electron Devices Society
- IEEE Solid-State Circuits Society
Division II
- IEEE Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation Society
- IEEE Electronics Packaging Society
- IEEE Industry Applications Society
- IEEE Instrumentation and Measurement Society
- IEEE Power Electronics Society
- IEEE Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics and Frequency Control Society
Division III
- IEEE Communications Society
Division IV
- IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society
- IEEE Broadcast Technology Society
- IEEE Consumer Technology Society
- IEEE Electromagnetic Compatibility Society
- IEEE Magnetics Society
- IEEE Microwave Theory and Techniques Society
- IEEE Nuclear and Plasma Sciences Society
Division V
- IEEE Computer Society
Division VI
- IEEE Education Society
- IEEE Industrial Electronics Society
- IEEE Product Safety Engineering Society
- IEEE Professional Communication Society
- IEEE Reliability Society
- IEEE Society on Social Implications of Technology
- IEEE Technology and Engineering Management Society
Division VII
- IEEE Power & Energy Society
Division VIII
- IEEE Computer Society
Division IX
- IEEE Aerospace and Electronic Systems Society
- IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Society
- IEEE Information Theory Society
- IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Society
- IEEE Oceanic Engineering Society
- IEEE Signal Processing Society
- IEEE Vehicular Technology Society
Division X
- IEEE Computational Intelligence Society
- IEEE Control Systems Society
- IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society
- IEEE Photonics Society
- IEEE Robotics and Automation Society
- IEEE Systems, Man, and Cybernetics Society
Regional Elections
The world is divided into ten IEEE Regions, each represented on the IEEE Board of Directors by a Region Delegate/Director who serves a two‑year term. The Region Delegate/Director (or Region Delegate-Elect/Director‑Elect) is elected by the voting members of the Region every other year from a slate nominated by the Regional Committee or nominated by petition. The Region territories are not necessarily confined to state or country boundaries. When such boundaries are crossed, the state or country is listed under the Region that contains most of its area.
A Region Delegate/Director must be an IEEE member in good standing, must be of IEEE Senior Member grade or higher, and must reside in and be a member of their respective Region.
Only voting members on record as of 31 March are eligible to vote for the Region Delegate-Elect/Director-Elect where they reside. Members must hold the membership grade of Graduate Student Member (GSM) or higher.
The ten IEEE Regions are:
- Region 2 - Eastern and Northern USA
- Region 3 - Southeastern USA
- Region 4 - Central USA
- Region 5 - Southwestern USA
- Region 6 - Western USA
- Region 7 - Canada
- Region 8 - Europe, Middle East and Africa
- Region 9 - Latin America
- Region 10 - North Asia
- Region 11 - South Asia and Pacific
Standards Association Elections (SA)
Only voting members of IEEE who are also Standards Association individual members on record as of 31 March are eligible to vote for the Standards Association President-Elect. Corporate members are not eligible to vote for Standards Association President-Elect. Members must hold the membership grade of Graduate Student Member (GSM) or higher.
Standards Association President-Elect/President must be an IEEE member in good standing, must be an IEEE Senior Member grade or higher, must be an IEEE SA member in good standing, and must have been a voting member of the IEEE SA BoG.
All individual members of the Standards Association on record as of 31 March are eligible to vote for the Standards Association Board of Governors Members-at-Large. All corporate members of the Standards Association, via their respective representatives, are eligible to vote for the Standards Association Board of Governors Members-at-Large. No member grade required to vote for Standards Association Board of Governors Members-at-Large.
Standards Association Board of Governors Members-at-Large must be an IEEE member (IEEE Member grade or higher) in good standing, and must be an IEEE SA member in good standing.
Technical Activities Election
Technical Activities Vice President-Elect/President must be an IEEE member in good standing, must be of IEEE Senior Member grade or higher, must have served as a Section/Council President or Division Director, and must be a member of at least one Society.
IEEE eligible voting members on record as of 31 March who are also members of at least one technical Society are entitled to vote for Technical Activities Vice President-Elect. Members must hold the membership grade of Graduate Student Member (GSM) or higher.
IEEE United States of America Election (IEEE-USA)
IEEE-USA President-Elect/President must be an IEEE member in good standing and must be of IEEE Senior Member grade or higher.
IEEE eligible voting members on record as of 31 March shall be members of a US IEEE Region and shall reside in the United States or its territories. Members must hold the membership grade of Graduate Student Member (GSM) or higher.
IEEE Women in Engineering Committee Election (WIEC)
Eligible candidates for WIEC Chair-Elect shall be at Senior Member or Fellow grade and shall be IEEE WIE Members in good standing. To provide opportunity to most of the constituent regions all individuals residing in the Region of the WIEC Chair or WIEC Past Chair shall not be eligible for this position.